Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumColorado PBS stn to air documentary on WTC collapses
Air Time: Saturday, Aug 18th, 7:00 to 8:30pm MDT
Watch this documentary from anywhere in the world, call in to the station to donate telling them how much you appreciate their showing this film, share on Facebook or Twitter, make a comment online, and forward this announcement generously to your contactsthis needs to go around the world!
With the help of all of you, this will be a success!
Thank you!
Richard Gage, AIA, for the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth team
Edited to add:
The documentary also presents interviews with several psychologists who share their insights about why the evidence discussed by the technical experts in the film has been difficult for many to face, and how to make approaching others less stressful with this controversial issue. Family members of 9/11 victims speak to the viewers and explain why they are still angry as a result of a lack of answers from our government. They ask that we join them in looking at what these experts have to say.
More details and links for live streaming etc. here:

Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)Very unfortunate that Richard Gage's lies and funding appeals are being aired on a PBS station.
(9,922 posts)It would be mostly the "lies" of 40 or so assorted engineers, architects, physicists, chemists and 9/11 family members who believe their own US government is deliberately withholding or hiding information from them as to the events of 9/11 and the circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks. And the film is being aired as a fund raiser for the PBS station, not Richard Gage or the AE911Truth organization. Apparently this station has aired similiar material previously for fundrasiers and found it has worked for them:
In previous years, CPT12 aired the documentaries 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, America: Freedom to Fascism, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup, and The World According to Monsanto, among others, which were similarly successful in generating pledges as well as public commentary.
Mission Statement: Colorado Public Television is committed to presenting alternative perspectives and to examining information and issues not addressed elsewhere in the mainstream media:
Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)Richard Gage lies and lies again in this video, which was made as a fundraising appeal for his meal ticket, AE911Truth. Creationists and moon landing freaks also do very well selling their rot, and I'm aware that this PBS station is ponying up to the trough of ignorance in this country. It's still a crying shame.
(22,457 posts)that people think "engineers" make any different. There are 100s of geologists who say the world is 3000 years old. Wow, that makes it true?
Faces on Mars
and on and on and on and on.....
All Bullshit.
(9,922 posts)would much rather you didn't have an opportunity to watch this documentary. I guess they don't trust the audience members to have enough commons sense to evaluate the evidence presented by the various engineers, architects and scientists explaining their issues with the official government agency provided explanations for the collapses of WTC1, 2 & 7 and then to draw their own conclusions. All the more reason for you to watch it, I say. Unless of course, you would prefer to just let logical and Bolo Boffin do all your thinking for you.
Remember year ago when the 9/11 truthers first started questioning the sudden and dramatic, explosive like collapses of 1 & 2 and the collapse at very close to free fall acceleration of WTC 7 (in actual free fall for about 10 stories or so) the truthers were told, in effect, "What the hell do you guys know about structural engineering or the science of explosives and controlled demolition? No trained engineers or scientists believe your explosive demolition crap. If your theories made any sense, there would be engineers backing you up."
Then along came architect Richard Gage who, after looking at the evidence, decided that definitely there was something very suspicious about the way the buildings came down. Then we heard, "Gage is only an architect, not an engineer. Architects don't know shit about engineering. There's no engineers willing to put their reputation on the line and back these crazy explosive demolition conspiracy theories."
Gradually as Gage and the AE911Truth organization he founded started talking to fellow architects and engineers other architects, engineers, and scientists started chiming in and signing the petition for a new and thorough scientific investigation of the 3 WTC collapses. These included mechanical and structural engineers with a very credible career record working in their respective engineering fields. So what do we hear now that there are 1700 architects and engineers who have signed the AE911Truth position? Well I guess now we have to believe that any engineer who signs the AE911Truth petition or agrees with Richard Gage that the NIST provided explanations for the building collapses don't stand up to scientific scrutiny also doesn't know shit about engineering.
Watch the documentary and make up your own mind. Don't be put off by the "poisoning the well" arguments put forward above by logical and Bolo Boffin so as to make you believe that this documentary is not worth watching. We know that governments including Western, supposedly democratic governments and/or renegade agencies within those governments have engaged in the recent past at some of the highest levels both in planning potentially deadly conspiracies against their own population and in the execution of such conspiracies. Google Operation Northwoods and Operation Gladio, for example.
The Swiss academic and historian Daniele Ganser wrote a book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe on the Cold War era Operation Gladio conspiracy in which renegade, underground far right groups in Western Europe with the cooperation of allied intelligence agencies and NATO staged deadly false flag terror attacks on civilian targets. The purpose was so that the attacks could be blamed by governments and the media on communists and leftist radicals in order to demonize the left in the public eye and keep leftist and communist politicians from winning elections. Here is what Ganser has to say about 9/11.
TWO COUNTER-ARGUMENTS: Ganser discusses the two most important arguments against theories 2 and 3, which are:
Argument 1 against the Lihop- and Mihop-theory: Civilized, western governments in general, and the US government in particular, would never do anything as evil as to allow the 11/9-attacks, yet alone plan them.
Argument 2 against the Lihop- og Mihop-theory: If the 11/7 (SIC - think he means 11/9)-attacks were carried out by forces within the US own government, it would not have been possible to keep it a secret for so long.
RAISES DOUBT: As stated, Ganser does not address which of the three theories is correct. However, he has conducted so much research on secret warfare executed by western governments that he would not altogether dismiss the more moderate Lihop or the more alarming Mihop theory.
In order to understand why the Swiss historian doesn't think arguments 1 and 2 against the Lihop- and Mihop-theories in themselves are viable, we need to look at his own research:
Ganser is an expert on the use of the Strategy of Tension by western governments, for example during the Cold War. This involved implementing a terror attack on public places and then placing the blame on a political opponent.
In his book on Nato's secret army, Operation Gladio, he describes state-supported terror attacks during the 60's and 70's in Europe. These took place chiefly in Italy, but also in Beligium, Turkey and Greece. Secret forces were trained and equipped by the American CIA and the British counterpart, MI6.
Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)How awful you make me sound.
Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)You'll also find links there to other, more fully realized critiques of Richard Gage's snake oil.
Among the most recent developments, an independant lab tested the red-gray chips and found them to be simply paint chips. They are not thermitic in the slightest, much less the Hush-a-Boom material so eagerly sought by the 9/11 controlled demolition theorists. You'll find the links at my website.
P.S. I derive no financial gain whatsoever from the website. No ads, no donations solicited, no donations accepted. I do have a list of worthy charities you might want to donate to, but they have not asked me to list them, I have not requested their permission to do so, and I recieve no financial remuneration from any of them. The site is funded 100% by me and always will be.