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This message was self-deleted by its author (Duppers) on Thu Feb 11, 2021, 06:11 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(15,588 posts)Wow Thomas Edison huh? Did not know that he had commented on stuff like this. Could not agree more
My Pet Orangutan
(11,267 posts)which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
(28,290 posts)He was such a wise man.
(1,320 posts)Not too sure what evolution means in this context, biological evolution has no goal.
(28,290 posts)"...biological evolution has no goal."
100% correct, imo.
I also thought that was a strange statement but liked the quote because of the surprising fact that Edison opposed slaughtering animals. Ignorant me did not know that.
Thanks, jb5150. 👍
(15,588 posts)Not biological evolution. I was surprised by the quote but a cursory scan of the net suggests that he is the source. Anyway he was not a biologist. I don't think he wandered outside engineering much. People make goofy analogies when they go outside their fields.
He probably had some nutty views but I cannot argue with that quote by itself (though I do agree that I don't care for the term evolution used in that style):
Lots of people are vegetarian for lunatic reasons.
AIong those lines, I remember reading about how Jeffrey Epstein used to make grossly unscientific equivalences all the time. But he had so much money that people put up with his creepy and grating personality.
(2,705 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,531 posts)All in an effort to have his DC technology win out over Tesla/Westinghouse's AC technology.
(28,290 posts)Yes, I know much about how he really screwed Nikola Tesla, who was truly a brilliant genius and very modest man.
Sadly, Tesla died penniless in a hotel room. History books should be rewritten to honor his name. (Back when I was in school, his name was not even mentioned.)
I'm ashamed for posting a quote of Edison now, the greedy cheat, and feel I should delete my post/this thread. I made a mistake. However, keep it up just a few more hrs.
Sincere thanks, eppur_se_muova.