Admins harangue student journalist over editorial critical of school's naming policy
We recently brought you the unfortunate story of Grand Valley State University (GVSU) student and Grand Valley Lanthorn student newspaper editor-in-chief Lizzy Balboa, who was beleaguered by campus administrators for publishing an editorial expressing concern that GVSU might be prioritizing donor appeasement over education, free speech rights, and academic freedom. Shockingly, administrators reportedly told Balboa that she was unworthy of her scholarship because she was ungrateful, and suggested that the Lanthorn retract its editorial and publish puff pieces expressing gratitude to donors.
FIRE has since been told that the administrator who called Balboas personal cell phone to dress her down for the editorial was none other than GVSU President Thomas Haas. To be clear, it is unacceptable for any campus administrator to engage in such reprehensible behavior. But the fact that this chilling conduct was allegedly carried out in part by a public universitys top executivewho speaks for the institution itselfis truly remarkable. Such grossly inappropriate actions communicate to the GVSU community and observers nationwide that free speech, critical thinking, and open debate have no home at the university.
Many have rallied to the defense of Balboa and the Lanthorn. In a letter to the editor, GVSU professor Paul Murphy pointed out the irony that we noted: the administrators actions thoroughly vindicated the concerns expressed by the editorial. Murphy also (rightly) took the administrators to task for assuming that donor relations would be harmed by the Lanthorns editorial:
In fact, it appears that these administrators actions themselves may have done more to harm donor relationships than the editorial they decried. One commenter on Balboas editorial concerning the administrators action reported: