Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumSeriously-- a post straight-forwardly explaining pre-9/11 warnings is hidden by jury?
(2,282 posts)The truth is now "disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate".
(1,259 posts)libodem
(19,288 posts)You should move it here. Personally I think the warnings were overlooked but we look like nuts if we say so on the front page. We can talk about that kind of stuff here, where we are not so conspicuous.
(154,021 posts)As in wired magazine.
(19,288 posts)But it makes us look illogical and irrational to question the official state sponsored propaganda for the proletariat, comrade.
(154,021 posts)As to how badly they were manipulated. And no, not buying MIHOP...many reasons. LIHOP, was more accidental than anything else. Keystone cops if you will
(3,829 posts)Though it seems that some in the Bush administration were quite pleased about what went down on 9-11.
MIHOP is ridiculous, of course.
(154,021 posts)Ergo the key stone cops.
(19,288 posts)The outgoing Clinton Administration, tried to warn them, but Bush had that insufferable snotty attitude, of being a know-it-all, and did the opposite. The new administration was too busy insinuating that the white house was left filthy and even had excrement left in office desk drawers.(per Bill Clinton's memoir)
Ever read House of Bush, House of Saud? It was a pre 9/11 book. Pretty good, too.
There's a reason the British tried to sue Saudi Arabia for what happened on 9/11. There were people in the royal family sending money to the highjackers, ffs.
I wonder if Americans could stick their heads any deeper into the sand.
(154,021 posts)When the media fails to do it's job.
(19,288 posts)In the non-existent investigation. The bad old days of Ari Fletcher and Scotty McClellen. (at least Scotty eventually seemed to have liars remorse)
(1,965 posts)Look at what has followed. Every Neo cons wet dream. Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The surveillance state, etc.
(154,021 posts)LIHOP, you need 10 people tops...mihop you need thousands.
That is why.
The same result, but less problems...potentially
sabbat hunter
(6,943 posts)MIHOP you need Bush and other top level officials to be competent. and other than Colin Powell they aren't.
(154,021 posts)They got the exact results they wanted
(716 posts)...couldn't have happened without the seven months preparation: re-arranging multiple annual war-games into an unprecedented cluster, changing emergency procedures and personnel, and thwarting the security people who were interfering, for starters.
There's a whole lotta LIHOP to go around, from the shrub who wanted to ride a war horse, to the ones who were about to get rich and the ones who needed all that evidence in bldg.7 to vanish, to the writers of the Patriot Act and the Project For The American Century, to the ones about to become DHS, to the ones who had just helped tweek the 2000 election and would welcome a distraction from their guilt, to the smaller fry, the mobilized minions, who were excited or trusting or scared.
But make no mistake: LIHOP, what they were LETTING HAPPEN was letting the MIHOP people call most of the shots.
(21,044 posts)Maybe you could post the links that were hidden
(1,259 posts)I am able to click to see the hidden post.
(60,025 posts)with reccommendation to use this group, the issue being anything to do with 9-11 does not meet SOP for GD.
( I have hosted some forums, so had to learn all the SOPs).
A shame it got locked...poster puts up lots of valuable info on one page, lots of work went into that.
(1,259 posts)dixiegrrrrl
(60,025 posts)which is the SOP ( Statement of purpose).
The post was good, the place was wrong according to DU guidelines.
Since DU3 was born, there have been changes in what is accepted and where.
Jesus Malverde
(10,274 posts)Wall of text or TLDR.
(33,982 posts)that the hole in the pentagon doesn't fit an aircraft.
Which of course, is nonsense. There is ample proof not only that an aircraft hit it, but that a precise match of a particular individual aircraft that hit it, by part numbers, fragments, data recorders, exterior damage leading up to the impact, etc.
So please don't pretend it was simply pre-9/11 warnings that were ignored in that post. It was ALSO material specifically spelled out in the rules, as belonging in this subforum. (The intelligence subject isn't actually 'twoofer nonsense', as there is even congressional/commission record of evidence that was presented to the administration, that was ignored or misunderstood.
Hard to see the threats coming from other directions, when you have your 'how can we justify invading Iraq' blinders on and war drums pounding.