Atlanta: MARTA track replacement project on Red and Gold Lines successfully completed

The track replacement project at Canterbury Junction where the Red and Gold Lines converge north of Lindbergh Center Station was successfully completed by the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA).
The State of Good Repair work on the heavy rail lines that run between Lindbergh Center, Buckhead and Lenox Stations began Feb. 17 and concluded early Feb. 22. The Track Replacement Project is approximately a $225-million, multi-year effort that involves replacing track and switches throughout the rail system. These ongoing upgrades are designed to enhance the safety of the system and are federally required for MARTA to operate.
The entire MARTA team worked tirelessly to ensure this necessary work was completed safely and in a timely manner, and that the inconvenience to our customers was minimal, said MARTA General Manager and CEO Jeffrey Parker. This work will allow trains to travel through Canterbury Junction at an increased speed and reduce train delays. Riders should notice an immediate improvement.
MARTA provided free bus shuttles between Lindbergh Center, Buckhead and Lenox Stations and approximately 40,000 people took advantage of this service during the project. MARTAConnect, a one-year pilot program with Uber, was also available to customers for travel through the area. The $10 Uber voucher was downloaded 552 times and 429 trips were taken at a total cost to MARTA of $4,270.90. Customers primarily used the vouchers for travel to and from the affected rail stations, rather than for travel between them. ............(more)