Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumWhen “Wiki Leaks”. Assange Syria Papers (Pravda)
by Christof Lehmann
... Webster G. Tarpley has been one of the first to pay attention to the fact that something smells bad when Wiki Leaks, and expressed it in numerous radio shows and interviews. In fact, Tarpley has built a strong case, documenting that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is the product of CI's brand of Cult Mind Control or Behavior Modification.
Tarpley is asking a series of very relevant questions. Who is financing Julian Assange's nomadic life ? Why is he given access to the front pages of some of the most prestigious main stream newspapers while high profile journalists struggle to get there? It would be good to add, the most prestigious, corporate or state sponsored newspapers. How does Assange manage to stay free without being apprehended ? Why has no court yet sentenced him for hacking and given him a ten years sentence ? It happens with so many other hackers, but not Assange, the super hero hacker ?
Tarpley reports among other, that the work of Assange is closely related to, and possibly financed by the secretive hedge fund hyena and self proclaimed "Philanthropist" Soros. Soros is doubtless a man of great influence and he sponsors among other operations such as "Media Matters", which is another hang-out operations targets journalism which is not conform with the Soros Agenda". On the Soros Agenda are among other such Philanthropic matters as globalization, liberalization of finance capital markets, eugenics. Soros is among other known for having given an interview where he denigrated war and the public outrage against war crimes as ridiculous, referring to World War Two as a positive example for how "real war should look like".
If that is not enough to become highly suspicious about Julian Assange, and if one still does not think that it smells badly when "Wiki Leaks", here is the clincher ...

Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)Currently he's supposed to be in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, waiting for his appeal for asylum to be heard.
Struggle, I don't understand why you would think a left-leaning political website would be interested in a conspiracy theory that slams Assange, George Soros, Media Matters, and WikiLeaks. Especially from the likes of Webster Tarpley.
(121,814 posts)Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)I wouldn't expect anyone to advocate for that here, either.
(121,814 posts)Pravda and Russia Today sometimes like him
But, frankly, I don't see much difference between Russia Today telling us The US will torture Assange if he doesn't get asylum! and Pravda telling us Assange is actually a CIA agent!