Related: About this forumThere is something many Westerners refuse to understand. (reposted by request)
Hamas is not fighting Netanyahu.
The Hoothies are not fighting Netanyahu.
Hezbollah are not fighting Netanyahu.
Iran is not fighting Netanyahu.
They are fighting the Jews. Not even Israelis, and certainly not Zionistis, and not colonialists and not war criminals. And they are not fighting members of Netanyahu's cabinet members, or Netanyahu himself. When they kill, they don't brag about killing war criminals, they are screaming out with glee, "I killed ten Jews today!"
And if they prevail, you are next. That's right, you, the ones who are paving the road to their hell with your presumably good intentions.
Every single one of you. Every liberal, every democrat, every woman, every non-binary person, every Christian, every Buddhist, every agnostic. Because they couldn't care less for the figurative bleeding hearts, useful as they are for them - they will come for real blood. Because they are vicious murderous religious fanatics, and that's the only thing they know how to do well.
And if they prevail, there will be no one left, French weapons or not, to stand up to them when they come for you.
I am not judging anyone, god bless you for freely expressing your opinions.
This is a warning that words, even in the most casual expressions of opinions, have consequences when repeated often enough.

(2,694 posts)I've been disconnected from the body count lately, how many kids do you think each side has killed this past year?
(244 posts)Who started it? Hamas uses their own people as human shields.
All the blood from both sides of this conflict is on Hamass hands.
(308,376 posts)Fuck the GD Terrorists Setting Up Palestinians as "Martyrs"..
(8,950 posts)I am next? I am next?
Jeeze fearmonger much? Oh ya! Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas are going to kill us here in good ol USA. Every single one of us! Your words "Every liberal, every democrat, every woman, every non-binary person, every Christian, every Buddhist, every agnostic." Every one of us. Seriously get a grip! How exactly are they going to get here? With their vaunted navy? We took out half of their navy in less than one day in 1988. Who do you think has gotten better since then and the correct answer is not Iran. Are they all going to book flights to the US with their guns and tanks and APC's? "Do you have anything to check traveler from Iran?" "Yes. just this BMP in my briefcase."
"Ah yes, move along".
Or are they going to go all China on us like in the movie Wolverine and airdrop over us with their, Checks, maybe 12 transport planes and 2 refuelers they have that would never get anywhere close to the US because we have fucking F22's, F16's and F35's as well as the worlds best military and military radar system in the world? Out of everything you have ever said here I really cant believe you said this. This is by far the worst. I pave my road with intelligence, the desire for peace and the biggest and best military in the world. You? "And if they prevail, you are next." 100% fearmongering with a huge dash of anti-knowledge.
(6,701 posts)of groups who appear to have pleasure in going after this group or that whether that group is Jews, Palestinians, various peoples in Western and Southern Africa, Christians, Uyghurs in China, Massalits in Sudan, indigenous people in many parts of the world etc. Groups that have hate and intolerance of others can be found worldwide unfortunately and most countries cannot claim to be without them.
Richard D
(9,625 posts). . . then, we kill the Sunday people.
Until only the Friday people will remain."
Then the secularized West.
When they say it, believe it. They mean it.
They've been saying this for a long time.
Richard D
(9,625 posts)It takes courage to speak that unspeakable truth.
It takes even more courage to hear it.
(90,294 posts)First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Lulu KC
(7,325 posts)Thanks for posting. I could go on with comments and questions but I am not going to. Your point is important. Period.
Response to Beastly Boy (Original post)
Post removed
(6,859 posts)As soon as you declare this to be a religious war, you go down the path of 'we need to get them before they get us' from both sides.
And the 'getting of them' becomes indiscriminate.
Pre-emptive 'defensive' strikes become the order of the day.
So be careful if you are inclined to say this is a religious war.
It is much more complicated than that.
Demonising the other side isn't the way to a resolution.
(6,859 posts)"The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims in the Middle Ages.
There were six major Crusades:
The First Crusade lasted from 1096 to 1099.
The Second Crusade began in 1147 and ended in 1149.
The Third Crusade started in 1189 and was concluded in 1192.
The Fourth Crusade got underway in 1202 and ended in 1204.
The Fifth Crusade lasted from 1217 until 1221.
The Sixth Crusade occurred in 122829.
The Crusades lasted for a period of around 200 years in total."
So 16+ years of actual war.
Do we really want to go back to that?
I don't know the OP or where he lives, or even if he is sincere in his panic, but if he is, I'd suggest he Googles 'Doomsday Preppers' because there is a lot he can do to protect himself if it comes to an invasion of fanatics wanting to kill him.
(308,376 posts)It's a Truth Boom that some can't handle. Seems they don't get the whole ideology of the GD Islamic Terrorists' Stupid Jihads. .
Hamas terror groups charter explicitly calls for Israels destruction: Fight Jews and kill them
I have read the Hamas Terrorists Boasting "The West is Next".. Well Fuck Them, Hezbollah, & Iran.... Stupid Assholes.