51 year member of UAW and
the local that is now walking the picket line.
Lots of memories of standing on Michigan Ave, in the cold, warming up around the burn barrel. All of those car driving by giving us a honk. Some folks stopping by with a box of donuts for us. Cant tell you how much that would raise our spirits.
I retired from my job, with a defined pension over 21 years ago.
No more retirement like I had. Still the same pay rate I had back then.
Companies have record profits this year and can afford massive stock buy backs that benefit large stock holders, like CEOs. All while the workers are stuck with 2002 compensation. How much have the prices of cars gone up in that time?
If you happen to drive by a picket line, at least honk your horn and pump a fist. Drop off some food and encouragement.

(19,726 posts)Packard Electric since 9/5/72 and retiring in January 2003 (at 49!). IUE 717 and later UAW when Delphi went bankrupt in '97, I still kiss that pension check when it arrives.
Well stated brother.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Son 775 IUE.
My IUE sticker is still on my Buick and I still pay Unions dues voluntarily. After all they saved us during the bankruptcy
And I do remember the picket lines. The younger generation is waking up.
(36,218 posts)gibraltar72
(7,629 posts)niyad
(122,596 posts)luvallpeeps
(1,168 posts)burrowowl
(18,156 posts)pazzyanne
(6,663 posts)My school was one of the first 3 Minnesota schools to ever go out on strike. We went out 3 weeks before Christmas, temperatures hovering around 0 degrees F and wind chills at -50 degrees. After the shock wore off, the school board went back to the negotiations table. We got our first raise in 4 years, and better working conditions. We had mixed community support as was expected. Some of the community visited us on the strike line bringing hot chocolate/ coffee and cookies. Some of the community members drove by yelling profanity. Fredrick Manfred (wrote "Lord Grizzly" among other books, our local resident author spent time at strike head quarters cheering us on. Best of all we settled 3 days before Christmas. It was
Response to multigraincracker (Original post)
Beachnutt This message was self-deleted by its author.
mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)and solidarity! I never pass a picket line without a honk and wave..
(6,618 posts)Always show support to picketers. Walked the line a few times too.
(65,746 posts)I heard the Ford CEO last night on the news. He said it's "not sustainable" to give workers pensions and livable salaries. I was angry that the reporter didn't mention his salary - he made more than $21 million last year. The GM CEO made $29 million.
(24,166 posts)The GM CEO made $29 million.
how much did the dividends to the investors get.?
the ceo is full of fluff.
(6,713 posts)in York, PA the CAT plant was on strike. I had a delivery for CAT but didn't know ahead of time about the strike. I stopped in the driveway well before the guard shack and explained to the guys that I was sorry and didn't know ahead of time otherwise I wouldn't have come. They told me to go ahead and deliver and that it was not a problem for them. I explained to them that I would call CAT and they could make arrangements to offload me someplace else but I would not cross a picket line and in over 55 years I never have. The guys on the picket line thanked me and gave me coffee and a roll.
I don't cross picket lines and I remember the picketers and strikers who have given their lives. I have never scabbed and never will. That picket line at any union plant represents more than just the current issues. It is a legacy paid for by former and current members of unions all across this country. I say to everybody to stand up and stand with union workers.
(8,251 posts)Alliepoo
(2,666 posts)We stand in solidarity with our Union brothers and sisters.
(21,277 posts)A picket line is honored, always. These CEOs and company reps crying broke piss me off. Millions in bonuses while their salaries are 700% more than those helping make the companies a healthy profit. Same as it always was but its got to change.
Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)Ill never cross a picket line or support scabs. Go UAW!
(25,381 posts)It's disgusting how pay has stayed the same over the years.
Wild blueberry
(7,478 posts)I know what side I am on.
(3,995 posts)Solidarity brothers and sisters.
(21,083 posts)calimary
(85,376 posts)What do the CEOs get? A little more share the wealth strategy wouldnt hurt them for a nanosecond, and it would mean TONS to the average worker.
(2,949 posts)Nice pension. Working people should get a share of the profits they helped create.
(6,713 posts)the bad thing now too is the companies make promises about what they'll provide in the future and they never intend to honor it. They just want to get a cheaper deal for themselves for today and then use the savings to move the company overseas or else loot it and then bankrupt it.
(12,521 posts)Always support unions. Sure do wish I would hear how they are supporting the people who help them out more often.
(35,082 posts)I was able to go back to college and finish my degree. Everything paid for except books. No student loans to pay back.
(12,521 posts)American's at large got a bad taste about Unions and they have been blamed for so much economic strife since.
They really need to educate their members a lot more about their history and place at the table in a polarized world.
(53,544 posts)Officially in 2007 with thirty years.
Tiers was not a thing then.
Probation for ninety days before permanent.
I'm glad I got a pension and supplemented my savings with a 401k. I don't consider 401Ks should replace pensions.
After the bankruptcy our GM provide retiree health care was converted to a VEBA severed from them and managed by the UAW. We have good options.
(388 posts)On Yahoo there is an article on how Biden is not backing the Union. Bunch of RW commentators saying how unions are bad, and I'm a Union member and the best President was Trump because he was for the average guy. Yahoo is a RW platform for this type of screed!!!
(41,570 posts)Magoo48
(6,041 posts)Solidarity