Men's Group
Related: About this forumAwesome PSA about male breast cancer
Not terribly safe for work so be careful.
Chris O'Dowd as Lars Larson as the Man With the Best Job in the World spreads a little awareness.

(56,914 posts)I myself would like to see a PSA for testicular cancer awareness!
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)Granted that's less applicable here. But I'm sure it could be tweaked for an american audience (a football is closer to being the right shape anyway . . . )
(56,914 posts)
(20,277 posts)4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)I've written posts that I thought had a good chance of being alerted on.
This wasn't one of them.
They're claiming it's using a disease the kills women so that men can get off.
Sheesh. Talk about an out-there interpretation.
Certainly it couldn't be about getting men to pay attention to a subject that they historically have been less than inclined to discuss.
No it has to be some horrible motive.
The female breast cancer survivor that heads up the organization that put this out is all about men getting their rocks off at women being mutilated. Yeah. That makes perfect sense.
/the alert was clearly for personal reasons rather than legitimate ones.
(56,914 posts)And what is even sadder is some of the comments in that thread.
Yes the video is humorous and for good reason, men have trouble with this subject.
I would add more, but I don't feel like being swarmed again.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)to a group that historically hasn't been all that aware of this disease.
It's not taking away from treatments or campaigns for female breast cancer victims. It was a short and likely cheap ad to reach out to a small group of people who should probably be far more educated than they are.
No one is denying that women are still the vast majority of breast cancer victims. However they're also the vast majority of people who know to check for breast cancer as well.
(27,630 posts)"Lars Larson" seems to have a fake accent, and is not a convincing actor. This looks like something from Ebaumsworld or Collegehumor.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)It's not a "spoof". It's using humor to get people to watch (if it had just been a series of powerpoint slides and figures who would have clicked on it?) and spread awareness.
It was produced by the coppafeel organization to raise awareness about breastcancer (I believe the founder was an athlete that had breast cancer, but I'm not sure on that).
/judging by their site and name choice they like to use humor to get people's attention and then provide the message.
(9,709 posts)some of the usual suspects aren't amused. Doesn't matter the woman behind CoppaFeel is a female cancer survivor or that the purpose of the video is to raise breast cancer awareness...Nope not all, for of utmost importance is rooting out some perceived misogyny they somehow manage to see virtually everywhere and in everything...nice some folks have their priorities in order
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)I'm staying out of it. I'm curious how it will play out and I don't want to influence it's evolution.
I suppose it's better to some people that a few men die of a preventable disease every year than to spread awareness in a way they find offensive.
Best to just keep either ignoring it or presenting it in a way that no man seems to pay attention to.
(10,129 posts)would kind of like to see what happens if a group throws a conniption fit party and nobody comes.
on edit: oh, and watch out, 4th Law.... you`re on someone`s radar now!!
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)I have a fan-base it seems. So far none have been hidden (posts, not comments).
And now apparently this is offensive (judging by the meta discussion) because it's all about women's health and we shouldn't be discussing that here.
Even though A) it isn't and B) women's health shouldn't be only discussed by women (and vice-versa).
Or it's offensive because it's not about women's health and we should be discussing that instead. The poster wasn't entirely clear.
I suppose it's my fault. The title of the OP was horrifically confusing. What does "male breast cancer" really mean? Does it mean the cancer has a gender and is attacking women? Was it a typo? There are literally thousands of interpretations there.
(10,129 posts)stupid slow work days
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)so naturally I'm going to be on here quite a bit.
(16,399 posts)She probably thinks she's willingly having sex with men too!
(27,630 posts)how much more awareness of breast cancer does the world even need? I'm being serious, here.
We need research, we need policies enacted at all levels, but aren't we kind of already there in terms of awareness?
Also, if Chris O'Dowd is like this in all his performances, he is not that great of an actor. There is no way you can convince people this is some critically acclaimed video or anything, so don't even try.
That said, this looks to me like harmless nonsense. Who cares, people! There are RWers effectively taking womens rights away as we speak, and somehow this silly video gets some people upset. Get some perspective!
Edit to add: How did I get in the Men's Group? (Looks around, lost) I followed a link in meta and ended up in the mens group.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)women know to self check and go to the doctor and get regular exams.
How many men do this?
It's spreading awareness not about the disease in general but to a group that historically is largely unaware of it (affecting them directly, they know women can get it but that's it).
Also, if Chris O'Dowd is like this in all his performances, he is not that great of an actor. There is no way you can convince people this is some critically acclaimed video or anything, so don't even try.
I never said it was a critically acclaimed movie. I said he was a famous actor in Britain. And given the quality I'd say it's above the usual youtube standards of cats sleeping in funny positions.
That said, this looks to me like harmless nonsense. Who cares, people! There are RWers effectively taking womens rights away as we speak, and somehow this silly video gets some people upset. Get some perspective!
Well it had breasts in it. Which is absolutely absurd. Why would breasts come up when discussing breast cancer?
All PSAs should be a blank screen with Morgan Freeman using his god-voice to do a voice over meticulously listing the relevant statistics. That's how you get people to pay attention. That's how you raise awareness.
(20,277 posts)men to be aware that this isn't just a middle aged women's disease.
It's a shame that people are ignoring the message and focusing on the video. It was made in Europe, where the human body isn't taboo.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)the other side in the war on ignorance.
People die from this. Yes, even men. And yet people are offended not by their suffering but at the notion that the message used to prevent such needless deaths doesn't appeal to them.
I guess it doesn't matter that they aren't the target audience.
I PM'ed the alerter asking (sincerely) which DU rules I had broken. I do not anticipate a response.
(27,630 posts)I only posted on this thread because it was in Meta, and I accidentally ended up here.
I enjoy checking out the outrage du jour in Meta, and weighing in. As "outrage" goes, this is about as silly as the green M&M fracas. Carry on!
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)But some people obviously were. Apparently this counts as softcore porn.
I wonder what showing an actual breast exam would be considered by those folks? Hardcore bondage porn?
I didn't think that would be an argument used on a progressive website. Lesson learned.
(44,312 posts)he played the male lead in Bridesmaids, which was quite hilarious, and only made about a kajillion dollars at the box office last summer.
Glad to see him in this project.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)they show it on the BBC every now and then.
It's how I learned that you should always try to turn a computer off then on again before calling the IT people.
(33,224 posts)RC
(25,592 posts)4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)and after a rocky start in that thread it seems the vast majority had a mostly positive opinion on this.
(44,312 posts)Sid
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)"Self Breast Exams for Men : Tumors & Male Breast Cancer" netted 17,000 views. That was one of the top returns for a search on male breast cancer. The others were down far below that.
"Topless Female Trampolining World Championships by MCAC and CoppaFeel!" netted over 700,000 views.
So . . . perhaps their tactics were offensive to some but they're also undeniably effective at getting the message out.
That's 40 times the viewership of the next highest PSA.
Men not dying needless > offending puritans.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)and, that guy's not even a real Canadian.
(25,960 posts)
(2,978 posts)thanks 4th law
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Yet this thread has less than 1/10th of those posts and over 10 times the recs.
The thought police have to be going berserk by now. Even more so than usual.
(20,924 posts)

(10,129 posts)being a member of the only group on DU that has more people trashing it than subscribing just has to make a body a bit grumpy lol
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)as shit-stirrers and controversial.
I still haven't found any other group to even come close to those stats.
It'd be nice if there were stats easily collected for this. Say a general controversy rating based on subscribers - trashers. Somehow weighted by total numbers of both.
That would make it easy to keep track of who is expressing views that are not in agreement with the general community standards.
(10,129 posts)The more I think on it, the more I find it an extremely telling stat.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)No Comment
(10,129 posts)
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)and are bashing us from there.
Despite speaking for all women they were unable to get even a few women to back them. Probably because the patriarchy brainwashed those women of course.
(501 posts)and I looked at the PSA for the greater good. Male breast cancer is indeed a killer and something a lot of men don't think about, so if it takes a PSA like that to wake some men up about it, then by all means, do it.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)there are some people on here who like to pretend they speak for all women on DU, possibly all women.
So they will make statements like "women don't appreciate this" about something they personally don't like. Or if you argue against them they'll become defensive and try to pretend you are arguing against women, or not allowing women to have a voice.
It's a pretty blatant ploy and I don't think many people fall for it. But I still feel they ought to be called out on it.
I speak for precisely one man (myself). I wish they'd follow the same philosophy about speaking on behalf of women.
(8,625 posts)IOKIYAM!
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)1) I am still responding to people on the thread in meta. So I haven't beat a hasty retreat to some forum where I am free from criticism (I think we can agree meta is a pretty open forum yes?).
2) everything I've said is true (they are being trashed by more than are subscribing). It's not based on deliberate rewriting of what they've said. They can't say the same. Hence they are doing the bashing.
/and 2.b) people are free to come here and defend themselves. Notice how many are banned here. The same cannot be said in reverse as everyone who dares express a contrary view is immediately blocked from that group.
//So I guess yeah I'm doing the exact same thing to them that they are doing to me. In the same way official state propaganda in North Korea bashing the US for causing all the worlds problems that everyone must repeat or face silencing is the same as US papers being free to post unpleasant statistics about the North Korean regime and economy. Exactly the same thing. Because one is based on silencing dissent and spreading lies. The other allows dissent and is based on the dissemination of objective facts.
(10,129 posts)since you seemed to miss it.....
You, and the rest of the little rad-fem club can come here at any time and defend yourselves. But thanks to the, um, overzealous wielding of the ban hammer by your illustrious hosts, the majority of our contributors do not have that luxury in return.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)We believe in full transparency and honesty here, no one concealing what they mean through cute codes, pretending to be people they aren't, etc.
(10,129 posts)Iverglas` Other Kooky Identity Your Admins Missed
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)
(10,129 posts)I'd better go watch that porn at the top if the thread to get 'em balanced out
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Judith Reisman said so.
(4,717 posts) means, It's OK If You're A Man. But I like yours better.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)It's a play off of IOKIYAR, which is "It's OK If You're A Republican"
Substitute Man for Republican and there you have it. As you alluded, it's a coded message not intended for its target commonly used by duplicitous people who think they are smart for doing so.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)IOKIYARHoFP
Since when does anywhere here that has zero interest in HOF, patrol the group constantly looking for posts to alert on, then whine incessantly in Meta when those alerts fail? If you think that behavior is the same, then I doubt you've thought it through very much.
Thinkpol is alive and well on DU, but they don't live here. The funny part (and not funny haha) is that the puritan attitudes this behavior demonstrates are far more misogynistic than anything Thinkpol can ever hope to find here.
Sen. Walter Sobchak
(8,692 posts)She swears I am making it up. She took as few english and history courses as possible in university so she just never encountered it.
I bought her a copy of "Intercourse" just to prove I wasn't making it up. She read about the first forty pages and then threw it at me.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)if I hadn't seen it first hand.
Penis in vagina sex is an unnatural and dangerous construct of the patriarchy? That's just silly. No one could believe that.
Never underestimate humans' ability to double-down on an idiotic idea.
Sen. Walter Sobchak
(8,692 posts)She just didn't understand how any healthy person could have such a negative attitude about sexuality in general.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)that kind of hate has to be due to some deep seated mental issues.
But instead of getting help they get blogs where people cheer them on making it even less likely they will ever develop healthy attitudes towards sex.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)She also claimed to be a prostitute, a molested child, a tortured wife, and a rape victim among other things. I now wonder how much of any of it was true. I suspect it was just a convienient way to hide her true motivation which was hatred of men, some women, and heterosexual sex in general. She also seemed to enjoy being perceived as a victim because I'm sure she thought it gave her more credibility, and she was probably right considering her audience.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I think you can find a copy of the pdf for free, online-
...or maybe I'm thinking of "our blood", the one where she speaks wistfully of eliminating the scourge of erections.
Sen. Walter Sobchak
(8,692 posts)Any crackpot can make a PDF, I wanted her to see this was actually a bound hard cover book that was read (and may still be) in universities and taken seriously by an alarming number of people. I also made her read one about "sodomy" that I saved from university because it was just so fucking unhinged.
This is what actually sparked the discussion, starts at 1:25
She just didn't believe me that this spoof from Grand Theft Auto (she is a gamer) was actually about ten times less crazy than the material it was based on.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)Brilliant satire. Almost too real.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)opiate69
(10,129 posts)opiate69
(10,129 posts)Dragging old threads out of the grave and turning them loose appears to be all the rage right now...
Ahh.. memories ... good stuff.