(39,213 posts)Sorry to hear this. I liked Amy's until they priced themselves above my budget. $3 for a can of refried beans is ridiculous, even if theirs are the best. And $4.50 for one of their frozen meals that's about 8 bites is more than I'm willing to pay. Maybe it's not surprising they treat their employees badly, huh?
In the early days of few vegan options I bought Amys products. Always thought them overpriced and undersized. Now there are so many other options on the shelves of even regular large chain stores that I havent bought any Amys for several years.
(27,461 posts)Vegetarian dinners, burritos, and bowls from Amy's Kitchen have been staples of plant-based freezers for decades. Recently, a group of Amys employees has come forward with allegations of lapses in workplace safety and low wages at the facilities that produce those packaged foods - and now some vegan organizations are calling on supporters to join a boycott of the brand.
In January, workers from the companys Santa Rosa, California plant spoke with NBC News, claiming that line speeds in the factories increased in an attempt to meet pandemic demand. Those heightened speeds, they say, were linked to employees being injured on the job. Some of the workers say they were asked to work without accommodations for their injuries and have had difficulty affording expensive health insurance.
"There are a lot of days that I think that I'm good for nothing, that my life will never be the same and that I'll never live without pain again," Ines De La Cruz, a former employee at Amy's, told NBC News.
(41,570 posts)Now we have! Thanks for the link!