Related: About this forumPencils down: College Board announces the SAT is going digital
The SAT, once viewed as a critical step to getting into college, will be shorter and administered online amid a major shift in its format brought on by the pandemic and the test's growing irrelevance.
The paper test currently takes roughly three hours to complete, but the digital version will be cut down to about two hours with more time given in between questions, the College Board announced Tuesday.
The digital SAT will be easier to take, easier to give, and more relevant, Priscilla Rodriguez, vice president of College Readiness Assessments at the College Board, said in a news release.
The test will start online in the U.S. in 2024, and internationally in 2023.
The College Board, which administers the SAT, PSAT and other college-entrance exams, announced a number of other changes to the test.

(138,752 posts)

(2,520 posts)madaboutharry
(41,746 posts)They exist to make these companies money.
It has been found that grades in high school are a more accurate indicator of college performance.
And that is not discussing the fact that the SAT was established in the 1920's for the sole reason that the president of Princeton University came to believe that there were too many Jews at Princeton and wanted to establish a biased exam that would lower the admission of Jews.
(25,504 posts)I was so bored with most of my high school classes that I barely bothered to do the work in them. (When I did the work, I excelled.) Barely made the top half of my graduating class. I graduated college summa cum laude, and with honors, top 10 in my class. I only got into college there because my ACT and SAT scores were off the charts.
(10,549 posts)So you graduated with highest honors, and with honors?
(25,504 posts)To actually graduate with honors, you had to do a special project, or thesis, in your major. It was a BEAST to pull off--I don't recommend it, wouldn't do it again. Mine was 400 pages in four drafts, all done on a clunky manual typewriter. My fingers still have issues from doing it!
(14,432 posts)madaboutharry
(41,746 posts)Colleges and Universities look closely at the curriculum you take. The quality of courses is as important as the grades you receive.
Response to Jilly_in_VA (Original post)
MichMan This message was self-deleted by its author.
(14,432 posts)Not that big of a change
(71,853 posts)Just a different medium to answer questions.
Not sure how this is pandemic driven, which was implied earlier in the article. If people have to show up anyway, don't see the difference with now, in terms of safety.
Seems a modest change.
(11,694 posts)So do the mandatory state tests. They're BS as far as I'm concerned and should count for no more than one-fourth of your college admission score, if even that. I mean, how many college instructors give multiple-guess tests?