Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumTrump won't get the nomination in 2024..Here is why: simple:
1972 Election:Republican Richard M. Nixon Spiro Agnew 520 96.7% 47,169,911 60.7%
Democratic George McGovern Sargent Shriver 17 3.2% 29,170,383 37.5%
Maybe Trump would get more than 37.5%...Maybe...
...Donald Trump is a killer, a liar, a looser, and a person who hates.
And Trump is proud of himself. Now and always. And he ..."Acts like It"
Now, the powers that be in the Puke Party don't want a disaster like we had in 72..(one state only ...Mass)
So in the end, Trump will not get the nomination..(and if you think that Rich Pukes would donate to Trump, a looser,
liar and a killer....Well I don't think so...If Trump wants to run, he can rlun, but in my opinion...(CREATIVE SPECULATION)
...Donald Trump may think he has a chance, some Pukes may think he has a chance,,,,but in Stuart's opinion..for what it is
worth....Trump has NO CHANCE..!!! ............
PROFESSIONAL PUKES and Honest pukes...will not allow it. (in my opinion) & if he gets the nomination,
(somehow)....???...then another Puke will also run, making a Trump's win impossible..

(39,213 posts)Instead, he'll dangle his endorsement over the heads of the GOP candidates & they'll spend a year sucking his orange ass on national television.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)KS Toronado
(20,969 posts)FailedCoupGuy will never get the nomination, but media keeps talking otherwise only for ratings.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,595 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 17, 2022, 12:24 PM - Edit history (1)
Before recent events, I was sure Trump would never run again as he could not stand another severe wound to his fragile ego if he lost.
However, right now the GOP is very busy with a widespread plan to steal the vote for real. The state electoral process is being handed to the GOP.
If Trump thinks winning is a sure thing, he will run again. Another presidential win would do many things for him. He can seek vengeance on his perceived enemies; get a pass on all legal proceedings; once again make a great deal of money.
He would lay the groundwork further for a permanent autocracy and hand the reins to his children so the Trumps could rule for a very long time. I assume this is his thought process.
(23,362 posts)This is why he claimed-- without evidence-- that both elections were rigged against him. It prepared his followers for his inevitable losses of the popular vote and the EC in 2020.
His niece, Mary Trump, thinks that his fragile ego couldn't survive another electoral loss. She doesn't think he'll run. That thought has some merit, I believe.
(65,595 posts)I agree his fragile ego could not tolerate another loss. But now the rigging of elections is taking place to the point he may not see that he could lose.
Dr. Trump should revisit her statement in light of recent events about the extent and scope of the rigging of future elections.
(18,003 posts)Mme. Defarge
(8,652 posts)in those states.
(54,770 posts)Chainfire
(17,757 posts)The only thing that may stop him would be a criminal conviction or a serious health issue. I am not sure that a criminal conviction would prevent him running, unless the conviction was for treason (like that will happen...). Nothing prevents a person from running for President from prison. When he runs, the Republicans will have to back him unless they want to see half of their party abandon them. The Republicans created the monster and now they can not easily divorce themselves from it. Republicans best hopes to get rid of Trump is for him to die. What would be even better is for him to die and blame his death on Democrats.
(81 posts)I do think "Professional Pukes and Honest Pukes" don't wont Trump nominated, but I think they will have no choice given Trump's popularity with the uneducated, the increased minority support, and his overall turnout against Biden. Professional pukes didn't want him nominated in 2016, but were forced to deal with him then. I just don't see Trump's ego and Bannon's campaign against democracy going into the night with a whimper. The republican party would be fractured beyond repair and I think they know it.
(35,363 posts)They can and will manipulate things behind the scenes to get their way. Case in point is the Cheneys
Mary Trump has changed her tune and thinks he is running.
As far as the gqp setting up runs for SOS offices, that isnt a done deal...far from it. GA lieutenant gov has come out telling the gqp to move on from tfg that hes toxic. Even if elected, throwing out votes, changing vote totals is risky and comes with a steep punishment. If they refuse to certify they may lose their right to have their states vote count. Read the electoral count act..explains it quite well.
Since he has cheated his entire life and paid no consequences, I think hes busy setting things up to where he thinks he can win. He never learns
Finally, please remember the laws that have been passed suppressing the vote, those are all facing legal challenges- 7 in the state of GA alone. Althou not a slam dunk, the most egregious parts will not stand
This is the time for action VOLUNTEER, DONATE and VOTE!!
(12,286 posts)He is destroying the GOP from within. The longer he is in charge, the greater the destruction.
(27,431 posts)long enough that no truly viable Republican will be able to start their own campaign. When he abruptly says he won't run, probably claiming the Dems will steal the election again, it will be some third-rate, delusional Republican who will get the nomination. Oh, Trump will "campaign" for his favored Republican Governors, Senators, and Representatives, but I doubt it will do much good. The R's who win, will be those who are already in Republican strongholds.