Men's Group
Related: About this forumApparently, this is where we "Complain How Hard It Is To Be A Man"
among other awful, horrible, nefarious things.
So, you know, if anyone wants to do that, go ahead.
I haven't really seen a whole mess of that in this group, but then, it seems some of the biggest experts on DU as to what exactly the mens group is for, and what is discussed here, have never actually posted here or, it seems, even read any of the threads.
okay, I'll start. It's hard to be a man because razor blades are fucking PRICEY and I've just never been much of a beardo.

(16,399 posts)Gillette Fusion! Everyone says I need to get this razor but the blades are a fucking arm and a leg AND all the stores I go to put them behind the counter so the teens can't steal them and cut themselves!
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)But yeah. I usually only shave a couple times a week, that helps. Not like the days when I had a short hair, suit and tie gig.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)The Fusion blades are more expensive, but they last a lot longer in my experience.
Behind the Aegis
(55,154 posts)They do last much longer, and when they do dull, they don't nick as bad as others. My mom remembered a comedian from the 80's who was making fun of the new double blades and pondered, "what's next? Triple and quadruple blades?!" LOL!
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Blowing them dry and storing them with the blades up helps quite a bit.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Just try shaving your balls with cold shaving cream and see what happens.
Behind the Aegis
(55,154 posts)Makes it much easier...and oh, so fun!
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Even if I had one that would do it I wouldn't trust them.
Behind the Aegis
(55,154 posts)You know what is really the best? Shaving cream made for women (if you are shaving that area or legs or back).
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I have to hide them from her. Otherwise I go to reach for the blade pack and someone (who could it be?) has invariably taken the last blade out and yet kindly left the empty plastic pack where it was in the shower (yeah, I shave in the shower, because I'm a giant slob) ... so the kids always get a kick out of seeing Santa Claus with a big foamy beard and a towel dripping and swearing as he runs around the house looking for another pack of razor blades.
Behind the Aegis
(55,154 posts)At least she uses them up! I made the mistake of using a razor a woman had used. I ripped my face apart! It dulls the blade something fierce. I shave in the shower too. The steam makes the stubble more pliable, plus it allows me to re-wet my face if I miss a spot. When I shaved my other parts (legs, chest, pits on occasion, and junk), I never used it on my face! Of course, this is when I discovered that women's shaving cream makes for a smoother shave, but I try not to use it on face to often because it usually has perfumes and that causes break outs for me.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)But I get dibs.
I buy them at Costco, that helps with the price a tad.
Also lest anyone think I am an abusive male gaze patriarchy husbando-ppressor keeping my poor helpless role-bound mate in some destitute state of razorbladelessness, she's totally free to get her own damn razor blades.
She's just decided she likes mine better.
Behind the Aegis
(55,154 posts)I get a bunch when I get the BOGO free coupons, and even more if they happen to be on sale. I use coupons quite well and have created a nice little stockpile of things. My partner and I use different brands. He like the "el cheapo" disposable ones, which I despise unless I am shaving my legs or chest. They are good for shaving the nape of the neck for those pesky, fly-away hairs. Or the back, should one need such grooming.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)
(16,399 posts) just don't know how to be A FUCKING MAAAAAAAAAAN!
I hope a jury doesn't hide this, they actually did two weeks ago for saying that. No bullshit.
(33,224 posts)After 15 minutes of that bullshit, the rest of the week looks fun by comparison.
(4,717 posts)...seriously, you'd think I was buying iPod Nanos, not fracking razor blades.
(43,049 posts)but top on the list of our problems might be the things that get caught in zippers.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)It's a bad day in Suffragette City.
(43,049 posts)no chance he's a direct descendant of Jim Bowie.
Would be fascinating if he was.
(794 posts)When I was young I was raped by a young woman many times. The rapes caused a lot of psychic and emotional trauma for me, but the few times I have brought it up so-called feminists have laughed at me a suggested that I had the rape coming to me because I am a man. Men get the same sort of double-standard from the law and friends and family when they come forward with these kinds of stories. In the early 90s I had a pretty scary breast cancer threat- after a complete masectomy we were able to find out that the tumor was benign. When I told my employer about the need to take off time for tests, I was teased and harrassed about the spectre of having breast cancer- many female co-workers laughed about it as well. This sort of treatment towards female victims of rape and breast cancer would be unconscionable. Men treat women with double standards as well- why do neofeminists insist these types of double standards dont exist.
The men's group ought to feature discussions about the best ways to work with other progressive groups to realize egalitarian solutions for our problems. There will always be neofeminists working hard on denying the truth about men and articulating treatsies on the evil of owning testicles. There is no difference between them and the teabaggers- they're just interested in legislating and supporting hatred for the other. For teabaggers it' democrats; for neofeminists it's straight males.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)No victim of assault should be made fun of.
Response to Warren DeMontague (Reply #23)
Catherina This message was self-deleted by its author.
(39 posts)the men's group you see if literally the result of [REDACTED].
you don't know the hell that was involved with creating this group, the bagging and scraping and pleading. The promising and swearing on our lives that it would not become a "boy's club".
you're right of course about the vicious double standard in society against men.
but if you try to start a thread about that it'll die faster then... well about anything.
this is a weak group in it's discussion ... but understand at least we HAVE this group.
No one dares try to start a serious discussion on the very deal double and triple standards against men anymore.
it's not worth it. the constant flagging, the insta bans for the most innocuous statements.
it's better to have a weak, milk toast group then none at all.
and that means dumbing down one's comments.
I hope you don't get a TS (I did BTW. lost one won one) because you bring very relevant points to the table.
Be careful what you post, but thank you for posting it.
after reading what was said in the jury that successfully deleted one of my posts, I have to wonder why bother?
(9,709 posts)I've had the beard going for the last couple years in what started out as one of those winter only things. I like the way it looks, have had compliments on it, but in truth it's just as difficult to trim than it is to shave...
Oh, woe is me...
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)not the beards.
(6,581 posts)Only grew it last fall, and I love how it looks. But, it might be too hot in the summer? I could just shave it off, no big deal. I trim it to 2.5 millimeters, just a little longer than stubble, so it would grow back in less than a week in the fall.
So, is a beard a good cold-weather look, and adios for the warm months?
Response to Denninmi (Reply #32)
Upton This message was self-deleted by its author.
(9,709 posts)Honestly, I've found most of those concerns about the heat to be completely unfounded. Of course, I keep mine closely trimmed too, and I live in western Washington state where any excessive heat spells are extremely your experience may be different..
If the beard makes you look and feel good ..why not try it for a summer? You can shave anytime..
(6,036 posts)for yourself. Proceed to discuss how Viking (sewing machine) has changed since acquired by Huskvarna.
Call AAA for a flat on your old beater of a car/truck, in the rain.
Have a phobia of Spiders.
When it comes to a guy acting in any way "effeminate" we are quick to eat our own.
(33,224 posts)let me mansplain about sewing machines.
I think changing a flat tire shouldn't be a masculine thing; it should be a form of self reliance akin to being able to prepare one's own cold cereal.
(6,036 posts)

(16,399 posts)Seriously, it would make things easier.
(33,224 posts)I had one with which we sewed a dodger for a sailboat.
six layers of awning canvas plus two layers of leather... no problem. Serious power tool.
(39 posts)I know several guys who sew, and are know a fair amount about sewing machines, etc but you'd never know it until and unless you asked them.
The triple standards against men who WANT to try "women's work" are bashed by all sides. Men who are afraid to seem effeminate BECAUSE of how women demand us to be, and even more BY women who want us (by in large) to be MANLY all the time, while simultaneously complaining what we are never taking their needs into consideration. - literally a no-win situation no matter what.
and fwiw, i don't have much of an opinion on sewing machines... I use what I can afford, but Singers are pretty nice. the problem comes with the quality of the needles. Chinese ones are crap, but American made needs cost so much!
(5,815 posts)Their blades actually are fuckin' great. The cheapest two bladers don't really mow through the heavy stubble, but the four-bladed ones are some kind of face zamboni.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)There's my next band name.
My son signed me up.
New blades show up like magic and they work great!
(6,581 posts)I really wouldn't want to be a woman. I see a lot of down sides on the pragmatic level, such as monthly biology, pregnancy, social pressures of dress and body image (not that we don't face that, but not as intensely IMHO).
Fusion, by the way, is awesome, even though I only shave a narrow area under my chin at the neck line, well worth the price.
(22,257 posts)klook
(13,043 posts)They buttonhole me everywhere I go -- pressuring me to kill cockroaches for them, change their oil, remove dead animals from their yards, explain the infield fly rule... it goes on and on. Sometimes I go home at night and just cry myself to sleep over a few cans of Schlitz.
(29,257 posts)I have never seen a post here that attempts to tear down women.
(37,748 posts)As a male, I find it difficult pretending to be oppressed, and pretending I'm not in the collective and historic drivers seat anymore.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)ProudToBeBlueInRhody
(16,399 posts)RiffRandell
(5,909 posts)If you added "wearing the pants in the family" maybe it would make more sense. Not...very strange.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Don't spend too much time trying to figure it out.

Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)ProudToBeBlueInRhody
(16,399 posts)Best leave the flaming dog poo and just run.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)"ooh, I really told them"
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)lumberjack_jeff
(33,224 posts)"Historic" doesn't really create anything tangible to grasp.