Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumI predict that within 2 weeks from June 28, Sunday, Donald Trump will resign..(maybe sooner)
The news about Putin paying to kill American troops is the final straw...Trump knew & did nothing.

(15,894 posts)We want him to.
The entire Republican Party in Washington wants him to.
But, more importantly, the New York State AG REALLY wants him to retire. So he won't.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)leftieNanner
(15,894 posts)with his name on them, he will scoot.
(5,835 posts)Nevilledog
(53,826 posts)Walleye
(38,623 posts)demosincebirth
(12,771 posts)TheCowsCameHome
(40,234 posts)Nothing else matters to him.
(38,601 posts)I dont think he will do this, but if he did then what?
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)After Nixon resigned......Gerald Ford became President of the United States..
(532 posts)then appoint a 'friendly' Gerald Ford.
(15,894 posts)They will try to find someone else to nominate to take the VP spot (must be confirmed by Congress). And the Republican Party will fight about how to redeem their reputation (not redeem themselves - it's too late for that) and find someone else to run in November. Maybe Pence. Maybe Romney. Haley? Liz Chaney? Who knows.
(3,747 posts)...who would become the Republican Presidential candidate? That is a lot less clear.
(38,601 posts)Who would run?
Thats why I think it wont happen. Theyre all in on this dude.
(1,926 posts)
(24,480 posts)if this occurs the Democrats should not prosecute him and wait until President Biden is president then go after his a$$ big time.
(54,770 posts)We've funded the other side against Russia and lots of other countries. In fact, we helped the Afghans against Russia. We should have left there long ago, anyway.
(15,320 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)..You will see that after today, the wind will change for the Republican Party. As has been said...."This is
It will take some time, but Trump will resign..Trump knew and he did nothing....
This is the final straw for Donald Trump
(15,320 posts)Republican Party is charming.
(8,120 posts) done in by Covid-19 because he went to mega churches without a mask with thousands of others not wearing masks as they pray away the Rona and - President Pelosi!
Please baby Jebus...for me? Just to see all the Reich-wing heads exploding!!!!
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)randr
(12,521 posts)He will resign. Not sure of timing but certainly before convention
(12,713 posts)Fingers crossed, but he may go all in instead. He has nothing to lose at this point.
(7,629 posts)requires reflection, logic, and sanity...he has none of those things.
regnaD kciN
(26,833 posts)Trump knows that, the minute he's out of office, he's subject to criminal prosecution that could land him behind bars for the rest of his life. Sure, theoretically, he could have a deal in place for Pence to immediately pardon him, but he knows full well that, the minute he hands in his resignation letter, such a deal is unenforceable and, with his track record of double-crossing people and reneging on deals as his standard operating procedure, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't trust Pence not to do the same, once he has all the power and Trump has none.
In fact, that's why I'm fairly sure that, should Trump lose in November, he's going to have to be dragged out of the Oval Office by the Secret Service on January 20th. Knowing that the only likely choices for him are the White House or the "big house," he'll do everything he can to stay in power, even if it means destroying our nation.
(2,387 posts) retire to a country that has no extradition treaty with the United States.
-- Ron
(19,486 posts)For his tax avoidance and real estate fraud charges that are pending. Not to mention states where Trump has businesses that did not pay taxes.
Orange will be Trump's everyday wear.
(11,686 posts)I will never believe it until it is done and the paper work is all signed and filed in the appropriate place. Oh, and he is physically completely out of the White House.
(14,721 posts)I say we fucking IMPEACH him AGAIN
It would surely unhinge him between now & November...
He won't resign because he knows he'd be indicted within a month...for EVERYTHING
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)Been kind of quiet over the weekend.
Mme. Defarge
(8,652 posts)head of the CIA from 1981-1987, just happened to die the day before he was scheduled to testify, if memory serves me, at an Iran-Contra hearing.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)But I hate thats when Reagan began the I dont recall defense. They let him slide on that and established a very bad precedent.
(4,686 posts)Miguelito Loveless
(4,836 posts)To resign is to admit he is wrong. Trump is incapable of doing this.
And so far, I hear crickets from the GOP about this, meaning they are fine with it.
LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,123 posts)He can say he didn't know, but now he does. Now we see once and for all where his loyalties lie -- with Putin or with the people of the United States.
(4,533 posts)About the hundredth time so far
(4,474 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Riots,
Trump getting elected,
Trump getting impeached,
Virus killing thousands.
People not taking precautions from virus,
etc, etc, etc,...more coming...??(no, I don't know the future)
(10,593 posts)Republicans are ruthless.
They don't like Trump - just like we don't.
Yet they've proved they would hold their noses if he kept them in power ...
Make no mistake: the Republicans enabled Trump
Now? If Trump represents them losing power and seats on congress?
They'll throw him out with the evening garbage.
To save face, Trump can feign illness. Pence takes over and pardons him (after the election because Trump has dirt on the Republicans too)
The Republicans will have already run internal polling on who would be the most competitive against Joe Biden. And away they go.
Trump serves as a public pinata. Shinny new candidate gets a free pass from many.
MAGAts don't bolt because poor Trumpy got sick.
Nixon messed with the Vietnam peace talks before he was president.
Reagan: Iran contra
GHW Bush: Willie Horton ad
GW Bush Florida 2000. Kerry swiftboating 2004
Obama: Muslim & Kenyan smears along with death panels
Trump: Russia, Ukraine, etc
(many more transgressions not listed)
This is how the Republicans operate. They've operated this way my whole life.
If they want Trump to resign, he'll resign. They could still impeach him.
They're not going to let Trump take them entirely down the toilet.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)