ED and men: a serious conversation
every guy over 25 has had those moments where your bits just do not want to cooperate.
sometimes it's mental, sometimes it's physical.
While I have no problem with men getting checked out for heart and prostate issues before given the little blue happy pill, I have issue with the bill that's being proposed.... but i'll leave my two cents at that.
How many men here have had a prostate exam, or been otherwise checked out before being prescribed a blue pill?
My ex and I considered it, mostly because a healthy man taking a blue pill gets... extra benefits, and a woman taking it also can gain benefit...which was actually the point.
How many guys here use a blue pill, and what does your partner think?
I haven't tried the blue pill, and honestly hope I don't have a medical need to (embarrassing moments aside)... which is why i'm also working to improve my condition. because if I do have a medical need, it will be bad.
ED caused by something physical never ends well. The causes can be circulatory (heart attack anyone?) to prostate (lots to go bad fast there)
the one good thing to come from viagra, is that more men GET screened for these serious issues and often get them caught when medicine can fix the issue as opposed to the big C or even death.
so... what does everyone think?