We don't want reading to interfere with target practice!
I am amazed at this article's statement that Tennessee thinks that 60% 3rd grade failure rate on a standardized reading test is an improvement over last year's 65%. Tennessee must be proud of itself for doing so good.
Students are not reason why third-grader TCAP reading scores are low | OPINION
A third-grader gets all As on their report card but fails the TCAP test. There are three factors here: the teacher, the student and the TCAP test. The only blameless one here is the student.
The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) is proud to say scores have gone up since last year. This year, ONLY 60% fell below the threshold (failed) the English portion of the TCAP. Last year, it was 65%. If the rate of improvement stays on track, a kid starting first grade this year will graduate from high school before the TDOE totally fixes the problem.