Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumI wonder how many lives would have been saved,...if Trump started wearing a mask the same
day that he said, "It would be gone in five days"...And further, if he said this instead on that same day:
.......just these 3 sentences. ...:
".I have consulted with leaders around the world, and this is an extremely dangerous situation, and everyone should wear a mask every time you are in public interacting in anyway with anyone..
...Furthermore, after today, (early in Feb) you will never see me without a mask to protect the people I work with and my family from this horrendous disease. All of my staff, all of the time, from now on, will be wearing masks at work, and when out in public."
And, he carried that through to today...everyday from Feb till now, and in the future until when this is over..
How many lives saved?...perhaps 50,000? more, or less? I say at least 60,000 lives saved if he said
.. this in early February.

Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)Mrs. Clinton.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)language from the very beginning, how many lives saved?...It is after all, Creative Speculation and that is the question.
Response to Stuart G (Original post)
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