Men's Group
Related: About this forumI'm a woman who happens to love porn
I'm also about as liberal as someone can get... Just letting you guys know. Me and my man watch all kinds of kinky shit. Never once have I seen a gun being held to the woman's head.

Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)In fact, to my mind, a cornerstone of being liberal is staying out of other peoples' bedrooms, medicine cabinets, bloodstreams and pants.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)not necessary loving porn but not hating it.
It's fringe and radical minority that consider all porn to be rape or violence against women.
(10,129 posts)welcome aboard
(16,399 posts)....and it would be cool if you didn't like it either. I've known plenty of women who feel both ways about it. But I stay away from the ones who get strident about banning it and start making assumptions about men and women who do enjoy it.
(9,709 posts)Should you continue do so, be prepared for calls for your "re-education" from some quarters of DU. As presumably, any woman who enjoys porn is unable to think for herself, or some such garbage. They're just the vocal minority however....every family has it's black sheep. So it goes with DU.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)opiate69
(10,129 posts)Well, except for the rich part..... Oh, and probably not the good looking part... But other than that, I'm everything you said and more!!
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Seems awfully presumptuous to come in here and do that, with no basis or provocation.
Please, I think you either need to apologize, or clarify what it is you're specifically trying to say to this person. I think you owe them that much. See, in this group, we try to adopt a welcoming attitude towards not just new people to the group, but new people to DU as well.
If you want to attack peoples' credibility, you really need to have cause. On what factual, evidentiary basis or cause are you attacking this poster's credibility, if that is indeed what you are doing?
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)down your nose at me. tsk. tsk.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Or am I not telling the truth?
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)feel even neutral towards porn let alone positively.
They can't conceive that others think differently.
Just like fundies don't think non fundies, homosexuals, and so on are really happy. How could they be?
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Please, do not presume to know what I meant.
(4,717 posts)You would be Claire Standish?
"Well, if you'd just answer the question..."
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I don't have to answer questions when asked in the manner and tone that you gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) have acquired.
Good day to you, sir.
(4,717 posts)No, you have to answer no question regardless of manner and tone. This is, of course, your right. Be aware, however, that a refusal to express your intent clearly might lead some to think your intent is neither generous or in good will. After all, you traipsed in here of your own accord looking for some sort of verbal engagement.
I'll avoid any retort to your "gentlemen/loosely" remark other to say that such snarky "witticisms" are typically the farewell of those who have lost the will to press a weak position. I'll note it as such unless you give me a reason to note it otherwise.
Or would that be putting more words in your mouth?
(33,224 posts)Your snide yet ambiguous comment may or may not bias you toward that category.
It's impossible to know exactly what you meant from the few passive-aggressive words you chose to communicate it.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)lumberjack_jeff
(33,224 posts)I don't need anyone's help to think. I do need your help to understand what you think, and since you're posting, it's a reasonable request.
You clearly objected to the poster's defense of porn. Passive aggression and ambiguity may be a good team-building technique, but it's poor communication.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)ElboRuum
(4,717 posts)The conclusion I've arrived at (and I'm guessing others who've responded to your comment) your post was a slight against the OP. Odd as to its implication, but very clearly a slight.
You are being called on it.
If your post WAS NOT a slight, as I and others have stated, I encourage you to respond so you have the opportunity to clarify the meaning and intent of your post. If your post WAS a slight, but you had a point to make beyond slighting another poster, I encourage you to make that as well.
If your intent was, as I believe, to stir shit, then I suppose your silence or, more likely, more meaningless retort is what I can expect.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)I have not been silent, I have replied and explained myself. That you do not like my explanation is not my fault.
That you want to dig and harp at me without questioning the OP any further and that you take the OP at face value is not my concern.
Enjoy the porn and Have a Nice Day.
(4,717 posts)The OP isn't at issue here. Your sideswipe of the OP is.
Be Well
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)you guys to infer whatever you wish from my statement is also true.
The OP is always at issue because they started the OP without which, I would have had nothing to say.
and Yes, I sideswiped the OP who has not returned to deny or confirm anything.
That I find it odd and you don't. meh. so what. who cares.
(4,717 posts)...on a 2 and a 3?
Response to Tuesday Afternoon (Reply #27)
seaglass This message was self-deleted by its author.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)If you have something to say in the group, say it. Other places on DU may enjoy codes and game-playing, personally we strive for transparency and honesty in our interactions over here.
Response to Warren DeMontague (Reply #34)
seaglass This message was self-deleted by its author.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Consenting adults screwing in front of a camera.
I find it surprising that the mere idea of a woman who enjoys porn is so dubious- i happen to know tons of them, and i also know there are lots of women on DU who didn't just get here, who feel the same way. This has been borne out repeatedly every time a member of the pro censorship minority on DU has attempted to bring up this debate in GD (see the 2005,2006,2009,2010 "porn wars", etc.) and i suspect is one of the reasons why we dont see those attempts made much, anymore.
However, i will reiterate that we strive to be a welcoming, friendly space here in this group. Whether or not a poster is new, we do not attack them out the gate or challenge their truthfulness without basis or good cause. If you can't refrain from engaging in confrontational behavior contrary to the spirit if this group's SOP, this may not be the group for you.
Response to Warren DeMontague (Reply #36)
seaglass This message was self-deleted by its author.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Are intimidated from expressing themselves or have their credibility challenged, simply because they're new. They should at least have as much chance to speak their mind and receive the BOTD as anyone else.
Surely you understand that?
And i am sorry if you dont feel this group is welcoming. You will note that, unlike some other groups, we only have one DU member blocked from posting here, and that situation got pretty egregious before we took that step.
Contrast and compare.
(16,399 posts)You're the one who decided to double down on someone taking a sideswipe at a new poster by getting defensive.
Response to ProudToBeBlueInRhody (Reply #40)
seaglass This message was self-deleted by its author.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)you definitely don't want to frequent some of the other groups.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)HoF has 19 people banned and about 10% more people trashing it than subscribing.
Can you honestly compare the two?
(10,129 posts)I can certainly understand some amount of suspicion, but like WarrenD says, I'm going to err on the side of the benefit of doubt until/unless evidence to the contrary presents itself.
Response to opiate69 (Reply #39)
seaglass This message was self-deleted by its author.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)you attacked the OP for really nothing and based on no evidence.
Surely you can't expect to be treated better than you treat others?
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)pleases them. if you think the OP has been ill treated, and that is deserving of loyalty by you by treating me ill, that is also your choice.
See you over in GC&RKBA
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)Why?
You attacked someone merely for stating that A) they are female and B) they like porn.
I assume you don't have problems with either of those conditions (being a progressive you should be pro-choice and not anti-woman so . . . ).
So really, where is your problem here?
(4,717 posts)Rule 53, Paragraph 4, Subsection (b) states clearly that all women hate porn by nature, therefore any statement to the contrary MUST, by deduction, be a malicious falsehood. QED. I guess...
(250 posts)ive always been open-minded, kinky is fun, violence no
(33,224 posts)What I do feel strongly about is your right to read, watch or think whatever you want, provided everyone involved has used informed consent.
(29,257 posts)Studies show there are lots of women that have fantasies of being dominated by men sexually.
I think sex is often about approaching and playing with cultural taboos.
As long as its all in the mind or played out in a safe environment, it's all good.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)...oh, wait
(20,277 posts)I personally haven't read it. I heard it was very poorly written, but I just may take a gander to see what the fuss is about.
I don't have any objections to porn. My sweetie and I watch it occasionally. I don't understand why some wail and gnash their teeth about this.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Consensual sex or even BDSM don't bug me; bad writing, OTOH... eeek.
(10,129 posts)all of our favorite um.... adult recreation stores are now adding lots of really nice accoutrements because of it`s popularity. Our toy bag is getting fuller by the paycheck!