Men's Group
Related: About this forumAll you need to know about the double standard is on this thread. Afternoon
(56,912 posts)and look at the Recs it is getting. *eyes*
(43,049 posts)Bonobo
(29,257 posts)I have never known a man who didn't
think his penis was quite larger, larger than most in fact.
They tend to be very proud of them, think we should all be admiring them as often as possible.
Oh, and only a man could possibly think that women could suffer from "penis envy". Trust me, we don't.
(43,049 posts)it's one woman's point of view. And it does make a point about a common silly attitude amongst men, but it doesn't seem to be intended to denigrate men in general. My meager experience in these things is that women who point out that sort of thing tend to be rather fond of us and amused at, or at least tolerate, our foibles. Women who dislike men most likely wouldn't get close enough to us to notice that sort of thing.
Now, if any of us made such an honest statement about certain aspects of certain ladyparts of some women, all hell would break loose whether those observations were accurate or not. So, is it possible that your view of this might be some projection or translation of common attitudes toward men discussing women's bodyparts?
BTW, I have overheard women who thought no one was within earshot discussing this very subject, with much hilarity. And none of them disliked men. Many liked us perhaps even a bit too much.
(29,257 posts)What I am talking about here is merely the double standard.
As you pointed out, "all hell would break loose" if we were to discuss this issue of how women compensate for feelings of small breasts or loose vaginas, In fact, even using those words puts me in peril of having this post hidden for some reason that I cannot yet fathom.
So you tell me -why is the suggestion that men exaggerate the size of their own penises; or the suggestion that they are motivated by the fear of small penises; or the statement that "we are glad we don't have penises"... WHY are they okay and it is not okay to discuss ANY of the corollary questions?
(43,049 posts)my description of certain things. I know we'll be alerted on just because certain elements alert on all of this stuff, but the jury might be less motivated to hide if we're not so specific.
And yes, that fear alone does identify not just a double standard, but an actual climate of fear that we're not really able to control except by simply avoiding many discussions, no matter how innocent we think they are.
As to the why's of it all... part of it is we don't have the moral authority of being the target of discrimination so no one really cares. We also haven't bothered to organize protests over the admittedly rare occasions of what could be called mysandry while other elements are quick on the trigger. I suppose on the bottom line we really just don't give a shit until it gets really out of hand. And even then we have better things to worry about.
My useless solution is that complaints of sexism of any sort be cause for an immediate ban unless the complainer make a good case that it is really sexism.
But that ain't gonna happen.
(16,399 posts)....than some of the posts I've been accused of being "hostile" in.
Pab Sungenis
(9,612 posts)Bonobo
(29,257 posts)In my hidden post, I suggested that a post which commented that women with self-confidence issues about their breasts or genitals may be motivated in a similar way to men self-conscious about THEIR genitals would probably be hidden.
It was. My point was proved.
Pab Sungenis
(9,612 posts)Make jokes about men having small genitals? Laugh a minute. Prison rape jokes? Celebrated. Suggest one of the biggest misandrists on DU has ulterior motives? Hide.
(43,049 posts)on exercise, various bra and clothing designs, creams, tonics and surgery, the results of those efforts are never to be mentioned, or even noticed.
(20,277 posts)Some people should try to remember - if you want respect, you have to give respect.
(33,224 posts)The contest to out-hate each other has dialed back somewhat.
(29,257 posts)lumberjack_jeff
(33,224 posts)ElboRuum
(4,717 posts)At Fri Dec 28, 2012, 09:05 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
I am not often asked the question of whether or not God is a woman or a man............
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate. (See <a href="" target="_blank">Community Standards</a>.)
Sexist trash, plain and simple.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Fri Dec 28, 2012, 09:17 PM, and the Jury voted 3-3 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: Agreed. Sexist garbage.
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: My ninety year old mother says this all the time
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: It is certainly sexist, but it seemed to open in a few responses a serious discussion. Better to discuss than to censor.
Juror #6 voted to HIDE IT and said: :/
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.
I was Juror #3 for reference.
I am completely mystified by #4 and #5's comments. Firstly, how does your 90 year old grandmother saying it all the time make it somehow more appropriate to say something blatantly sexist? In all due deference to grandmothers everywhere, it is the perpetuation of antiquated ideas of what sexism is that allows it to persist in perpetuity. Secondly, how do you, as a juror, ADMIT to finding something sexist, but then vote to leave it alone, rationalizing that it "seemed to open in a few responses a serious discussion". I'll put aside my doubt that any serious discussion actually occurred there since almost every response was some variant of "for the love of whatever creator you worship or don't, please delete this thread." I wonder if that particular juror would have had the same reaction if there were racist or homophobic overtones to that OP, rather than sexist ones.
It is, however, a positive thing that so many of the responses call out the sexism. I think that's a positive indicator for DU as a whole.
(16,399 posts)....but the bottom line is you can make statements like the OP did and usually get away with it because of the inherent belief here that it's okay to take shots at men, and we should "discuss" it if you don't like it.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Bonobo
(29,257 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Someone would be eating pizza for dinner.
(33,224 posts)And discouraged by the 44 who recommended it.
(16,399 posts)I'm guessing it went nowhere.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Things seem to be heading south with the groups, muliple threads popping up complaing about DU, etc.
I think it would be helpful at this point to lock this. I know Bonobo knows where I'm coming from.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)meta no longer exists.