Men's Group
Related: About this forumWage Gap and the CONSAD Report
I just wanted to put this out there for discussion of the often cited 25% gender wage gap statistic. It's often stated as "women get paid 25% less for doing the exact same work." Virtually every study that claims to show that never compares men and women doing the same work.
In 2008, the Dept of Labor under Obama commissioned a study of the wage gap that actually takes all the variables into account -- education, experience, hours worked, time away from career, etc. The study was performed by the CONSAD research corporation.
In short, after taking all the variables into account, CONSAD came up with a wage disparity of 4.1 - 7.8%. It's probably the most exhaustive study ever done on the wage gap.
But my question is, why is this study completely ignored by virtually every single politician and pundit out there? I mean, even the Republicans and conservative pundits stay away from it.
Any thoughts?

Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Obama didn't take office until after the study had been released.
The CONSAD study was by far the most comprehensive to date, and despite some feminists' attempts to poke holes in it, the study is still very well respected by economists and others who rely on this type of data. The same people who love to take shots at the CONSAD study conveniently ignore the fact that the AAUW (American Association of University Women) reached virtually the same conclusion.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)the people who push this line aren't concerned with reality.
They serve a higher Truth; facts can't get in the way of that.
/this is the same group that considers the mentioning of male DV/rape victims to be an attack on women.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)So even though RAINN agrees with you, batshit crazy Judith Reismann says otherwise so it can't be so.
Seen right here on DU.
Go figure.
(10,129 posts)you have been summarily blocked from their echo chamber. Welcome to the club, Major! Gods, how I love the willfully ignorant. Any information contradictory to their narrow-minded ideology is seen as a penultimate attack on their entire existence. Kind of pathetic, really.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)As I've mentioned before, if they want to create the gender opposite and intellectual equivalent of the He Man Woman Haters Club, more power to them. They now have 20 banned members, which if I'm not mistaken is at least 6 times higher than any other group on DU, including the Gungeon. The host says they encourage "healthy debate", but disagreement is considered "disruptive" and is not allowed. I'm sure the irony of that is lost on them.
(10,129 posts)4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)stats on how many comments a user can get out before being banned.
Maybe on the forum info page: the average banned user posted " " comments before being removed.
That would show how hard they agonized over the decision to censor. I'm guessing 10 or fewer.
Any information contradictory to their narrow-minded ideology is seen as a penultimate attack on their entire existence. Kind of pathetic, really.
Ah but everyone is picking on them you see. It's not their fault. Everyone else is out to get them. Ignore that they have stats that are an extreme outlier where no other group can even come close. Clearly everyone else is to blame.
4th law of robotics
(6,801 posts)see because you were banned.
If you can't argue then any points you brought up are instantly negated.
Stalin knew this and managed to win every argument.