Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumI find it interesting that discussion of the conspiracy theorist mindset is not allowed in GD.
Apparently even this topic is a conspiracy!!!
The lock suggests the source is unreliable, but the source cites a study published by the US National Library of Medicine, a product of the National Institute of Health.
(18,184 posts)You will go crazy.
The sanest position is try to find out and figure out for yourself what's going on.
(2,060 posts)The United States of Amnesia 1:
This got zero traction in the video forum. I thought I'd found something intellectually stimulating to discuss. I got meh, and complaints about the music.
Oh well.
(2,737 posts)And the music is actually pretty perfect!
(19,288 posts)Should be required viewing.
William Seger
(11,262 posts)Yeah, it "cites" a study without actually providing a link to it. Apparently, Kevin Barrett doesn't want you to actually read the study for yourself, since even a cursory reading would reveal how disingenuously Barrett misrepresents it.
The only thing worth discussing about that article is the intellectual dishonesty of "truthers," and this board is a good place for that. I'll start it off: Kevin Barrett is a bald-faced liar.
(381 posts)The post was a lie, the study had nothing to do with the title. "New studies: Conspiracy theorists sane; government dupes crazy, hostile"
The source, veterans-today is not reliable. The study is not what was locked, it was the silly article which lied about the study.
Do you find veterans today a good source. The lock knows veterans today is a not reliable.
(2,060 posts)like those in general and their locking bean examiners.
(83 posts)Veterans Today was infiltrated, doesn't mean questioning things is wrong. It saddens me the point we are at now in The US "media". I honestly am done with believing any of it. at least discusses social issues, and doesn't spew 24/7 capitalist propaganda.
I will NEVER forget "just go shopping" quote from GWB, after 911 occurred.
Very sick and sad.
William Seger
(11,262 posts)... but that's not what the "truth movement" really does -- otherwise they might call it the "question movement."
Bush and Cheney are evil, if that word has any sensible meaning, but that doesn't justify accusing hundreds of ordinary people of being accessories to murder by participating in an absurdly (and unnecessarily) complicated and risky hoax and cover-up. Were they really too stupid to come up with something simple and safe, yet ingenious enough to pull it off? Just imagine being the one charged with recruiting all the necessary people: "Hey, the Prez needs your help to murder a few thousand people so he can start a war." How amazingly fortunate that they didn't encounter a single person with a shred of decency or a conscience. One thing psychologists have found about conspiracy theorists is that they have a very low and suspicious opinion of just about everyone, not just the PTB. (If you want to see "very sick and sad," go digging into some of the Sandy Hook "truther" stuff, and don't say I didn't warn you.)
The implausibility of it doesn't prove it didn't happen, of course, but it does mean that "truthers" need some convincing evidence. But what we get instead ranges from dubious to ridiculous, with virtually no intellectually honest attempt to purge the outright bullshit.
(83 posts)well, I have experience in insurance defense and asbestos, jmo 9/11 and its 'casus belli' deserves to be questioned by American citizens.
The other fact (as you prolly already know) is that many forums like clues etc are gatekeepers for the logical question is WHY?. WHY did the DoD and other factions who profited have all this cointel already set up??????
Just my opinion. "truthers" have been demonized since JFK assassination, and that's why any thinking person must question all media today.
Many gatekeepers are extremely unskilled at verbal debate, I have seen this for myself. For example a shill who claimed Silverstein "lost money " on 911. lmfao. If a 7 BILLION dollar profit is his view of "losing money" then I have a right to question that poster and his agenda.