Creative Speculation
Related: About this forum2006 local TV news report on chemtrails
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Lithos (a host of the Creative Speculation group).
"May 2006: Here is perhaps the first real mainstream media coverage in the U.S.A on the subject of the illegal high altitude spraying by large military type aircraft of unknown substances - commonly referred to as 'chemtrails'.
On 23 May 2006 the NBC station in Los Angeles, KNBC broadcast a news item, reported and hosted by Paul Moyer, called "Toxic Sky" on the situation in Los Angeles County and in the Coastal Ranges of Northern California.
It is as fair and balanced a piece as you're going to see on network TV with Moyer himself appearing to be genuinely convinced."
Of course, since then, the media will not touch the topic.
In my own experience, I have noticed a large number of persistent jet trails at certain times of the year, laid down in regular patterns. It does not seem to be dependent on weather conditions, as there can be two nice warm days, with identical weather, one day with these trails, and the other with none. And planes flying both days. Something secret is going on with this trals, I have no doubt.

(10,044 posts)They're hard to see, but once in a while these tracks are all over the sky...
(3,829 posts)From Terms of Service below:
Don't go overboard with the crazy talk.
Democratic Underground is not intended to be a platform for kooks and crackpots peddling paranoid fantasies with little or no basis in fact. To accommodate our more imaginative members we tolerate some limited discussion of so-called "conspiracy theories" under the following circumstances: First, those discussions are not permitted in our heavily-trafficked Main forums; and second, those discussions cannot stray too far into Crazyland (eg: chemtrails, black helicopters, 9/11 death rays or holograms, the "New World Order," the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, alien abduction, Bigfoot, and the like). In addition, please be aware that many conspiracy theories have roots in racism and anti-semitism, and Democratic Underground has zero tolerance for bigoted hate speech. In short, you take your chances.