Suburban bus use climbs across Washington region
from the WaPo:
Suburban bus use climbs across Washington region
By Mark Berman, Published: April 20
With the Washington regions population boom, more people have had to figure out how to commute in an area where the roads are infamously congested and the Metrorail system has a limited reach.
For an increasing number of commuters, the answer has been the buses crisscrossing the regions suburbs, where city- and county-run bus systems have seen a steady rise in ridership in recent years.
But relying on buses means depending on lines that in some cases have to traverse big areas and are at the mercy of the regions traffic.
As a result, buses operated by many of the suburban jurisdictions can be late more often than commuters would want, not unlike the buses operated by Metro. .......................(more)
The complete piece is at: