Bow hunting should be viewed with the same horror as bull fighting, cock fighting or dog fighting
Most animals shot with bow and arrow escape the hunter and die of blood loss or starvation - a painful, unnecessary death. I'm not a fan of hunting, but this form of hunting in particular should be banned. A recent news item is especially distressful.

(15,124 posts)Do you have any authority for this outlandish statement?
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Atticus
(15,124 posts)one who questions the post has to have authority to disprove it?
What nonsense!
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)You are in fact calling the poster a liar without offering anything to support that the statement is untrue.
It's an oft used retort to something a person finds unsettling and frankly an extremely lazy retort.
It speaks equally as badly about the challenger as it does the challenged.
I personally suspect that the OP is in error but such a lame, lazy insult-as-rebuttal is, well, lame and lazy. Gimme somthin' here to support you, okay?
(15,124 posts)your response says. 2.) NOWHERE did I call the author of the OP a "liar", despite what your response says. 3.) For some reason, over half of your post is devoted to disparaging me.
Finally, 4.) As for "Gimme somethin' here to support you, okay?", with only this exchange to judge you by, I'll pass. I don't want or need your support.
We're done.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)underpants
(189,191 posts)Bows are very advanced and a good hunter gets the shot.
(5,195 posts)Its takes skill to hunt with a bow. The hunter has to get a lot closer to the animal to shoot an arrow with effect
Anyone who can fog a mirror and squeeze a trigger can hunt an animal with a gun from hundreds of feet away.
This said, I am good with hunting game so long as the animal taken is killed quickly and used in its totality (read: eaten). I do not agree in any way with trophy hunting in the manner Uday tRump hunts.
(15,870 posts)Shermann
(8,868 posts)Or, I should say, failed bowhunter. I've been a handful of times with my father. It's really really hard to find and get within range of the deer without them hearing you. Then you have to hope you remain downwind. Then you have to get off a shot and actually hit them.
I've gotten close but never killed (or wounded) a deer. The scales are more balanced than with a hunting rifle where you can pick them off from a much longer distance.
If everybody had to bowhunt for their meat, the amount of meat consumption in this country would fall off a cliff.
Most hunters have respect for nature and put value on and work hard towards clean kills. So I object to hunters being lumped in with those other bloodsport loving maniacs.
(35,070 posts)Even better when hit by someone else.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)in the replies: skill.
There's far too little of it in almost every aspect of amateur sport. How many nut busting videos of wanna' be skate board celebrities have gone viral?
The deer in the article was obviously shot from a high vantage point, ie tree stand, not from some highly skilled stalking at his own level. Beyond that who the hell takes a head shot with any weapon? It's stupid and I've seen worse results--don't ask.
Hunting in modern America is essential to maintaining a healthy population of game animals as habitat shrinks and gene pool along with it. Perverse to animal rights activists I know but true nonetheless. It just has to be done right. That takes work and restraint on the part of hunters.
So, if you hunt make it your business to raise the skill level for your sport. Support legislation for hunter education and instruction. Make a noise to elevate your pass time to a passion. Make people ashamed to go into the forest without skills. Set your own skill level as the floor for anyone coming into your domain.
Treat your quarry with the respect and reverence deserving of an animal giving it's life for you while you realize it isn't a fair fight.
(754 posts)I've bowhunted a bit my whole life, obsessively the last 2 years. I've shot 2 animals with a bow, both elk, and both died within my sight, within moments. A faster death would never be found in nature. Do bad shots, mistakes, wounded animals occur? Certainly. Any decent hunter, especially a bowhunter, absolutely strives to take clean, ethical shots that kill quickly. There are also bad, unethical hunters, and they're viewed as unfavorably, or moreso, by other hunters than even by the non-hunting community in my experience. To ethically take an animal with a bow is a reverential, wonderful, complicated rush of emotions that is impossible to explain. I'll close by saying this: i love elk like i love no other animal on earth. I love how they communicate, how they socialize, the pungent whiffs in the dark timber, how richly they feed me and my family. I have no qualms hunting them with archery tackle because i know i can do it ethically and with respect for the animal i revere.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)harvesters like yourself.
As you said the callous wanna' be is looked on with disrespect and it takes people like you and me to make them feel it.
We both know it's there and it makes the necessity of maintaining habitat and herd health all the more difficult.
(754 posts)There are likely more bad apples than i want to acknowledge. My personal experiences lend credence to the belief that there are more shitty rifle hunters than shitty bowhunters, but yes, you're correct, they're out there. Still doesn't mean, in my opinion, that bowhunting should be illegal, that's what i was referring to as nonsensical.