Missouri Amtrak service to go twice-daily again starting July 19

Jun. 2JEFFERSON CITY Twice-daily service on Amtrak's Missouri River Runner train between St. Louis and Kansas City will be restored on July 19.
In a joint announcement issued Wednesday, the nation's passenger rail provider and the Missouri Department of Transportation said funding from the state and the federal American Rescue Plan Act will keep the two round-trip trains running through the end of December.
Service was pared back to one train in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
"We appreciate the General Assembly and Gov. (Mike) Parson providing necessary resources for the Amtrak Missouri River Runner service in the state's budget as well as the additional COVID relief funds enabling us to restore this important transportation service to Missourians," MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna said. "The two daily round-trip trains will be available through December covering the busiest time of the year including summer vacations, fall festivals and year-end holiday travel." ...................(more)