Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumParanoid Conspiracy Theory
The Conspirarists: Super wealthy, powerful people operating behind the curtain and pulling levers, maybe some politicians
Conspiracy Goals:
1) To put the brakes on the American economy and by extension the world economy
2) To dramatically slow down economic activity in as short a time as possible without causing widespread panic, the purpose being to stretch out limited resources for as long as possible and to dramatically slow down the increase rate of human-caused CO2 release into the atmosphere
3) To begin psychologically prepping people -- us -- for a time when in fact we may not have enough resources to take care of everybody that we would like to take care of
4) Ultimately, to prepare the American population for some very bad times coming our way
Factors Driving the Conspiracy:
1) Global warming is real, it is upon us, the predictions are coming true, there are no realistic solutions in sight
2) With global warming, global food production will plummet -- all kinds of bad things will follow
3) The predicted extent and duration of the global warming is up for debate, with worst case scenarios looking catastrophic and best case scenarios improving to "totally fucked"
Implementing the Conspiracy Goals:
1) Divide the American population into two warring sides via propaganda and misinformation pumped out over mass communication channels constantly
2) Incite both sides to argue constantly amongst themselves, create false issues to spread confusion and to mire down the debate
3) Above all, keep the two sides so pre-occupied that Conspiracy Goals can be implemented under false pretenses
Slowing Down Economic Activity:
1) Suck up as much money from the population (99%) as possible in as short amount a time as possible -- housing bust, financial meltdown, etc...
2) Provide huge tax breaks to the wealthy, who will not spend the money but put it into safe havens where the bottom 99% won't get their hands on it -- probably invest it in new energy source research and development
3) Above all else, keep the economy down, probably to a predetermined level
4) Empower one political party -- The Republicans -- to make strong arguments in favor of Social Darwinism, inevitably pulling the population further and further to the right
Just trying to figure out "a logical reason" why the Republican Party is pushing Romney/Ryan on us, when no logical reason may in fact exist. Crazy thinking?

(18,133 posts)DHS was definitely planned ahead of 9/11 and its mission is to suppress insurrection not to protect us from terrorists