Chicago: CTA ridership jumps more than 55 percent since start of year

Bus and rail ridership on the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) has more than doubled since the start of 2021 and continues to grow, according to officials, as public transit continues to play a vital role in the city and regions reopening.
Since January, overall ridership has jumped 56 percent, to four million rides a week. Rail ridershipwhich saw a sharper drop during the pandemic than bus ridershipwas up 94 percent in mid-June compared to January, with more than 1.6 million weekly trips.
There is no question that the CTA service needs to support the return to all the things we used to do, said CTA President Dorval R. Carter, Jr. Whether youre getting back to the office or enjoying one of Chicagos many summertime events, the CTA is ready when youre ready.
In recent months, with the citys gradual re-opening, the CTA has seen some of its biggest gains in ridership. Since May 1, CTA ridership has jumped more than 20 percent, and in the month of June, weekday average ridership was more than 600,000, more than double the ridership at the height of the pandemic. ...........(more)