Men's Group
Related: About this forumSpeakers at "Values Voter Summit" Oppose Porn, Blame Gay People For Holocaust. Vu~! Who does that sound like?
It's far past time, I think, to call out these people, their enablers, their allies, and their entire Theocratic, authoritarian agenda. To vigorously oppose the Religious Right and their friends as they attempt to tell consenting adults what choices they can make, with their lives, their entertainment, and with their own bodies.
It also seems that Women voters are still staying away from the Romney ticket in droves. Odd, despite Romney's heavy emphasis on promising to censor smut, something some people seem to believe is a front-burner item for American Women.
Odd, since it would appear that either most women in America support free expression for consenting adults, or they just don't give that much of a shit.

4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)That doesn't mean that they necessarily love it, but they have come to terms with the fact that other people do and really don't care (consenting adults and all that).
I like to think that rad-fems are a very very very small minority in their rabid anti-porn stance.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Yet not only do we apparently have Billions of dollars with which to lock up every pot smoker in the country, now it seems we're ALSO going to have to finance uterus, birth control, and "masturbation to nudie magazines" police, too.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)The saddest part is she also took much of the better parts of feminism with her since her rhetoric poisoned the well and turned people off to feminism because her ego and the egos of those like her got a disproportional share of the media attention. She also lived to see the right wing who she had allied with turn against her and used her as a poster child for what was wrong with the left. Rad fems are still oblivious to this day about the damage she caused.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)but also to denigrate men.
Any rights movement based around hate for the other side is going to turn nasty.
If this were the civil rights movement she'd have been Malcolm X but with a bigger following when really they needed a MLK.
Women have gender specific issues that need to be addressed just as men do. But neither side needs to go about that by tearing down the other side.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Anyone who bothered to objectively read any of her books knew this. Her disciples countered their charges by giving the example of her marriage and that may even be one of the reasons why she got married in the first place. She self described as an asexual lesbian and often denigrated her husband referring to him as non-genital among other things. I can't imagine how there could have been any love in that relationship.
name not needed
(11,663 posts)Silly me.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)It's always the porn.