Only the Little People Will Suffer: Sanctioning the New Cold War
Only the Little People Will Suffer: Sanctioning the New Cold War
Russia | Ukraine
by Brian Cloughley | August 29, 2014 - 8:55am
The Financial Times commented on August 10 that in reaction to the chaos in Ukraine, Western policy has become a mere knee-jerk escalation of sanctions, and for once the FT has got it right about foreign affairs. The US and its disciples in Europe and Australia have imposed sanctions on Russia for its alleged interference in Ukraine, which has got nothing whatever to do with the US or anyone else. And Russia, understandably, is answering back.
In spite of there being no proof whatever produced by the Wests intercept spooks and other sleuths there is no doubt that Russia has been involved in Ukraine, finding out about and even trying to influence its policies just as the US is spying on and trying to influence domestic policies in almost every country on this blighted globe and has recently given Ukraine its special attention.
The difference between the activities of the US and Russia is that Ukraine is right next door to Russia, and many of its eastern-located citizens are of Russian origin and speak Russian and think Russian and feel that their cultural roots are Russian and want to belong to Russia, just as their entire country did until 23 years ago.
On the other hand, Washington considers it has the God-given right to listen to everyones private deliberations and tell every nation in the world how to run its affairs and if necessary to enforce this by military intervention. The fact that such military fiddling proved utterly catastrophic in Vietnam, Cuba, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Libya is neither here nor there. The next frontier is Ukraine.
Why did I put this thread in the Poverty forum?
Because every bomb we drop, every bullet we shoot, every person we kill, every community we destroy comes from the same pot that pays for stuff like Food Stamps, unemployment insurance and education: