Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumIf Elected Romney will Pardon Warren Jeffs
I heard some where that a Romney campaign staffer confided that one of the first things Romney will do is pardon convicted polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs and invite him and his 'wives' to spend the night in the Lincoln bedroom.
Has any one heard about this?

Ian David
(69,059 posts)bindelh
(165 posts)Fox News will post guest list and Drudge will do follow-up.
Romney was heard saying he "longs to be there". nudge nudge
(6 posts)You heard wrong, just propaganda.
First he can not over turn Texas law! Second, why would he care?
The FLDS & LDS are hated step sisters of the same origin. Each considers the other Apostates of the faith. It is merely a wet dream by Democrats to use religion as a tool to defeat Romney. Mind you, Mormons are different, very different, but so are the FLDS and Latter Day Saints were glad Warren got life in prison.
This rumor gets recycled every week or two. Its like rev. wright for Obama, both want to see these names and connections disappear.