Hi...any reccs on a good Vegan/vegetarian cookbook for beginners?
I am an omnivore, but really don't eat that much meat. Rarely drink milk, love cheese & eggs. I live in Seattle, have a subscription to Vegetarian Times, and am a member of Vegetarians of Washington.
But I'm overweight. Otherwise healthy. I know that the amount of meat/meat products I eat is very very small compared to average american diet, but still want to cut it out as much as possible, if not completely.
I love vegetables, can whip up a channa masala or dal like no one's business. Like I said, I don't eat a lot of meat, and b/c of Trader Joe's, etc, already have a freezer full of meat substitutes (veg burger, meatless meatballs, fake bacon, etc) mostly.
But I guess when it comes to a complete meal....main dish, side dish, I just get stuck. I don't want to eat nothing but salads, or nothing but burrito-type rollups, which seems to be where I get stuck.
I'm also a major carb junkie, and that contributes more to my weight than I think the meat products do because I eat more potatoes and rice than I do chicken or beef.
So I don't want to get caught up where everything is cous-cous and ___, or potatoes and ____, or rice and ____ because that's pretty much how I eat now anways. Or wrap up veggies and hummous in a burrito. Or put it with Pasta, etc.
So I'm looking for cookbooks to expand my palate so I'm not eating Rice and ____ or cous-cous and ____ every day...expand the palate so I don't get burned out. Iit never fails that I can go completely meatless for like 2 or 3 weeks then I just get burnt out on rice and ____, ____ in a burrito rolled up with hummous, etc.
Any advice?
Oh sorry for bad spelling...I spilt something on the laptop apparently....
added on edit: I read through the first page and didn't see anything related to books or what-not, but read through several of the posts and find you all to be a welcoming group full of really useful information and "real-life" situations...and I hope you don't mind if I subscribe to your group and keep on reading

(10,337 posts)I went fat free vegan for awhile a few years back and found his recipies to be outstanding. Yeah, they were fat free and vegan and all that stuff but they were also delcious! This from me, someone who loves to cook. His red bean chili is the best I've ever had, with or without meat.
Hell, now I may have to buy his new cookbook and I'm an unrepentant carnivore.
(3,622 posts)And it comes packed with three weeks of delicious wholesome vegan recipes.
It is called the 21 Day Detox program. You get a bottle of nutrients, three weeks
of recipes and lots of reading material to put your head in the right place.
Its for three weeks at a time, unless you want to go longer. You completely
empty your colon, and lose between 10 and 20 pounds and we manage to
keep at least 10 off. When we do it again, 1 year later, we lose another 10.
You can also stay on the diet. The first week is vegan, but cooked food.
The second week is vegan, but raw food. Great salads and soup recipes.
The third week is just energy soup, a soup made of greens and garlic and all raw.
No alcohol, no drugs, no sugar, no meat, etc. while on the detox. Plus you have
to exercise at least 30 minutes a day and drink at least 64 oz of water a day.
By the third week we felt like we were speeding. Very conscious process.
Once you go back to meat, cheese and alcohol, you feel the drudge set in.
Hoping one of these days we get it and stop all that thick soppy crappy food
and alcohol and just relax into a nice weight and vegan diet on about 20 more pounds from now.
hope this helps. google 21 day detox.
good luck.
(15,667 posts)Anybody who has been to any of the "Native Foods" restaurants knows Tanya's food is DELICIOUS!! I went to a Cinco de Mayo party on Saturday at her house in Palm Springs, a benefit for the local animal society. I brought with me my inlaws who were visiting from Buffalo, who were extremely NOT excited about the prospect of either Mexican or vegan cuisine......after a few nibbles they returned and loaded up their plates, not an unusual scenario. Her food appeals to both carnivores and vegans alike, and everyone in between.
(15,087 posts)mostly lentils and brown rice...it was pretty good, although I'm on a diet and everything tastes good! Sort of remided me if Indian food.
(39,152 posts)Last edited Mon May 7, 2012, 01:28 PM - Edit history (1)
How it All Vegan
Vegan with a Vengeance:
Good luck!
on edit: Another one by Isa - this one low fat & for losing weight - Appetite for Reduction: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600940498/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_g14_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0W99T1W0JJYHMQ1Q1Z41&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938631&pf_rd_i=507846
Love that name!
(21,360 posts)Get both of them. They have some excellent recipes in them.
The author is: Anna Thomas
Can't beat the popovers nor the buttermilk scones with currants!
(16,868 posts)The Happy Herbivore. Very simple recipes without a lot of ingredients.
Geoff R. Casavant
(2,381 posts)It lays out the science and nutrition facts, has some recipes, and also has hints how to add whole plant foods to your other dishes.
(18,312 posts)lots of reccs so tons of stuff to go thru. thanks for your time!!
(47,675 posts)Look them up. Buy all five.
(23,296 posts)by the Moosewood Collective.
Most of the meals can be made in 30 minutes or less, each recipe gives suggestions for what to serve with it. The meals are uncomplicated and you can buy most of the ingredients at a grocery store. It has nutritional analysis as well (except for fiber grams).
(20,176 posts)If you're an experienced cook, it might be a little preliminary but it's a good cookbook of easy plant-based recipes.
(7,265 posts)I became vegan on Feb. 1. For the first couple of weeks I ate any number of mushy bean chilis and stews and fake burgers and chikken. When the thought of swallowing another bite of that crud made me want to hurl, I went to the internet and found there's a wealth of vegan blogs and recipe sites.
Two of my favorites:
There are TONS more out there waiting to be discovered. Best of all, they're free and available right now, no purchase required.