Related: About this forumIn video praising Trump, Jerusalem mayor says Obama surrendered to radical Islam
At least they're now being honest about who they are ...
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat released a video that disparages Obama and welcomes President-elect Donald Trump.
Barkats video pitch begins (in Hebrew, with subtitles):
My fellow citizens, during the last eight years, the Obama administration has pushed for a settlement-building freeze, has surrendered to the Iranians and radical Islam and abandoned Israel to a hostile U.N. resolution.
The video continues, with Barkat saying: This week President Donald Trump enters the White House. Lets all welcome him together as our friend.
Then the viewer hears some rousing music, sees Trump mount a stage, watches a crowd cheering wildly and cuts to Trump addressing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee lobby in Washington, vowing, We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem
Barkat follows: Thereby conveying a clear message to the world: Jerusalem is Israels undivided capital. Join me in signing a letter supporting President Trumps decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem and his decisions supporting Israel. Lets make the U.S. and Israel relationship great again!
Trump is indeed the strongest supporter of Israel to ever serve as US President, and is the most ideologically aligned with that country's ruling majority.

Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)Iran, to be conducted by America; truly delusional.
(18,220 posts)They want to make damn sure Iran does not have the capacity to develop nuclear weapons.
Remember when they attacked and destroyed Bashar Assad's nuclear weapon program?
Remember when they attacked and destroyed Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapon program?
Those violent, unilateral, violations of the national sovereignty of Iraq and Syria made the Middle East and the world a safer place.
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)weapon program possibility by Iran with no violence or violation of national sovereignty.
But the current regime is still all gungho for annexation of Palestine by settlement assimilation, no? Kind of like The Borg.
(18,220 posts)And arming Hezbollah in violation of UNSCR 1701.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)so deep Israeli bombs couldn't take them out.
(58,724 posts)From what I have read.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)East.
Which is very possible, given the current Axis of Evil (Bibi and Trump).
(58,724 posts)Are you for real?
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)They seek to engulf the entire region in a war.
They are angling for permanent apartheid in Palestine.
There are no good guys anymore. Well, the French and Germans for now anyways, but who knows how long that will last.
(58,724 posts)Several thousand people have been killed by drone strikes during his administration, including at least over a hundred civilians.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Trump has the moral code of a rabid animal.
(58,724 posts)What is your take on his decision to expand the drone program?
My take is that Obama is not evil. And that Netanyahu is a right winger with whom I disagree vehemently, but he is not evil.
Evil leaders are Kim Jung-Un or Isaias Afewerki. Or Al-Bashir in Sudan. To say nothing of Assad
Edit to add: Almost forgot Mugabe in Zimbabwe!
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Just like Trump does.
Trump is like a dumb Putin.
(58,724 posts)He is not who "they" are.
Israel is a country filled with diverse political voices, right and left and everything in between.
Nir Barkat = Israel as much as Trump = America.
Response to geek tragedy (Original post)
Little Tich This message was self-deleted by its author.