Isn't this the source of the Federal Reserve, Freeman, Sovereign Citizen CT?
From the video description, it sounds famillar:
You Fed Up Paying Taxes?
You Fed Up Paying & Getting Bullied By The Police?
You Fed Up With Debt & Mortgages?
You Fed Up That You Think All The Above Is Illegal?
You Are So Wrong, You Do Not Have To Pay Any Or Obey Any Of The Above, Why You Ask.
I'll Tell You Why, because Ever Since The Date Of Birth Certificate Came Into Legislation (Passed Through Parliament) All Of You Became Numbers & Registered Illegally.
Watch This Video That Will Explain All.
Meet Your Strawman.
Was stumbling around you tube and found this thing. This is from a guy in Canada, but it's been an American CT theme for most of the Bush years and beyond. It starts off with a strange cartoon and a guy telling us
How The World Really Is©. Because you're all born
slaves, and all your money goes to the
Queen of England!
There is an entire world of this stuff, being pushed by CT pundits and candidates. Only one
Ron Paul blurb, Ron Paisley and the guy from
The Matrix as the music swells into the heroic range.
Just want to know how to talk some of these folks down, and I believe one has to speak their vernacular, and
cut down the basis from which their beliefs spring.
With the new
anti-Agenda 21 baggers going after people in planning meetings and intimidating them, really, just telling them,
'Aw, y'all just crazy, now quit it,' may not be sufficient.
I'd like to get a frame of reference to debate this with these folks and I know some people are who trying to do it in RL right now. I worry about their safety, really.
Some of these terms were even in our voter pamphlet this year with new GOP, etc. candidates. I'm sure half the Baggers in Congress believe this, it's why they have got to destroy the '
Evil Gummint' which is
enslaving us, and '
Never Pay Taxes Again!' I'll bet they'll vote for Romney and Ryan to get this going on steroids.
If this doesn't fit the
Creative Speculation SOP, let me know. Give it a listen, and if the hosts want me to delete, I will.
No need to hide, I'll take it away.
BTW, for those unfamiliar with the
Freemen, etc. here's a link from
Wikipedia. These guys, like the ones in Waco are still thought of as martyrs by hard-core Paulistas, etc.