Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumPermanent Majority by Terror?
Maybe this isn't "creative" enough, but here goes.
See this thread.
All that disinformation must have a reason. Supposing Obama "wins," these armed wingnuts could very well take to the streets. Given some strategic leadership, they could cause (at least) confusion and possibly damage.
Then what? The Tea Party elements in the government simply surrender. The Army and National Guard refuse to put down this "revolt." The survivalists and sovereign citizens, who have been training for this eventuality for years, set up their own little fiefdoms. Those of us without guns and ammo (read: liberals) get purged. Finally, the survivalists, all "terrorists" of course, get purged by the National Guard, who decide to react after all. The country is under martial law, the liberals are all gone, and the infrastructure is mostly untouched.
Now suppose Obama loses, and it's beyond obvious that the election was rigged. Demonstrations everywhere. President Romney declares martial law. The survivalists see this as their last stand. Scenario proceeds as above.

(53,475 posts)The point is not that liberals don't have guns. It's that these gun nuts assume anyone who doesn't have a gun must disagree with them.
"Anyone who disagrees with me must be a liberal. All liberals must be shot. Therefore we must shoot anyone who doesn't have a gun. Then we take their stuff."
Don't overthink it.
I don't disagree that there are liberals who own guns. Are they organized? If the wingnuts had an organization, someone telling them where to go and what to do, could ordinary citizens stop them? That's what I'm wondering.
(6,785 posts)Like Scuba said: This scenario assumes no liberals own guns. We're not even all that outnumbered.
Even if we assume they don't band together and try to rid themselves of everyone they hate, which will get them crushed instantly by the NG, the first time they shoot or shoot at a cop it's going to end very badly for them.
Even all that assumes the militias are made up entirely of the hardcore militia nuts. If a militia has a hundred members, maybe ten of them will be like that. The rest are just teabaggers that like to talk smack. When the shit hits the fan and they find out people are allowed to shoot back at them, they're not going to be able to abandon the movement fast enough.
(4,686 posts)In both the end result is states succeeding from the union. However the military won't stand by and ignore a presidential order. If the top generals won't, their subordinates would remove them. In case #2, congress might not even certify the election of Romney.
(3,829 posts)Last edited Mon Oct 1, 2012, 07:42 PM - Edit history (1)
because of the Oklahoma City bombing.
Hate radio was sucking up to the right-winged militia movement until then. I assume the same will happen again if they start murdering fellow Americans. Most Americans won't tolerate murder against fellow Americans, regardless of the politics of the victims.