Related: About this forumUK disappointed Netanyahu scotched planned meet with May
Reminder that the problem is not Obama, it's the Israelis.
Netanyahus office had denied reports Sunday night that he had nixed a meeting with May next month at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, saying that no meeting had been set. But the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Tel Aviv, Tony Kay, told The Times of Israel there had been plans for a sit-down, though Jerusalem had not told London it planned to cancel the meeting.
The UK remains and always will be a dear and close friend of Israel and rejects boycott or any efforts to delegitimize or undermine it, he said. Echoing the remarks of the UKs ambassador to the UN, Matthew Rycroft, made Friday at the Security Council, Kay reiterated his governments stalwart commitment to Israels security and its existence as the Jewish homeland.
At the same time, Britain considers Israeli settlements outside the 1967 lines including in Jerusalems Old City illegal and an obstacle to peace. Furthermore, he added, Resolution 2334 did not only condemn the settlements, but also called for a stop of violence and incitement.
We worked hard for a balanced text and we felt that the text was sufficiently balanced to warrant the UK voting in favor, Kay said.

(98,038 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Most dominant figure in Israeli politics since, and as of 2019, including Ben- Gurion. He's to today's Israel what Reagan was to the USA in 1984.
He won re-election on the strength of anti-Arab incitement and vowing to prevent a Palestinian state.
US pressure has been a guard rail for the Israelis in how they address the Palestinian situation. That guard rail is now gone and replaced by a Kahanist cheerleader in the White House.
(98,038 posts)against the U.S.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)still_one
(98,038 posts)"With his destructive reaction to the UN vote, Netanyahu is shutting down channels for dialogue with countries that Israel needs now and in the future | Editorial
As Israels diplomatic defeat at the UN Security Council becomes clearer, its equally clear why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stubbornly insists on being foreign minister as well. Netanyahu doesnt want anyone interfering as he destroys diplomatic relations with the countries, some friendly to Israel, that dared to vote for the resolution declaring the settlements illegal. The burial of the Foreign Ministry and the abandonment of diplomacy turns out to be part of a broad and dangerous plan to disengage from international law and stop playing by its rules.
As part of this punishment, he sent his close associate, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer, to television studios to hint that he has proof that the Obama administration was behind the advancement of the UN resolution. We have clear evidence [and] we will present this evidence to the new administration, Dermer threatened. If they want to share it with the American people they are welcome to do it.
This destruction campaign has gone global. Netanyahu ordered the Foreign Ministry to almost totally halt work relations with 12 of the countries that voted for the resolution. As part of these sanctions, ministers will reduce travel to these countries to a minimum and Netanyahu will not receive their foreign ministers. He has already turned down meetings with his British and Chinese counterparts.
Netanyahu is shutting down channels for dialogue with countries that Israel needs now and in the future. Because of his famous paranoia regarding diplomatic affairs, he fears that other moves are afoot in the final weeks of U.S. President Barack Obamas term. Hes particularly spooked by a meeting of foreign ministers scheduled for January 15 in Paris where, according to a senior official in Jerusalem, the United States and France may advance some other diplomatic move as part of the French peace initiative.
This catastrophe is taking place while there is no full-time foreign minister to explain to Netanyahu the enormous damage hes doing, and while to his left stands a defense minister who calls the Paris peace conference a modern-day Dreyfus trial against the entire Jewish people and calls on French Jews to move to Israel. To his right stands an education minister whos urging him to annex Area C of the West Bank.
Netanyahu is trying to cover up his defeat with arrogant and hollow rhetoric and by lighting Hanukkah candles at the Western Wall. Its one thing that he cant look reality in the eye and refuses to understand that an agreement with the Palestinian is a paramount Israeli interest. Whats worse is that the prime minister is dragging his country into the abyss.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)evil.
(98,038 posts)Response to geek tragedy (Original post)
Little Tich This message was self-deleted by its author.
(18,220 posts)Who refuse to negotiate.
At any time they could have called out Bibi with a proposal about borders for example, but they have even less interest deciding borders that Bibi.
Frankly they deserve each other, the only thing that piece of shit Abbas cares about is protecting his legacy, whatever the fuck that is, and ensuring that his two sons keep making billions through graft.