Pancake feed in Omaha helps striking Kellogg's workers, people seeking skilled jobs
Kevin Cole Oct 17, 2021 Updated 2 hrs ago
Omahas labor movement rolled up its sleeves Sunday for a pancake feed to help people find skilled jobs and support striking workers.
The Nebraska Center for Workforce Development and Education partnered with the United Way of the Midlands to host the event at the Firefighters Union Hall at 6001 Grover St. In addition to the pancake breakfast, the 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. event featured a Trunk or Treat candy giveaway in the parking lot, a Bloody Mary drink contest and meat raffles.
The AFL-CIO used to host an event like this, and we wanted to bring it back, said Shanna Murphy of the Omaha Federation of Labor. All of this snowballed in about five weeks time, and its gone really good. Were almost sold out of food.
Money raised from the meat raffles went to support the striking Kelloggs workers, Murphy said. Proceeds will also go to Project Reset, a program that helps people who have become entangled in the justice system and want to find skilled labor employment.
FULL story at link above.