Mayor de Blasio has GOT to read this article.
So does anyone, anywhere interested in authentic, LEGITIMATE ed reform. (No, not Obama, not Duncan, not Gates, not Walmart; I said *AUTHENTIC*.)
Hundreds of millions of dollars ( HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!) "wasted" on useless ed technology.
"Wasted"? Really? Some would say he's goin' easy.
I wonder how typical this is around the country. My guess is: pretty typical.
>>>>The D.O.E. has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on poorly-performing or abandoned technology projects. It has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on services using non-competitive bidding processes. The D.O.E. left hundreds of millions of Medicaid-reimbursable dollars on the table and was forced to repay to the federal and state governments much of what it managed to claim. The networks have wasted nearly $100 million a year on school-support services of questionable value.>>>>>>
Don't know what a Network is? Neither do I. Neither does the author ( I'm pretty sure.). Neither does anyone. We're not supposed to know.
The gentleman knows whereof he speaks: Ex NYC teacher; retired Asst NYS Comptroller.
Your move, Big Bill.