Creative Speculation
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[font size=4]UFOs Confront Soldiers During War, Says Ex-Air Force Intelligence Officer[/font]
"Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that, and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we'd go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that," Filer told The Huffington Post. "Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the DMZ."
Filer described a typical report that he'd receive and which he included in his briefings to Brown:
"You'd have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have.
more at Huff Post

(20,620 posts)frogmarch
(12,241 posts)and they, like these, were probably naturally occurring atmospheric phenomena. Some known examples of atmospheric phenomena are sprites, jets and ELVES (Emissions of Light and Very low frequency perturbations from Electromagnetic pulse Sources). Ball lightning is another example. What are the chances there are others too others we dont yet know about? Id say the chances are great, and that ETs shouldnt be the default explanation for every strange thing observed in the sky.
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)
I am strictly evidence-based and logical when it comes to science and practical matters impacting my every day life.
When it comes to idle speculation removed from practical considerations, there are no rules, so I can imagine anything I want to. Given that freedom, I like to imagine big, and to imagine that which is most fun to imagine. I call it "creative speculation".
(12,241 posts)is "strictly evidence-based and logical when it comes to science and practical matters." I too like to give my imagination free rein sometimes. I have fairy dioramas, ET sculptures and a UFO blinking lamp in my living room, but they're just for fun, and they are fun. I love them all.
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)When I talk about UFOs, or reincarnation, or reality as virtual reality, or consciousness as a third inherent element of existence (space/time, mass/energy, information/consciousness), or near death experiences, people sometimes ask me if I "believe" in those things. No, I don't believe in them. They are interesting to speculate about, and as far as I'm concerned one or more of them might be true. I wouldn't bet the farm on any of them. I certainly don't believe in them, but oddly, to some, I don't disbelieve in them either. My sense of reality would not be shattered if an alien spacecraft landed on the White House lawn tomorrow morning, but short of that, it would take some really extraordinary evidence to persuade me to "believe" in UFOs as alien spacecraft.
(36,988 posts)which is why so called debunkers never look at the documents from your own government saying that it is a real phenomenon that can't be explained when they shut down our nuclear sites........ ball lightning.........LOL