NYC to alter subway tiles that resemble rebel flag
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This mosaic tile design is meant to represent Times Squares status as the Crossroads of the World. New York City transit officials have decided to alter the design because it has been compared to the Confederate flag. (AP photo)
NYC to alter subway tiles that resemble rebel flag
By: The Associated Press August 21, 2017 1:53 pm 0
NEW YORK Transit officials have decided to alter subway station tiles that have a cross-like design similar to that of the Confederate flag.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is modifying the tiles at the 40th Street entrance to the Times Square subway stop to avoid any confusion about their meaning, MTA spokesman Kevin Ortiz said in a statement.
These are not Confederate flags Ortiz said. The red, white and blue tiles installed decades ago are based on geometric forms that represent the Crossroads of the World, he added.
The MTA didnt say how the subway station tiles would be changed or when the work would begin.