Men's Group
Related: About this forumAn Exercise in Inherent Female Greed via Briffault's law and Feminism
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by lumberjack_jeff (a host of the Men's Group group).
This is a very interesting video I found on YT, it shows how the so called patriarchy society is oh so benefiting men. Lately, DU has been at a buzz on how men are so privileged in our society. So privileged that we are no longer the richer sex, we producer lesser and lesser college graduates each year, more and more men are incarcerated and prostrate cancer which kills more men and has virtually no self test receives less that a 10th of what govt spends on breast cancer.
Hope you guys get to watch it and comment and its not banned on some technicality because SPLC has labelled Men's right activists a hate group.

(8,170 posts)This has nothing to do with the Southern Poverty Law Centre and everything to do with a MRA loon on YouTube called Barbarossaa. In a sample of his blog is entitled "Heterosexual Suicide Serially Ignored In Misandric West". I have not alerted on this because I have posted. I would ask other posters not to be so inhibited.
I will be mailing the MIRT team
(1,688 posts)but I was calculating the chances of someone alerting the video on the rational that the video was made by an extreme MRA which SPLC has labeled as a hate group. Hence making the video and the content hate speech which I believe is not allowed on DU.
I can remove the line about SPLC if that's ok.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Sorry, no fucking sympathy.
(1,688 posts)Did you watch the video to its conclusion? if so then you have no heart. He was being made tp pay more than his pre tax income in alimony and child support. He had to borrow money and sell off asset to meet the court order. He did this until his breaking point and that's when he was incarcerated.
Yay for debtor's prison.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)what, exactly, that meant.
I have no patience for that broadly anti-female garbage any more than I have patience for certain "radfem", broadly anti-MALE garbage.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Find some actual evidence and data supporting the facts of this case beyond what the ranting youtube guy says about it, and then I'll believe it.