DC/VA/MD: Potomac Yard Metrorail Station delayed at least five months due to 'inexcusable' mistake

The Potomac Yard Metrorail Station in Alexandria, Va., will be delayed a minimum of five months due to a needed redesign of the Automatic Train Control (ATC) systems.
The $370-million project is expected to provide walkable access to regional transportation systems for residents of Alexandria when it opens, which will now be fall 2022 rather than April 2022.
Engineers from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) determined the original design of the ATC system do not meet all the safety requirements to ensure the safe operations of the trains. The specifications for the ATC systems were written by WMATA and the transit agency recognizes it is accountable for the delay due to its project management decisions.
WMATA says it is working with the contractor to reduce delays and ensure system safety. Construction will continue on the station, but there are track-related construction elements that are dependent on the completion of the ATC design. .............(more)