Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumSo, what is the BEST evidence for ANY paranormal event?
Because I do not believe in any of it! So give me the best link or story that PROVES any of the following.....
Visitors from another planet
psychic/spiritual healing
NO PROOF that is repeatable and accepted by science.
Wonder why that is?
Where are the psychic winning lottery's or taking millions from Vegas?

(1,486 posts)and then a day later it played on the radio-explain that smartie! And I hadn't heard it for like 10 years.
(22,457 posts)digonswine
(1,486 posts)Logical
(22,457 posts)digonswine
(1,486 posts)greyl
(22,997 posts)digonswine
(1,486 posts)Turbineguy
(38,823 posts)the proof is that they haven't contacted us.
(22,457 posts)jakeXT
(10,575 posts)Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)"Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? Medicine."
(22,457 posts)RebelOne
(30,947 posts)but no one would believe me. ESP, supernatural and dream experiences. I am an atheist and a skeptic, but I cannot deny any of these occurrences.
(22,457 posts)Lots of people have lots of weird experiences. Means nothing.
People tend to remember the ones that come true and forgot the ones that do not.
If there was something there we would start having some real evidence.
(62,444 posts)eomer
(3,845 posts)It might remain unexplained, for a time, but if it can be demonstrated through evidence then it is part of the natural universe. Explanations will follow after observation.
(18,856 posts)Logical
(22,457 posts)MineralMan
(148,664 posts)
The Straight Story
(48,121 posts)Plenty of people can pick them up, and do.
And instead of taking their word for it, go try yourself a few times and see what happens.
(12,241 posts)Okay, I will go try it.
EDITED to add

EDITED to change "Electric" to "Electronic" in the subject line.
(22,457 posts)NoMoreWarNow
(1,259 posts)What are you looking for exactly? Some validation that you are smart and right to deny all these things? Or are you seriously looking for evidence?
I think there is darn good evidence for ETs, if you look into the UFO field. Of course, this area has a lot of disinfo and extensive govt coverups and science doesn't do a good job with this sort of phenomenon. But there is more than enough evidence for UFOs being real, and the best explanation for many UFOs is ET in nature.
(22,457 posts)"Some validation that you are smart and right to deny all these things". Well, I would say so far I am right since none of these thing are accepted by science. It has nothing to do with being smart. It is just the truth.
Give me your evidence for ETs being real. Links and scientific proof. And your "extensive govt coverups" crap is a typical excuse in these areas.
As more and more people have cell phones and easily accessible cameras it is amazing there is not more proof of these ETs.
(1,259 posts)even if 99% of them are bogus, that still leaves a lot of really weird stuff out there.
Are you denying there are govt cover-ups?
(39,210 posts)Modern science is not capable of validating supernatural phenomena. We are not advanced enough in our reasoning to do this. That's all you have to admit.
Stop already with the juvenile attention-getting requests for someone to come and convince you. Convince you of what? To leave your state of denial?
There actually is a researcher who has developed and organized a body of data into a system with scientific and logical supportive arguments. Experiments have begun on his theories and they are supporting his line of reasoning. What I'm telling you is someone has developed a theory of how the paranormal works.
If you really cared and were on top of the research, you'd know this and you would be reading his book instead of challenging people on a forum to "convince you."
So modern science cannot handle pseudo science! That might be te worst defense of nutty scientific claims I have ever seen in 30 years of debunking this crap.
Give me the name of this researcher, I cannot wait to see his published peer reviewed papers.
(23,616 posts)Shut the science centers down! Am I right? Who's with me?
(22,457 posts)NJCher
(39,210 posts)You're the one who named it "pseudo-science." The rest of us just call it unexplained phenomena.
And I won't give you the name. Find it out yourself, because this is nothing more than a game to you. No source will ever be enough because that would end your self-serving, psychologically satisfying little pastime.
If you're any kind of researcher, you can find it out in less than five minutes.
(22,457 posts)important. He would be all over the news.
You realize that people like you are ALWAYS on the brink of some major discovery?? Either ESP or Aliens or Unlimited power, etc. The list of shit that is never proved has been around for 100s of years.
Give me some proof or this magic scientists name.
(57,936 posts)Ask them to sing an "A," and they will sing an "A" right, perfectly in tune every time. You probably cannot do that. I can come close, but I can't do it every single time. On the other hand if I hear a note, I can usually tell you what it is.
I obviously learned to associate a sound with the name of a note. And that means that my brain formed so as to be able to do that.
Now, I can't see further than a few feet in front of me without a lot of help from the science of optics. That's also something a little strange and not average about the way my brain formed. If I didn't have glasses, I would think that the world beyond those few feet didn't exist, and people who told me about it were crazy. You can't prove it to me, I would say.
What is more, I am partly color-blind. Wow! That means that I see the world a little differently than most people. I cannot even imagine the colors I cannot see.
So, I cannot say whether some brains are tuned to perceive reality in a different way -- whether more accurately or less accurately than my own. I cannot know whether certain animals, with their heightened sense, let's say of sight or hearing or smell or just instinct can know the world and experience many things that I cannot.
I have recently heard that scientists have discovered that birds have some way of perceiving direction and radar through a means that we did not previously recognize.
Humans have not yet reached the state of total knowledge.
So, while we may not have proof that some of the "strange," inexplicable experiences that some of us have are true or merely imagination or coincidence, if they happen to us, we cannot dismiss them as mere figments of our imagination. They may be merely imagined, but they may not.
So, we just observe and stay alert to the real world and try to live in it with our feet on the ground but without fear of experiencing things we cannot explain.
It's called staying sane in an insane universe. Or, alternatively, admitting ignorance and wonder in an all-knowing and amazing universe. Take your pick, but if something happens to you, you will know that it happened. And if not, good for you. You can live in the certainty of knowing that there is nothing beyond your understanding.
I don't mean to insult you. I really mean that we don't have much choice about these things, so we should be happy and live with our feet on the ground whether we experience strange things or not.
(13,508 posts)I rarely venture into this group (and most of the threads & posts I've flipped through
today remind me why) but there are the occasional thoughtful & sincere posts that
catch my eye. You made two such in this thread and I (for one) appreciate them.
(14,180 posts)there was a report that Mother Nature responds at the quantum level. Apparently, in chlorophyl, there is some sort of entity -- I want to say a molecule, but fear I may be either too large or too small in so doing -- that reacts to light at the quantum level, such that a single quanta of light simultaneoosly activated two of these different and distinct chlorphyl-ish entities. (A quanta is a single particle of light.)
I mention this because, although not an effect observable to the naked eye, this quantum activity would be an aspect of Mother Nature that would have been thought of and dismissed as 'supernatural' until biologists had observed and validated it.
I am reminded of Hamlet's words "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in thy philosophy."
I wish I could remember where on DU I saw the article referenced. I remembered thinking to myself when I read it, "Wow, Nature works in strange ways." I'm not a biologist either, just an interested layperson. It really was an incredible story.
(442 posts)NJC and NMW - well stated. As much as I rely on science there are still a zillion things left for them to explore. I can't believe there'll ever come a time when we KNOW IT ALL. All right already, so there are some in this forum who delusionally feel they know it all--but that doesn't count.
With regard to the paranormal, like you, I think it's difficult to replicate simply because science doesn't yet have the necessary knowledge and tools to do so--but I believe at the gut level there are things man will discover about this universe and our role in it that will blow people away. I truly don't believe that we've yet begun to scratch the surface of what's "out there" To blanketly dismiss the paranormal simply because science has not yet got to the bottom of it is to be smugly ignorant. Besides, whatever is the harm in keeping an open mind?
Response to Logical (Original post)
felix_numinous This message was self-deleted by its author.
(22,457 posts)That if someone claims to talk to Jesus nightly, or a chair, or can transport to the moon I need to take it seriously and keep an open mind.
Some claims are beyond giving any time to.
Now if someone said they figured out how transport an item from one location to another I would be curious.
Or if Haldron said they discovered something that was 100% against science I would also give it some leeway.
But those things I list have NO scientific proof at all. They have stories. That is it. And the items I mentioned have had NO improvement in proof for 50 years. NONE.
These items are not like radio waves, etc.
You know, if you know science, that some claims do not deserve any time spent on them.
Response to Logical (Reply #33)
felix_numinous This message was self-deleted by its author.
(22,457 posts)FYI, scientists say they can prove the earth is 3000 years old and prove evolution is not real. I assume you think they are doing "interesting" work also??
Response to Logical (Reply #35)
felix_numinous This message was self-deleted by its author.
(22,457 posts)You claim only people claiming pseudo science attend " bogus colleges" but that is not true. Read and learn....
The Creationist Museum creator is Ken Ham, he has a degree from Queensland University of Technology a respected university. His son has a degree in Geology from Oklahome State university? Are these bogus colleges?
Austin, Steven A., Ph.D., Education, B.S. (Geology), University of Washington, Seattle, WA,1970, M.S. (Geology), San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 1971, Ph.D. (Geology), Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 1979, he is the head of the Institute for Creation Research. Are these bogus colleges?
There are 100s more. But I feel at this point it would be a waste of time to tell you about them.
Please provide any research that has enhanced the knowledge of any of the topics I listed in the OP.
Response to Logical (Reply #37)
felix_numinous This message was self-deleted by its author.
(22,457 posts)And need to justify it somehow.
Response to Logical (Reply #39)
felix_numinous This message was self-deleted by its author.
(22,457 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)There is documentary evidence. There is also testimonial evidence.
Paranormal events are occurrences that we cannot explain with our current knowledge and that were experienced or seen only by one or a few people. (If an event that we cannot explain occurs and many people observe it or experience it, then the fact that so many people report it makes it more believable.) They may be supported by testimonial evidence.
The idea that bacteria existed was considered just a myth until someone looked more carefully into a microscope. A new tool and a clever way of using it were required to provide the evidence that bacteria existed.
So, the thing that makes a paranormal event different from other events is that it may be that only one person or a smaller group of people have experienced it. That may mean it didn't happen. The person experiencing it may have misinterpreted the experience or imagined it. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen. It definitely means that you don't have to believe it happened if it didn't happen to you and you didn't experience it.
WWI happened. Lots of people lived through it. There are lots of reports about it. That is the evidence that it happened. But I wasn't alive when it happened, and I don't remember it. I just accept that it happened because so many people lived through it and wrote about it.
Evolution supposedly happened. I wasn't there. But it happened, and I believe it happened even though I can't personally verify the evidence that it happened.
But many Fundamentalists do not believe that evolution happened. They prefer to believe a theory about creation that I consider to be just an allegory, as believable as someone else's paranormal experience. That's their choice.
To some, the idea that global warming has something to do with human activity is a sort of paranormal belief -- a conspiracy theory. I disagree with them, but they deny the scientific proof of the human factor because it is too complicated and requires a background in science that they don't have.
So we have to be aware that sometimes we don't believe things that are true because we don't have the knowledge or experience to assess them correctly.
Should a paranormal event happen to you, you will believe it. If it doesn't happen to you, you don't need to believe it.
Just relax.
(22,457 posts)And lawyer will tell you testimonial evidence is the BEST evidence to convict someone but usually the least accurate evidence.
Eyewitness testimony is horribly unreliable. But juries LOVE it.
Even Allen Hynek said most all of UFO events had a easy explanation that had nothing supernatural about them. Stars. Planes, etc.
So your point is not really valid.
If the FDA allowed testimonial evidence that drugs worked then placebos would be on the market to cure many issues.
I just want someone to show me any evidence UFO, ESP, Etc has advanced ANY in the last 40 years. Any movement toward proof.
Please be the one who sends me something. I would love to read it.
(12,241 posts)"Ridicule is not part of the scientific method, and people should not be taught that it is. The steady flow of reports, often made in concert by reliable observers, raises questions of scientific obligation and responsibility. Is there ... any residue that is worthy of scientific attention? Or, if there isn't, does not an obligation exist to say so to the publicnot in words of open ridicule but seriously, to keep faith with the trust the public places in science and scientists?" (Emphasis in original)[4]
The essay was very carefully worded: Hynek never states that UFOs are an extraordinary phenomenon. But it is clear that, whatever his own views, Hynek was increasingly distressed by what he saw as the superficial manner most scientists looked at UFOs. In 1953, Hynek was an associate member of the Robertson Panel, which concluded that there was nothing anomalous about UFOs, and that a public relations campaign should be undertaken to debunk the subject and reduce public interest. Hynek would later come to lament that the Robertson Panel had helped make UFOs a disreputable field of study.
When the UFO reports continued at a steady pace, Hynek devoted some time to studying the reports and determined that some were deeply puzzling, even after considerable study. He once said, "As a scientist I must be mindful of the past; all too often it has happened that matters of great value to science were overlooked because the new phenomenon did not fit the accepted scientific outlook of the time."[3]
In a 1985 interview, when asked what caused his change of opinion, Hynek responded, "Two things, really. One was the completely negative and unyielding attitude of the Air Force. They wouldn't give UFOs the chance of existing, even if they were flying up and down the street in broad daylight. Everything had to have an explanation. I began to resent that, even though I basically felt the same way, because I still thought they weren't going about it in the right way. You can't assume that everything is black no matter what. Secondly, the caliber of the witnesses began to trouble me. Quite a few instances were reported by military pilots, for example, and I knew them to be fairly well-trained, so this is when I first began to think that, well, maybe there was something to all this."
Did you see Allen Hynek in Close Enclunters of the Thrid Kind? He was the man smoking a pipe in the scene after the mother ship landed.

(57,936 posts)And I don't expect you to believe what people tell you from their personal experiences.
I just hope you don't have such an experience. Because you so devoutly believe that something that you can't document can't be true, that such and experience would shatter your sense of reality.
As I pointed out, people did not believe that bacteria existed until someone invented a microscope strong enough to permit us to see them.
People used to believe the earth was flat, until someone proved them wrong.
Many things that we can now easily explain thanks to science, we once thought were magical.
I think the best policy is to remain at the same time skeptical and open to new ideas and possibilities. I don't "believe" in things for which there is no evidence, either evidence based on my own experience or some seemingly objectively reliable evidence, but I don't totally discount claims and experiences that others claim to have had for which there is at this time no empirical evidence.
It's the people who don't accept common beliefs, who are not bound by what has already been proved, who make new discoveries and develop new technologies.
I believe in always keeping that childish part of myself that is curious about things I can't explain. It keeps you young. It keeps your mind young.
(22,457 posts)someone could prove you live after death.
So don't think that because I don't believe I don't want it to happen.
(57,936 posts)You never think you'll fall in love -- until you do.
You never know how much you can love a child -- until you have a child and experience that love.
There are some things you don't know until it happens to you.
And sometimes things happen to one person that don't happen to another.
(201 posts)If you've seen 'stuff' then who am I to tell you wrong? Really?
But for those of us who have not, that are careful not to anthropomorphicaly adjust shadows or sounds, this is non-sensical.
Yet, I do agree that 'science' is just another religion. Quantum physics literally destroyed my sense of reality. Shit gets really, really weird down in those parts. So, throw out teh 'double-slit' experiment once in a while dude.
I disagree with you wholly and entirely: no ghosts, no souls, et al.
But, I speak from the reality I have here. Let's take a vacation in a black-hole (we wouldn't survive) and tell the world what it is...
You're last sentence I agree with entirely guy (or gal).
E=mc2. Thats the macro level; which tells us time is not a constant. Crazy, crazy.
Or look up this:
that's just 1 of 6. You'll find the rest if it interests you... it's dang good.
(53,410 posts)Non believers are forever demanding scientific evidence and PROOF but sit back totally complacent that they don't need to do anything to prove their non belief.
Give me the proof that UFOs don't exist. Or that people have never had paranormal experiences or that reincarnation is all a lie.
I like to keep an open mind when I don't know the answer one way or the other. And I also keep belief separate from scientific proof in my mind. Do I believe it's possible that there are psychics? I believe they might exist. Just like I believe God might exist perhaps in a different way than we imagine.
Sometimes, if you keep an open mind a valuable thought might drop in.
(2,560 posts)Can you give me scientific proof they don't?
UFOs may exist. People may have had paranormal experiences. Reincarnation may be a fact. There may be psychics. God may exist. Polka dotted giant unicorns may exist. I've seen no proof that any of these is true. Why should my claim merit any more respect than any of the others? I have the same level of evidence the others have. None.
If you wish to make a claim, you need to back it up with proof.
And what the hell does "prove their non belief" mean?
(53,410 posts)I see them in comic books and cartoons and drawings all the time. They obviously exist. But thanks for repeating my argument by making the same argument.
(2,560 posts)So unicorns exist because you've seen them in cartoons. If that's what you call an acceptable level of proof, there's no point discussing the question.
(53,410 posts)which is a leap of faith on your part since all you're doing is jumping to conclusions about what I believe without even a shred of evidence. So your argument is based on your assumptions about what I believe. You're a victim of your own faux rationalizations or you believe everyone is you, therefore you evidently think you have the perfect foil.
That's like saying Bush was elected and the Supreme Court didn't, in fact, select him and then proceeding to make your case based on the lie that he was elected as if it were the truth, conveniently forgetting that he actually wasn't elected by us, the people.
The Truth isn't what makes history. It's the perception of Truth that makes history and the acceptance of the false as Truth that makes history.
(2,560 posts)Oh, come on. I've read your posts and you're smart enough to know that was just an example. Could have been "Mickey Mouse is the Supreme Leader of the Universe' or whatever. And it wasn't simply was giant, polka-dotted unicorns. Ever seen them in a cartoon?
Here's a challenge. You accuse us nay-sayers of not proving our position. Tell us one thing you don't believe in and provide proof that it doesn't exist. You can choose from a multitude of gods (Zeus, Osiris, Mithra...the list goes on and on), fabulous beasties (dragons, fairies, phoenixes (phoenices??), Bigfoot, Nessie..) or anything else. Your choice, and your choice only.
Now, I anticipate you'll say something like "I'm not going to do your homework for you" but then you're putting yourself into the group of people who you are complaining about i.e. those who disbelieve something but refuse to provide evidence. You wouldn't want that, would you?
But think of the wider picture. We nay-sayers have struggled with providing proof of the non-existence of gods, fairies and bigfoot. If YOU could provide a brilliant proof of something you don't believe in, we nay-sayers would learn a great deal. Plus, we could adopt your argument to disprove the existence of fairies, Bigfoot and Osiris. We'd be most grateful.
PS you have a very shallow view of history. There are a number of American historians who have challenged and are challenging the "mainstream" view of American history. I know this and I'm not even American.
(37,748 posts)About the same amount of evidence given to prove a vice-president received preferential treatment on a transplant list to get a Chinese heart.
But that's just a guess on my part...
ghosts, astrology, ESP, phantom heart-transplants... lots of "magical thinking" as the trendy bumper-sticker reads.
(29,257 posts)Of course you will call it science and not paranormal --and rightly so.
But you do see my point I hope.
(22,457 posts)Bonobo
(29,257 posts)That things that are understood at one point to be "science" (a misuse of the word that I will forgive for the sake of argument) are at an earlier point perceived as "supernatural" before they are understood and explained in a deterministic way.
(22,457 posts)Higgs boson is a bunch of BS then I would agree that I am being an idiot.
But the things I listed are not serious scientific goals.
Name any movement in the proof/science of the topics I listed.
(29,257 posts)for phenomena such as ESP or what are called "psychic abilities".
I do not believe in such abilities, nor do I rule out the possibility that they exist.
And THAT is the only proper attitude in my opinion until the scientific method is used to categorically prove that they exist or prove that they don't exist.
(1,831 posts)Seldom does absolute certainty end a scientific study. There is much anecdotal evidence of different forms of "communication" or "manipulation" among humans and their interaction with the world.
What's being illustrated is our ignorance. Proper skepticism is essential to avoid the many examples of fraud, and dishonesty. But if we allow ourselves to reach conclusions based on fringe behavior, then we are making a mistake.
(5 posts)benld74
(10,062 posts)
(1,831 posts)Just joking.
Absolute proof is a tool of the ignorant and unread. Seldom does absolute proof apply in a scientific sense.
(29,047 posts)and I have attended and participated in many rituals, but I have never seen anything supernatural.
That said, I do like many of New Agers I have met over the years. Some of them can throw a really good party.
I am a skeptic that loves New Age cults. I am especially fond of the O.T.O. Fun people.
If anything, my associations with New Age cults has only deepened my skepticism.
ETA: I just wanted to mention that not all New Agers focus on the supernatural, many use ritual magick strictly for self improvement, and is probably closer to meditation than what we think of when we think of "magick."
(284 posts)Because you ignore research that has been done. Maybe check in with the government on some of that.
(20,620 posts)Not sure what you are saying here.
Could you be more clearer, please?
(284 posts)if you make the effort to see it
(22,457 posts)CleanLucre
(284 posts)zappaman
(20,620 posts)Can you please re-post?
(22,457 posts)CleanLucre
(284 posts)if you want to. are you really interested?
(22,457 posts)CleanLucre
(284 posts)I don't believe you're interested. Not worth it.
(22,457 posts)Tell you what, ask me for proof of something real and I will post you a link to it. QUICKLY!
(284 posts)"10 seconds" - that says you're not interested.
All this time saying nothing and you could have easily posted a link.
You didn't because you can't.
Why can't you?
Too funny!
(284 posts)in pissing contests or short attention spans
(20,620 posts)that you can't copy a link.
That's cool though.
Anyone can read this thread and see your failure.
you are proving this is just about playing games. Touche
The Great Haku
(3 posts)Take yourself back a century or two and see how infallible "science" was. How much it didn't understand and couldn't even comprehend. See how mainstream science repeatedly got it dead wrong on a number of issues.
And then maybe you'll stop calling people "irrational" and implying their stupidity because they are not ready to dismiss a massive body of testimonial evidence simply because science simply hasn't found a way to explain it yet.
(20,620 posts)So that makes your whole post "irrational".
(22,457 posts)People like you say all the time "People didn't think Radio or TV was possible either"
Pure 100% bullshit. Those topics are not like the ones I listed!
I will wait for a response on anything that there is currently research on that has ANY scientifically proof on the topics I listed. Anything! Please, make me fee foolish and send me a link to some real science on any of those topics!!!!!!!
Cherchez la Femme
(2,488 posts)There have been multiple people (admittedly, not a whole bunch) who have won 2 or more sizeable lotteries -- not scratches but picking numbers.
I can't give you links because I am on my new mobile and frankly don't know how to copypasta yet; so I'm afraid you''ll have to look it up.
Additionally, it would be quite worthwhile to look up PEAR -- Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab,
along with Duke UNiversities studies in Paranormal Research.
Again, same with lacunae in links. Sorry.
Not that anything will convince you. LOL