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This message was self-deleted by its author (Duppers) on Thu May 23, 2019, 10:16 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(14,964 posts)Duppers
(28,264 posts)Although you can see the real thing on the streets in parts of Asia.
(14,964 posts)never forget that. It wasn't like this photo, it was in a grocery store and even worse than this.
I think yes, PETA has perhaps gone too far here. 😭😢
(28,264 posts)A dog doesn't equal a lamb and vice versa. I've never been able to bring myself to eat lamb. Even people discussing it bothers me. I'd only forgive someone killing a dog to eat only if that person/persons were starving. But yet, dogs are killed ever day in this country. Brings into question how is it that people make choices about what animals they'll consume.
(27,923 posts)PETA and "goes too far" are essentially synonyms.
(4,937 posts)bitterross
(4,066 posts)If we are going to bash the right for parading around in front of Planned Parenthood with disturbing pictures of embryos and fetuses then we should be consistent. We should condemn PETA for doing the same thing with disturbing pictures of dogs.
It does nothing but turn me off to the cause in question when they go this far.
I think, personally, this is too far. It's over the top - not in a good way.
(28,264 posts)I've great respect for you and your opinions and am most sorry I've offended you.
(4,066 posts)I respect your right to post the post and ask the question. That didn't offend me AT ALL.
I don't respect the sensationalism of the ad campaign.
(28,264 posts)I understand.
(4,066 posts)You gave warning in the OP title that there was graphic content. I chose to click on it anyway. If I acted all offended after that it would be entirely MY problem. Not yours.
I'm for the ethical treatment of animals. How one determines where the red line is, often baffles me though. I will admit, I have a bias because I grew up on a farm. We raised beef cattle. So I will absolutely admit I have a bias in favor of eating meat.
I think we can raise farm animals in sustainable, humane ways. I think Smithfield, Tyson, Hormel, Purdue, etc. are horrible corporations. As bad as any big oil company. All of them rape the planet and foul Mother Earth, in my opinion.
So, I'm not going to completely jettison PETA.
(28,264 posts)My brother and sister are strict vegetarians. I slip.
We bottle fed our calves (their moms were our milk cows) and we became very emotionally attached. It shocked our souls when we came in from school and found our bigger, formerly bottle fed calves gone and big piles of red meat lying on the kitchen table being cut up and wrapped for the freezer. "No, I will not eat my pet friend. Not ever." My siblings have stuck to that all their lives.
I slip. I mainly eat chicken, fish, and seafood. Good, yummy seafood is easily found now that I live on the coast.