We Were Featured by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times
X post in GD. All our chicken products are vegetarian diet raised and certified humane. We have been buying Smart Chicken for years:
Torture a single chicken and you risk arrest. Abuse hundreds of thousands of chickens for their entire lives? Thats agribusiness.
- Nicholas Kristof, New York Times, Op-Ed, 12/4/14
Dear Steven,
New York Times journalist and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, Nicholas Kristof writes Abusing Chickens We Eat, the plight of factory farmed chickens in the U.S. , which recommends conscientious consumers look for Certified Humane®, global animal partnership or animal welfare approved labels.
KristoffHere are a few excerpts from the piece:
Most shocking is that the bellies of nearly all the chickens have lost their feathers and are raw, angry, red flesh. The entire underside of almost every chicken is a huge, continuous bedsore
These chickens dont run around or roost as birds normally do. They stagger a few steps, often on misshapen legs, and then collapse onto the excrement of tens of thousands of previous birds. It is laden with stinging ammonia that seems to eat away at feathers and skin
The Certified Humane® standards require a continuous dark period of at least 6 hours per night, which slows the growth of the chickens. In addition, our standards require litter must be dry at all times. Ammonia levels must be less than 10 parts per million, which means that if you can even sniff ammonia, it is over that limit. Our standards require enrichments so that the chickens are moving around. The chickens on our program do not have breast blisters and hock burns and suffer the way the chickens in the article do.
If you would like to read the full article click here.
If you want to make a difference for chickens go to our Take Action for Animals action page for ways to promote the Certified Humane® label in your community.
Lets work together to end the suffering of farm animals.
With gratitude,
Adele Douglass
Executive Director, Humane Farm Animal Care