Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumEarth-link Satellite Protection Agency concept goes international.
Last edited Fri Apr 24, 2015, 01:31 PM - Edit history (404)
Chinese satellite teams are attempting to trick criminals into installing deadly Directed Energy Weapons Systems in the homes of illegal eavesdroppers to start an electronic civil war. Online FBI and Interpol agents are attempting to recruit illegal eavesdroppers into teams willing to report crimes in offline reports.
WASHINGTON (AP) Law enforcement faces an "enormous challenge" in preventing state-sponsored cyber crimes, FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday, days after the Justice Department announced charges against five Chinese military officials accused of hacking into American companies to steal trade secrets.
When people began to install illegal communications gear called Widely Heard Inspirational Sound Projectors Emitting Eardrum Reverberations Semi-audibly WHISPEERS low-powered communications equipment, most people involved with the highly illegal project believed they were only installing basic eavesdropping gear, to combat terrorism. Now, other people, who took no part in installing this equipment, are using it to prevent installation of more deadly gear. Currently, repair and maintenance people, who are installing new types of gear - even in the most expensive homes on Earth - do not fully understand what new equipment does; but there are exceptions:
New York Men Charged with Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorists
Scheme Included Creation of a Remotely Operated X-Ray Radiation-Emitting Device Designed to Kill Humans Silently
As charged in a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Albany, the essence of the defendants scheme was the creation of a mobile, remotely operated, radiation-emitting device capable of killing targeted individuals silently with lethal doses of X-ray radiation.
This Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) idea has aspects, which were modified to assist recruited eavesdroppers in communicating with covert satellite and reconnaissance aircraft teams. Newly recruited non-government eavesdroppers and military personnel who want enhanced cyber-security can post this article on home computers to invite online investigating and intelligence agents and aircraft teams to disable and arrest criminals who use frequency attack equipment on them in their homes. Reformed eavesdroppers can avoid being prosecuted by conducting a few simple online activities, which show they will assist in protecting their homes and cities from Chinese satellites and eavesdroppers conducting acts of terrorism against them. In most cases, no investigating agent monitors illegal gear for extended periods of time; so recruited eavesdroppers must report online disruptions, acts of electronic terrorism or other crimes they witness in off-line journals, which reconnaissance aircraft of investigating agencies and online agents review. Specific types of illegal eavesdroppers and the ways they protect cities and homes are described in this report:
We have all read news articles about cyber-criminals turning on computer cameras to watch naked girls and free amateur sex shows; but what about this news article?
Clark Sheriff: Hidden cameras used to record nude girls
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014
This individual had knowledge of how to install these hidden covert camera recording devices, in a manner that no one had any idea that this was actually taking place, Clark County Sheriff Gene Kelly said. - See more at:
Recruited, non-government eavesdroppers, satellite and aircraft teams, who were watching this pervert, knew what was "actually taking place;" and probably realized what was about to take place. What caused the girls to discover their nude pictures on a potential rapist's cellular phone? Check the date of this arrest. Did an illegal eavesdropper call the police with an affordable, pre-paid cell-phone? If non-government eavesdropper are afraid they will be tracked for reporting crimes, they can buy pre-paid cell-phone and then call local police when they witness serious crimes. Then, to prevent criminals from tracking them, they can simply remove the battery. FBI and Interpol agents arrest most criminals that block calls to local authorities. If you want to obtain amnesty by calling fake NSA telephone impersonators, call (301) 688-6911, and ask then tell these NSA impersonators, along with several illegal eavesdroppers on telephones exactly how to find these reports, before removing the battery for a few minutes. Then, to allow reconnaissance aircraft to find your position and assist you, simply replace the battery and reactivate the phone. People operating the fake NSA facility have not been arrested because they serve a purpose in this project. Copying and posting this message on a computer will eventually attract the attention of online investigating and intelligence agents, which reduces a computer users risk of being robbed by a hacker; but new eavesdropping recruits must not take unnecessary risks by providing financial or personal information on themselves online or over the telephone.
This easy to find online news article was "kept secret by the (Chinese) government because the victims father is an ally and close aide of outgoing President Hu Jintao." Apparently, this high-ranking Chinese official was not an "ally" of President Xi Jinping, or this news article would still be hidden. Negative news about China is heavily restricted, as online news articles are altered or hidden by Chinese satellite teams, or disposable human assets they manipulate. Apparently, Chinese satellite facility managers and their "entire chains of command" are considered "disposable human assets." Here is an example of Chinese satellites attacking ultra-wealthy citizens in China:
IF ANYONE IS EAVESDROPPING ON U.S. MILITARY BASES, FBI OFFICES, DHS OFFICES, ETC. SPECIALIZED AGENTS AND RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT HAVE DETECTED THEM; AND THEY WILL BE FORCED TO PLEAD GUILTY TO LESSER CHARGES OR FACE PROSECUTION FOR TREASON! Regrettably some illegal eavesdroppers are trapped in the homes of military personnel and US Federal agents. In many cases, these eavesdroppers can be recruited to assist US Government employees. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a trap for illegal eavesdroppers. FBI online agents realize how large the illegal eavesdropping problem has become and plans to recruit offer amnesty to most eavesdroppers. These agents and others also realize illegal eavesdroppers are heavily victimized by real cyber-criminals and electronic terrorists. "IS YOUR COMPUTER INFECTED?" During Operation Ghost Click the Federal Bureau of Investigation created an easy way to maintain personal computers, while enhancing cyber-security. "Check your computer's DNS settings.":
Operators of satellites orbiting over USA not only work for the USA but also several foreign governments. After this report appeared, Chinese satellite teams began disrupting music and typing on a few insignificant home computers, as expected. The online version of the report had not been altered yet, which indicates Chinese satellites are directly spying on the computers of many US citizens, especially people who work in media. Newly recruited illegal eavesdroppers will not be arrested by US Federal agents, because by repeatedly conducting online activity, which proves they exist, these eavesdroppers provide an invaluable service to the USA and other nations. Like any satellite, this Chinese space junk has limited capabilities. Over the past decade or longer, China has wasted billions of dollars in man-hours and planning to discredit the reports and disrupt the life of one elderly Navy veteran. At this time, there are literally thousands of recruited eavesdroppers, federal agents and military personnel recruiting illegal eavesdroppers and creating reports of various crimes. Chinese teams lack the satellites to vigorously attack federal agents or recruited eavesdroppers, in this region, and me simultaneously. Nearly none of our recruited eavesdroppers have problems with Chinese satellites, which are far less abundant and dangerous than their leaders want readers to believe they are. Still, Chinese satellites should not be underestimated.
Recruited eavesdroppers and Anonymous hactivist are expected to call local police officers when they witness crimes and keep journals on home computers with times and dates, they witnessed and reported serious crimes. For a short period of time, a Chinese satellite might slightly impair computer activity, until an eavesdropper who reads this message recruits more illegal eavesdroppers into this project to create too many targets for a limited number of satellites to disrupt. These non-government eavesdroppers watching our homes, streets and stores are not required to identify themselves, when they report crimes to local police officers. Intelligence agency online operatives, aircraft and satellite teams will routinely review intelligence agency aircraft oriented journals recruited eavesdroppers keep, to find people who interfere with important phone calls or disrupt other types of communications, including clandestine (WHISPEERS) systems on streets and in stores. Eavesdroppers of every kind who find this message are expected to personally and verbally recruit other non-government operators in this network of isolated eavesdroppers to protect their cities, families and themselves. If they fail to expand the computer network, Chinese satellite teams or cyber-criminal will focus on some new eavesdroppers who discover this message. Chinese satellite teams constantly alter the true number of readers of this report to demoralize new recruits. To prevent Chinese satellite teams with limited capabilities from jamming up their home computers, illegal eavesdroppers must give an increasing number of eavesdroppers specific instructions on where they can copy this report. This forces Chinese satellite teams to expand their attacks so thinly that they become ineffective. In most cases, Chinese satellite teams quickly abandon the computers of newly recruited eavesdroppers. Recruited eavesdroppers can act like they are using cellular phones, while actually talking to isolated eavesdroppers near street lights and in public restrooms, or simply roll down a vehicles window and speak to them at red-lights, while covering their mouths; but let them know you are actually talking to them. Please tell these operators they are not "spies;" but if they use their illegal gear to facilitate crime, or acts of terrorism, they are criminals, who will be arrested, if they do not alter their activity and then copy and display this report. In this project, operatives are allowed to misrepresent the places they eavesdrop and their affiliations, if possible.
Only FBI, DHS, DEA, U.S. Secret Service and Interpol agents electronically investigate illegal eavesdropping gear in the USA: and these agents do not operate frequency attack gear, which is becoming increasingly common, especially in the homes of people who pay illegal eavesdroppers. While terrorist groups accuse US Federal agents or foreign intelligence agents of using Directed Energy Weapons Systems in the USA, the allegation is absurd. Several friendly foreign agencies will provide computer assistance to current operators of the illegal or legal eavesdropping gear, if operators request their assistance, in writing. Many illegal eavesdroppers are reporting suspicious activity and crimes in offline reports reconnaissance aircraft and online investigating agents are expected to review. Often Chinese satellites will attack people who discover this report, until they tell illegal eavesdroppers exactly how to find the document, which causes Chinese satellites to redirect attacks. No aspect of this report is intended to imply agents of the USA, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, Russia or China condone illegal eavesdropping; however, it is a problem, which is escalating at an alarming rate. Like additional information added to this report on 2/4/15, three other online documents are regularly updated with pertinent information, which will save the lives of illegal eavesdroppers. Obviously, recruited eavesdroppers must recruit other illegal eavesdroppers to spread Chinese satellite attacks too thin to be effective. Still, I am urging all recruits to exercise caution, especially when they drive. This is one of the main ways Chinese satellite teams kill people. In upcoming paragraphs, this document provides links to four regularly revised companion reports:
This link to ATTACK SATELLITE STRATEGIES is particularly informative on ways Chinese satellites attack people and computers:
Complete information on crimes eavesdroppers witness, including times, dates and names, should be listed in journals. More concise information on this project appears in companion documents. Like people, in general, there are good and bad house geek eavesdroppers. Many eavesdroppers on computers, television sets and illegal eavesdropping gear in our homes are civic minded and will work with online investigating or intelligence agents to catch more dangerous eavesdroppers that terrorize them. Unlike real Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency volunteer centers - where cyber-attacks on military installations are redirected - aircraft and online intelligence agency report centers rarely experience computer disruptions from foreign enemies; however, local organized electronic syndicates can be a short-term problem for these volunteers. Federal agents can obtain reliable information from reports recruited eavesdroppers make in documents Chinese satellite teams or hackers alter. Reports eavesdroppers keep for reconnaissance aircraft teams of investigating agencies must be regularly downloaded to flash-drives. Operators of illegal gear with criminal tendencies are easy to detect and disable, after civic minded eavesdroppers recruit other eavesdroppers in public places, by telling them where to find these documents. True criminals will not display off-line reports of crimes they witness through illegal eavesdropping for investigating agency aircraft and online agents. Recruited eavesdroppers should routinely revisit companion documents for strategic information. Revised reports are furnished at links at the top of this page.
Some operators of eavesdropping gear can hear from outside locations near retail outlets. Most outdoor eavesdroppers operate low-powered communications gear. Individuals who operate in isolated areas, like retail outlets and on street-lights work for little or no money: These civic-minded eavesdroppers can be recruited to protect their cities from foreign electronic invaders and violent criminals. Many operators believe if they abandon unlicensed, low-powered communications and eavesdropping facilities, dangerous criminals or electronic invaders will take control of the equipment. If any illegal eavesdropper decides to stop eavesdropping on people, they will still receive online federal agency, satellite and aircraft protection and guidance, as long as they keep recruiting and reforming illegal eavesdroppers in public restrooms and homes. Often, illegal eavesdroppers buy home radios with external antennas and create their own Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency ESPA center. All readers, especially new ESPA reporters, must realize "talking static" or more audible "hidden voices," on computers, radios or television sets occur when Chinese satellite teams or Anonymous hactivist use this ancient technology to scare disposable human assets straight into the hands of law enforcement teams, after they conduct suspicious activities, including profitable cyber-crimes. No eavesdropper should reveal specific information on investigations or identities of anyone connected with a federal agency, including recruiters connected with the military. Obviously, eavesdroppers who impair federal investigations will not receive amnesty. By feeding FBI agents the names and addresses of unreformed electronic crime syndicate organizers, or destroying their electronic gear, allows Russian satellite teams to improve their nation's image by protecting some Anonymous hactivist. By enlisting eavesdroppers in the USA, an international electronic strike team caused Chinese satellite teams to fall into cyber-traps, set on home computers of reformed eavesdroppers. After online agents placed hidden trojans in several offline ESPA or aircraft reports, fools kept altering journals, while disrupting online activity of recruited eavesdroppers. By disrupting communications and altering reports, Chinese satellite teams and hackers triggered electronic time-bombs, which will continue to damage electronic infrastructure in their facilities. Any group that disrupts our rapidly growing network of recruited eavesdroppers will be arrested or killed. On 11/22/14, a Chinese satellite team used idea-inducing technology to create an excuse to electronically invade the USA. On 2/11/15, we became aware a shutdown of electricity and communications might hit sections of USA at strategic times. Chinese satellite teams continue to conduct activities to provoke retaliation from several governments. Prior to 2/11/15 Chinese satellite teams planned to use this online report as an excuse to electronically invade the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Israel and Russia. There is reliable intelligence that China intends to use satellites to deploy cyber-attackers into the USA to shut down the entire power-grid, or sections of the internet, for an extended period of time:
Top coordinators and satellite facility managers at a Chinese satellite/ code agency were obviously being bribed; but that is only part of the problem. In fact, extremely powerful people manipulate highly ranked decision makers in the satellite, intelligence military and political communities of every nation on Earth. These politically connected families better believe that I am protected by illegal eavesdroppers, numerous deadly foreign intelligence agents, satellite teams and specialized aircraft. Advanced satellites and aircraft can hear every word we whisper; and electronic specialist of several US Investigating agencies have both the ability and warrants to track down and investigate operators of all kinds of legal and illegal eavesdropping. The good news for operators of illegal eavesdropping in the USA is these agents just began watching activities of operators of illegal gear. Many US Federal investigating agents - along with their specialized aircraft teams - are offering amnesty to several illegal eavesdroppers, for a limited time, if they take a dominant role in this project. Several types of newly launched attack satellites work with spy-satellites and aircraft, which have an unbelievable ability to detect even slight differences in infrared heat signatures through heavy overhead structure. Several sections in companion document indicate ways satellites and aircraft teams can prove they have amazing observation technology. If anyone makes plans to attack the author of this document, in any way, they will suffer the same fate some satellite managers of China's largest satellite agency suffered recently: DEATH! Here's a report that will soon be revised, although it caused Chinese satellite managers to change their sociopathic strategy:
This good idea by DARPA was modified by numerous investigating, intelligence and satellite teams of several nations. Unlike Chinese laws, The U.S. Constitution guarantees our right to privacy; and no reasonable government wants illegal eavesdropping and deadly frequency attack gear to become more widespread. Still, the problem is increasing on an international level. Currently, isolated eavesdroppers in retail outlets or other public places are heavily victimized by cyber-criminals and electronically astute terrorist, because they are afraid to directly report cyber-crimes to FBI agents or local police officers. Patriotic illegal eavesdroppers must be recruited to report people, who are unwittingly installing deadly frequency attack gear in homes, or these operators and their organizers will become primary targets of deadly attacks. After operators of illegal gear unify in a loosely organized network, which no one truly controls, they become Community Action Tactical Specialist CATS teams: These teams destroy the reputations powerful individuals or nations that use heavy-handed strategies to control them. Anyone in the United States, United Kingdom, France or Germany, who uses illegal gear to put forth a political agenda, or make a personal profit, resulting from crime, will eventually be arrested by FBI or Interpol agents. A primary aspect of this international communications project includes telling other eavesdroppers exactly where to find this document and its companion reports. We must go into public restrooms and clearly tell eavesdroppers to go to Democratic; then find the section called "Topics." From there eavesdroppers must be told to find a topic named "Offbeat," which they can click to find the sub-section called "Creative Speculation." After entering this section of the online website they can search for online reports by Jeffersons Ghost. Please tell other illegal eavesdroppers you have read and copied this article and the companion documents and these recruitment strategies are not part of an FBI trap. Unlike the sex-pervert in the subsequent news article, very few eavesdroppers took a role in installing the illegal gear they were tricked into monitoring.
Anyone who monitors computers, illegal eavesdropping or uses frequency emitting gear in a city where an Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency (ESPA) operator builds a volunteer network was identified by satellite, investigating and aircraft teams long before they read this report. By fully participating in this project most illegal eavesdroppers obtain amnesty from investigating agents. Civic-minded operators of illegal gear can avoid prosecution by posting this document on their computers, to invite electronically advanced federal agents to covertly examine illegal gear in their homes to find dangerous criminals that eavesdrop on them. This activity dissuades US Federal Agents from arresting most illegal eavesdroppers, which they identified months ago. Diverse types of federal agencies working with reconnaissance aircraft and satellites will prevent cyber-criminals or electronic invaders in other cities or nations from invading Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency (ESPA) coordinated cities, computer systems and homes. Both satellites and reconnaissance aircraft can identify illegal eavesdroppers in a variety of ways; and they want assistance from patriotic non-government eavesdroppers. To indicate to aircraft and satellite teams they are working to reduce organized crime, eavesdroppers can tune to B-101 Your At Work Station broadcasting from Providence Rhode Island or B-101.7 broadcasting from Reform, Alabama and become or find a real ESPA coordinator. In the Albuquerque, New Mexico area, recruited eavesdroppers can enjoy songs selected by satellites, while they allow intelligence agency aircraft to guide and protect them in their vehicles by tuning to 103.3 FM aka Ed FM or Coyote 102.5 FM. In other cities different radio stations guide Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency volunteers; and some hackers impersonate satellites at radio stations, which is extremely dangerous. Still, patriotic operators of unlicensed communications gear are radio stations and television stations; and many of them are inspiring bad news about China and their president. Eavesdroppers also monitor the homes of on-air personalities and other media personnel; and they they are mad at Chinese satellite administrator and their president for ordering attacks media workers they are attempting to guide and protect.
To reduce participation in this project, Chinese satellites often use signals focused at one person to trick newly recruited eavesdroppers into thinking unlicensed communications gear is identifying them as a danger to other eavesdroppers. Certain types of reconnaissance aircraft will detect and assist eavesdroppers who show a willingness to work with The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and The Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These investigating agencies fly advanced reconnaissance aircraft, which are designed to detect eavesdroppers that actually reveal federal agents, terrorize the public or commit and facilitate other crimes with illegal gear. If illegal eavesdroppers assist in hiding the identities of undercover federal agents or police officers, aircraft and satellite teams will help them in unbelievable ways. When possible, reconnaissance aircraft will watch their homes and find ways to warn recruits when threats are in an area. While illegal eavesdroppers are not everywhere, they are too numerous to arrest for simply watching for shop-lifters in public restrooms or monitoring a street to reduce traffic accidents. Crime is expensive; and China wants to clog the court systems with small-time illegal eavesdroppers. Organizers that manipulate and terrorize solitary eavesdroppers are primary targets of federal investigations, especially if they organize electronic crime syndicates to impede investigations or discover government secrets. As the computer network expands, online federal agents and police officers will monitor home computers of newly recruited eavesdroppers to detect cyber-criminals that work with foreign powers to disrupt computer activity or steal online funds from illegal eavesdroppers who are afraid to file reports with federal agents or local police. Newly recruited eavesdroppers must avoid most types of automatic updates and other downloads on computers, except updates from trusted online antivirus providers, or electronic crime syndicate organizers will trick them into downloading viruses or trojans onto their computers. Often, Chinese satellites and other cyber-criminals will temporarily glitch up a computer to cause a new recruit to alter settings, which can disrupt their online activity for lengthy periods of time. Like I did long ago, these new recruits will probably blame NSA agents for these disruptions. Also, in some areas, Chinese satellites are not the only groups that create "talking static" on radios; however, in the USA, Chinese satellite teams regularly blame operators of low-powered, unlicensed communications gear for disrupting radios in vehicles and other problems Chinese satellites create.
In this project, US and friendly foreign online agents must keep primary Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency report computers functional, to overburden Chinese satellites. Since volunteers are creating Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency and aircraft report centers so rapidly, a limited number of online agents are having problems assisting every new operator. The United States Department of Defense is inviting online agents of Interpol, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, The Drug Enforcement Agency, The US Secret Service, The US Treasury Department, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, US Federal Marshals, Government Communications Head-Quarters, BND, DGSE and state or local police agents to maintain cyber-security and prevent Chinese teams from destroying this rapidly expanding network of computers. Anonymous hactivist are assisting in this international effort. Online agents of several agencies expect eavesdroppers to regularly download crime reports to flash-drives: Then, reload the information later. Each of these investigating agencies has teams of electronic specialists, which investigate and monitor legal and illegal eavesdropping gear. Along with military personnel, agents at most of these investigating agencies opened Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency facilities in their homes.Why is music different on some computers illegal eavesdroppers monitor? The eavesdroppers in our homes are listening to the same online radio stations; but some of the people they eavesdrop on, especially ESPA coordinators, are getting different songs, with the same commercials and disc-jockey comments that illegal eavesdroppers monitoring Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency advisers hear. In most cases, reformed Anonymous hactivist are dubbing in a few songs on a single ESPA computer to give them good advice on the same online radio stations illegal eavesdroppers monitor.
Like setting up Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency centers, this recruitment project overburdens Chinese satellite teams that seek to keep eavesdroppers at conflict with each other, in a type of electronic civil war. This kind of electronic conflict induces operators of unlicensed communications equipment to give people messages to sabotage internet and telephone equipment in the hopes of trapping government agents and electronic invaders. Anyone caught relaying messages to induce sabotage of reliable communications gear will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, unless Chinese satellites kill the criminals to avoid public trials, which will reveal illegal frequency attack, eavesdropping and messaging gear they intend to fully control. Chinese agents are known to cause the murders of saboteurs of internet communications equipment in the USA because sabotage usually involves creating traps for Chinese online agents. Operators of in-home ESPA centers are accidentally providing code to Chinese satellite teams, with random-play Pandora online radio, unless Anonymous hactivist become disc jockeys. Due to increasingly poor decisions by leaders of Chinese leaders, a companion document describes their codes, which manipulate unsuspecting members of the public in several nations, including Russia. Chinese satellite teams cause the same problems in Russia they cause in other nations; and Russian satellite teams are dedicated to this international effort to reduce organized crime. Like some illegal eavesdroppers, many investigating and intelligence agents set up variations of Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency (ESPA) centers, where criminals would rule the roost, if foreign satellite teams did not routinely intervene with reasonable messages, along with deadlier support.
Online agents and recruited eavesdroppers that set up Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency centers should copy and paste updates of this message onto their reports, while realizing a responsible satellite team recommended this activity; however, aircraft and online intelligence agent reports should appear in a separate document. Our relationship with the Russian government is precarious, to say the least; but currently DoD satellite teams will assist Russian investigators, as Russian satellite teams assist investigations in the USA. Chinese satellite teams have already damaged relationships between the USA, Russia, France, Israel and Germany. There are numerous, deadly satellites orbiting over the USA and other nations; and volunteers have opened Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency centers in all these countries and others. Many of these satellite teams face no restrictions when assisting ESPA organizers, recruited eavesdroppers, intelligence or investigating agents and their superior officers. These teams regularly observe a Chinese strategy that is no longer viable, because of the participation of an increasing number of illegal eavesdroppers and online agents; but, a consistent Chinese strategy to cause conflicts between numerous nations, their satellite teams and intelligence agencies has become increasingly obvious to professional observers, as this document was updated.
Satellite teams of other nations refuse to risk revealing their orbits by conducting similar activity. Other satellite teams use a rapidly focused signal or song to assist Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency and aircraft reporters, even when satellite tracking aircraft are operating in an area. Unlike Chinese teams, satellite teams of other nations use their technology to inspire advertisers to buy commercials on radio stations, which Chinese satellite teams attack, as copies of this document create a massive number of online listeners for those stations. After online agents, who operates from above-ground facilities in foreign nations, post translations of this ESPA report on home computers, they can expect assistance from friendly satellite or aircraft teams: Otherwise Chinese satellite teams will attain their objectives. Satellite operators of every nation, except China, have detected and recruited eavesdroppers in their homes. Chinese satellite teams are escalating efforts to control, intimidate or trick illegal eavesdroppers and their coordinators into submission. Several years ago, China deployed electronic invaders into the USA via satellite. There is massive evidence that China plans to use satellites to control the world: but this plan is expensive and China will obtain funding from other nations, by using satellite focused energy to induce world-leaders to enter into deals, which facilitate Chinese objectives.
Oddly, Chinese satellite administrators appear to want people to believe activities of military, satellite and intelligence teams hinge on this report, which is ridiculous. Most readers have heard of "artificial intelligence." For lack of a better term, we will call this absurd Chinese strategy "artificial importance." In this illusion, Chinese satellite administrators attempt to cause people to believe they control every intelligence director, world leader and coordinator of illegal eavesdroppers, except me. Essentially, some Chinese satellite administrators plan to justify foolish decisions they made to attack me for over a decade, by making the same absurd choices, instead of simply moving on to truly important targets. There is irrefutable evidence that high-ranking members of Chinese satellite intelligence will do everything in their power to create scare-tactics in this report. Each time Chinese satellite teams manipulated people around me to cause me to change my location, satellite, intelligence agency and aircraft teams made sure I was relocated into a much nicer dwelling. All satellite and online teams have noticed these pathetic attacks cause me to retaliate by telling the truth about their strategies in a companion report, which began as an effort to assist satellite operators of every nation, including China. Years ago, an offline report offered strategies to assist satellite teams and other groups in recruiting illegal eavesdroppers, in an effort to save lives and money. China rewarded me for this effort by doing everything possible to ruin my life. At that time, the excuse for the perverse attacks on me was construed as an attempt to intimidate satellite operators of other nations. Like most of my readers, highly-trained satellite operators are not easily intimidated.
At this time, illegal eavesdroppers and Anonymous hactivist who select music on ESPA computers are victimized by Chinese satellite operators and local power-brokers, who lead them to believe they are being hunted by FBI agents; so they reveal US Federal agents to other illegal eavesdroppers, which destroys the lives of these minor-league criminals. Illegal eavesdroppers of all kinds have similar or worse problems. Operators of all kinds of illegal gear have been documented assisting ESPA coordinators and some government agents. What power-brokers, who seek to manipulate illegal eavesdroppers with Directed Energy Weapons Systems (DEWS) installed in their homes, fail to realize is that specialized multi-agency investigating teams obtained FISA Warrants to monitor all kinds of eavesdropping, including their business and home security systems. These teams monitor all kinds of legal and illegal communications gear to find power-brokers who terrorize or con illegal eavesdroppers. Ironically, small-time operators of illegal gear often reveal a US Federal agent that was about to arrest the very person who oppresses or terrorizes them. Most US Federal agents want assistance from illegal eavesdroppers. Intelligence agency and US Military aircraft teams must continue to communicate in their newly assigned National Security Agency code on open aircraft radio channels to relay information on Chinese satellite administrators and complete information on electronically astute crime-syndicate organizers.
Like everyone else, online agents have illegal biological implants in their bodies, which give away affiliations when they wash their hands in public restrooms or crumple crispy plastic, where illegal eavesdroppers are known to watch people. Biological implants actually cause our hands to audibly talk. Chinese satellites and power-brokers manipulate criminals with medical degrees, who place illegal biological implants in our bodies during routine injections. Several groups, including Chinese satellite teams, disrupt medical equipment that might detect the implants. Often, recruited eavesdroppers use covert unlicensed communications gear - described in a companion document - to make these criminals widely known. Satellite and aircraft teams are already transferring information of non-compliant eavesdroppers and their organizers straight to the computers of FBI and Interpol offices. To attempt to overburden intelligence, aircraft and satellite teams of other nations, Chinese satellite administrators constantly causes the author of this report to change addresses, which exposes previously unidentified illegal eavesdroppers and their organizers to a variety of federal and foreign agents. Occasionally, federal agents change addresses to places where illegal eavesdroppers operate. When a federal agent moves into a new home, or rents a hotel room, where eavesdroppers lurk, the eavesdroppers do not need to panic, as long as they do everything possible to assist the investigating or intelligence agent and their families.
For reasons presented in a companion document, Russian satellite teams are protecting Anonymous hactivist, who open Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency facilities in their homes; and NSA agents do not like this arrangement! Anonymous hactivist sometimes overlay a few songs on individual computers. While never blocking informative commercial and disc-jokey comments, some Anonymous hactivist even dub in music over other songs at online radio stations to provide advice to Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency coordinators, which can include military personnel, US Federal agents and reformed eavesdroppers. This activity causes other eavesdroppers to monitor online radio stations, which builds listenership. To further reduce the ability of Chinese satellite teams to relay code, many ESPA operators are using headphones to listen to online music. In fact, reformed eavesdroppers are increasingly popular with Anonymous hactivist; so I rewrote a section on Anonymous hactivist in a longer companion document. To say the least, radio music is unusual at established ESPA centers. Perhaps satellite teams of foreign nations choose songs at stations named in ESPA reports to disrupt a Chinese musical code project; but electronically astute criminals also take control of radio and television stations with illegal equipment. ESPA coordinators routinely ask recruited eavesdroppers in their homes to use talking gear, like running water, to report variations in programming, when songs describe activities at these centers. Chinese satellite teams attempt to provoke all kinds of childish code competitions between intelligence agencies or satellite teams of other nations, with little or no success. Anyone, other than intelligence agents, which specialize in code, who uses communications of any kind to relay code is inviting serious problems into their lives. Now that this report is reasonable, many newly recruited, eavesdropping readers will gain access to it; and, as usual, Chinese satellite teams will become overburdened with so many new targets, they will not be able to effectively manipulate media, or conduct attacks against anyone. As I edited this report Chinese satellite teams hacked a radio station to select a song on 99.9 FM The Fox from the Golden Triangle in Mississippi. Also try this Fox online station: Like the previously mentioned Clearchannel Radio station, nationally syndicated hosts at this Cumulus Broadcasting facility appear to realize that Chinese satellite teams are attempting to destroy their radio shows and affiliate stations. Unlike randomly selected music at online websites, like Pandora radio, programming at true online radio stations should not be concealed from illegal eavesdroppers. In a longer companion document several other radio stations, where satellite teams select music, are listed, along with specific information on other problems illegal eavesdroppers face. The song Chinese satellites selected was a silly attempt by top Chinese satellite administrator to somehow connect me with the NSA or CIA, which is absurd.
Anyone participating in this project should attempt to join Democratic Underground and make comments on this report to further overburden Chinese satellite teams. HERE IS A LINK, WHICH PROVIDES DETAILS ON PROBLEMS EVERYONE IS HAVING, ALONG WITH SPECIFIC INFORMATION ON THE BEST WAY TO OPEN AN EARTH-LINK SATELLITE PROTECTION AGENCY FACILITY.
After Chinese satellites forced Google to stop operating in China and repeatedly conducted cyber-attacks against their e-mail server, g-mail, and their affiliate company Youtube, many of their employees opened Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency centers in their homes. Then China said this:
Chinese satellites continue to manipulate news reporters to make absurd claims against U.S. electronics companies to prevent them from using imported components in computers and cell-phones made in China: For example; why doesn't Chinese laws protect factory workers in China?
After Chinese satellites attacked numerous television stations and their employees, many broadcasters and engineers opened Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency report centers. Then, the President of China ordered "foreign news outlets" to do this:
After Chinese satellites continued to manipulate and attack employees and nationally syndicated radio hosts, to create "and, uh" code, they decided to open Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency facilities.
After military and intelligence agency personnel, named at a previous hyper-link, were attacked by Chinese satellites, they opened Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency centers in their homes.
After other readers suffered continuous cyber-attacks by Chinese satellites, they opened Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency facilities in their homes.
For more information on Chinese satellite attacks, check the replies to this Opening Post.
Response to Jeffersons Ghost (Original post)
Jeffersons Ghost This message was self-deleted by its author.
(62,444 posts)Since he eventually deletes them, this is the text of the OP....
Last edited Sat Nov 29, 2014, 02:07 PM - Edit history (296)
The Active Authentication (AA) program seeks to develop novel ways of validating the identity of computer users by focusing on the unique aspects of individuals through software-based biometrics. Biometrics are defined as the characteristics used to recognize individuals based on one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. This program is focused on behavioral biometrics.
This Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) idea has aspects, which were modified to assist recruited eavesdroppers in communicating with covert operatives of their governments, especially satellite teams. Newly recruited non-government volunteer eavesdroppers who want enhanced cyber-security can post this article on home computers to invite online investigating and intelligence agents to disable and arrest criminals who use eavesdropping or frequency attack equipment in their homes. Reformed eavesdroppers can avoid being prosecuted by conducting a few simple online activities, which show they will assist in protecting their own homes and cities from electronic invaders or unethical eavesdroppers conducting perverse research or acts of terrorism against them. Like people, in general, there are good and bad house eavesdropping geeks. Many eavesdroppers in computers, television sets and illegal eavesdropping gear in homes are civic minded and will work with online investigating agents to catch more dangerous eavesdroppers that terrorize them in their homes. Federal agents can obtain reliable information from reports these recruited eavesdroppers make in documents aircraft and satellite teams can copy and alter, even when computers are not online. Hackers might alter reports eavesdroppers keep for reconnaissance aircraft teams; so they must be regularly downloaded to flash-drives. Electronic invaders and operators of illegal gear with criminal tendencies are easy to detect and disable, after civic minded eavesdroppers begin to recruit other eavesdroppers in public places. True criminals will not display off-line reports of crimes they witness through illegal eavesdropping for intelligence agency aircraft and online agents. Recruited eavesdroppers should routinely revisit a companion document for strategic information. That report is furnished at a link at the bottom of this page.
Most operators of eavesdropping gear can hear from outside locations near retail outlets. Outdoor eavesdroppers operate low-powered communications, or frequency attack gear. These individuals who operate in isolated areas, like retail outlets and on street-lights work for little or no money: These civic-minded eavesdroppers can be recruited to protect their cities from foreign electronic invaders and violent criminals. Many operators believe if they abandon these unlicensed, low-powered communications and eavesdropping facilities dangerous criminals or electronic invaders from foreign nations will take control of the equipment. If any illegal eavesdropper decides to stop eavesdropping on people, they will still receive online federal agency, satellite and aircraft protection and guidance, as long as they keep recruiting and reforming active eavesdroppers in public restrooms and homes. Often, illegal eavesdroppers buy home radios with external antennas and create their own Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency ESPA center. All readers, especially new ESPA reporters, must realize that "talking static" or more audible "hidden voices," on computers, radios or television sets occur when Chinese satellite teams are using this ancient technology to scare disposable human assets straight into the hands of law enforcement teams, like online FBI agents, after they conduct highly suspicious activities, like shutting down their computers and rapidly leaving the area. By feeding FBI agents these disposable human assets, Chinese satellite teams are attempting to improve their image. By enlisting only a few eavesdroppers in Los Alamos, New Mexico, our international electronic strike team caused Chinese satellite teams to fall into obvious cyber-traps, previously set on home computers of the eavesdroppers, which will disrupt electronic infrastructure in several provinces in China. Within a few minutes China's largest satellite agency plans to shut down important communications infrastructure in many parts of China for a lengthy period of time and blame the shutdown on the NSA anf GCHQ: It is 11/22/14 and this shutdown of electricity and communications might occur at a later date or sporadically hit sections of China at more strategic times, while this satellite/ code agency builds organized crime in China. Top coordinators and satellite facility managers at this Chinese satellite/ code agency are obviously being bribed.
This good idea by DARPA has been adopted and modified by numerous investigating, intelligence and satellite teams. Unlike Chinese laws, The U.S. Constitution guarantees our right to privacy; and no reasonable government wants illegal eavesdropping deadly frequency attack gear to become more widespread. Still, the problem is increasing on an international level. Currently, isolated eavesdroppers in retail outlets or other public places are heavily victimized by cyber-criminals and electronically astute terrorist, because they are afraid to report cyber-crimes to FBI agents or local police officers. Patriotic illegal eavesdroppers must be recruited to report people, who are unwittingly installing deadly frequency attack gear in homes, or these operators and their organizers will become primary targets of deadly attacks. After operators of illegal gear unify in a loosely organized network, which no one truly controls, they become Community Action Tactical Specialist CATS: These teams destroy the reputations powerful individuals or nations that use heavy-handed strategies to control them. Anyone in the United States, United Kingdom, France or Germany, who uses illegal gear to put forth a political agenda, or make a personal profit, will be arrested by FBI or Interpol agents. A primary aspect of this international communications project includes telling other eavesdroppers exactly where to find this document. We must go into public restrooms and clearly tell eavesdroppers to go to Democratic; then find the section called "Topics." From there eavesdroppers must be told to find a topic named "Offbeat," which they can click to find the sub-section called "Creative Speculation." After entering this section of the online website they can search for "Another good idea by DARPA" by Jeffersons Ghost. Please tell these illegal eavesdroppers you have read and copied this article and the companion document and it is not an FBI trap. Unlike the sex-pervert in the subsequent news article, very few eavesdroppers took a role in installing the illegal gear they were tricked into monitoring.
We have all read news articles about cyber-criminals turning on computer cameras to watch naked girls and free amateur sex shows; but what about this news article?
Clark Sheriff: Hidden cameras used to record nude girls
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014
This individual had knowledge of how to install these hidden covert camera recording devices, in a manner that no one had any idea that this was actually taking place, Clark County Sheriff Gene Kelly said. - See more at:
Recruited, non-government eavesdroppers, satellite and aircraft teams who were watching this pervert knew what was "actually taking place;" and probably realized what was about to take place. What caused the girls to discover their nude pictures on a potential rapist's cellular phone? Check the date of this arrest. Did an illegal eavesdropper call the police with an affordable, pre-paid cell-phone? If non-government eavesdropper are afraid they will be tracked for reporting crimes, they can put disposable cell-phone in the back of a pickup truck, like I used to do, to trick organized crime syndicates monitoring cell-phones into thinking I had left town? Copying and posting this message on a computer will attract the attention of online investigating and intelligence agents, which reduces a computer users risk of being robbed by a hacker; but new eavesdropping recruits must not take unnecessary risks by providing financial or personal information on themselves online or over the telephone.
FBI head: "Cyber crime posing enormous challenge"
WASHINGTON (AP) Law enforcement faces an "enormous challenge" in preventing state-sponsored cyber crimes, FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday, days after the Justice Department announced charges against five Chinese military officials accused of hacking into American companies to steal trade secrets.
When people began to install illegal communications gear called Widely Heard Inspirational Projectors Emitting Eardrum Reverberations Silently WHISPEERS low-powered communications equipment most people involved with the highly illegal project believed they were only installing basic eavesdropping gear to combat terrorism. Now, other people, who took no part in installing this equipment, are using it to prevent installation of more deadly gear. Currently, repair and maintenance people, who are installing new types of gear - even in the most expensive homes on Earth - do not fully understand what new equipment does; but there are exceptions:
New York Men Charged with Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Terrorists
Scheme Included Creation of a Remotely Operated X-Ray Radiation-Emitting Device Designed to Kill Humans Silently
As charged in a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Albany, the essence of the defendants scheme was the creation of a mobile, remotely operated, radiation-emitting device capable of killing targeted individuals silently with lethal doses of X-ray radiation.
IS YOUR COMPUTER INFECTED? During Operation Ghost Click the Federal Bureau of Investigation created an easy way to maintain personal computers, while enhancing cyber-security. "Check your computer's DNS settings.":
At 3:45 PM on 11/2/14 satellite teams of several nations responded with audible and visual evidence that investigating agents were obviously getting hunches, which allowed them to arrest dangerous criminals who eavesdrop on military personnel and investigating agents of every nation, except China. Operators of satellites orbiting near the Southwestern section of the USA not only work for the USA but also several foreign governments. After this report appeared, Chinese satellite teams began disrupting music and typing on an insignificant home computer, as expected. The online version of the report had not been altered yet, which indicates Chinese satellites are directly spying on the computers of some US citizens, especially people who work in media. They continued to focus constant attack frequencies on a few participating online FBI and DHS agents, who revealed the existence of recently recruited eavesdroppers, until the federal agents filed their reports to superior officers and set up their own in-home eavesdropper recruiting centers by offering amnesty to illegal eavesdroppers who facilitate federal investigations and perform basic home security for federal agents. These agents also documented focused satellite idea-inducing and emotion-producing technology. Then, Chinese satellite teams lost interest in wasting limited electronic capabilities on these agents and recruits by disrupting insignificant home computers. Newly recruited illegal eavesdroppers will not be arrested by US Federal agents, because by repeatedly conducting online activity, which proves they exist, these eavesdroppers provide an invaluable service to the USA and other nations. Like any satellite, this Chinese space junk has limited capabilities. Over the past decade or longer, China has wasted billions of dollars in man-hours and planning to discredit the reports and disrupt the life of one elderly Navy veteran. At this time, there are literally thousands of recruited eavesdroppers, federal agents and military personnel conducting similar recruiting and satellite reporting activities. Chinese teams lack the satellites to vigorously attack federal agents in this region and me simultaneously. Nearly none of our recruited eavesdroppers have problems with Chinese satellites, which are far less abundant and dangerous than their leaders want readers to believe they are.
Recruited eavesdroppers are expected to call local police officers when they witness crimes and keep journals on home computers with times and dates, they witnessed and reported serious crimes. For a short period of time, a Chinese satellite might slightly impair computer activity, until an eavesdropper who reads this message recruits more illegal eavesdroppers into this project to create too many targets for a limited number of satellites to disrupt. These non-government eavesdroppers watching our homes, streets and stores are not required to identify themselves, when they report crimes to local police officers. To avoid being tracked, civic-minded eavesdroppers invest in affordable, pre-paid, cellular phones to use while reporting crimes to local police officers. Intelligence agency online operatives, aircraft and satellite teams will routinely review intelligence agency aircraft oriented journals new recruits keep, to find people who interfere with important phone calls or disrupt other types of communications, including clandestine (WHISPEERS) systems on streets and in stores. Eavesdroppers of every kind who find this message are expected to personally and verbally recruit other non-government operators in this network of isolated eavesdroppers to protect their cities, families and themselves. If they fail to expand the computer network, Chinese satellite teams will focus on a new eavesdropper who discovers this message. Chinese satellite teams constantly alter the true number of readers of this report to demoralize new recruits. To prevent Chinese satellite teams with limited capabilities from jamming up their home computers, illegal eavesdroppers must give an increasing number of eavesdroppers specific instructions on where they can copy this report. This forces Chinese satellite teams to expand their attacks so thinly that they become ineffective. In most cases, Chinese satellite teams quickly abandon the computers of newly recruited eavesdroppers. Recruited eavesdroppers can act like they are using cellular phones, while actually talking to isolated eavesdroppers near street lights and in public restrooms, or simply roll down a vehicles window and speak to them out loud at red-lights, while covering their mouths; but let them know you are actually talking to them. Please tell these operators they are not "spies;" but if they use their illegal gear to facilitate crime, or acts of terrorism, they are criminals, who will be arrested, if they do not alter their activity and then copy and display this report. In this project, operatives are allowed to misrepresent the places they eavesdrop and their affiliations, if possible.
Anyone who monitors computers, illegal eavesdropping or uses frequency emitting gear in a city where an Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency (ESPA) operator builds a volunteer network was identified by satellite, investigating and aircraft teams long before they read this report. By fully participating in this project most illegal eavesdroppers obtain amnesty from investigating agents. Civic-minded operators of illegal gear can avoid prosecution by posting this document on their computers, to invite electronically advanced federal agents to covertly examine illegal gear in their homes to find dangerous criminals that eavesdrop on them. This activity dissuades US Federal Agents from arresting most illegal eavesdroppers, which they identified months ago. Diverse types of federal agencies working with reconnaissance aircraft and satellites will prevent cyber-criminals or electronic invaders in other cities or nations from invading ESPA coordinated cities, computer systems and homes. Both satellites and reconnaissance aircraft can identify illegal eavesdroppers in a variety of ways; and they want assistance from patriotic non-government eavesdroppers. To indicate to aircraft and satellite teams they are working to reduce organized crime, eavesdroppers can tune to B-101 Your At Work Station broadcasting from Providence Rhode Island on their computers and become or find a real ESPA coordinator. In the Albuquerque, New Mexico area, recruited eavesdroppers can enjoy songs selected by satellites, while they allow intelligence agency aircraft to guide and protect them in their vehicles by tuning to 103.3 FM aka Ed FM. Like other radio stations and television stations, plenty of eavesdroppers are in these broadcast facilities. Eavesdroppers also monitor the homes of on-air personalities and other media personnel.
To reduce participation in this project, Chinese satellites often use signals focused at one person to trick newly recruited eavesdroppers into thinking (WHISPEERS) gear is identifying them as a danger to other eavesdroppers. Certain types of reconnaissance aircraft will detect and assist eavesdroppers who show a willingness to work with The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and The Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These investigating agencies fly advanced reconnaissance aircraft, which are designed to detect eavesdroppers that actually reveal federal agents, terrorize the public or commit and facilitate other crimes with illegal gear. If illegal eavesdroppers assist in hiding the identities of undercover federal agents or police officers, aircraft and satellite teams will help them in unbelievable ways. When possible, reconnaissance aircraft will watch their homes and find ways to warn recruits when threats are in an area. While illegal eavesdroppers are not everywhere, they are too numerous to arrest for simply watching for shop-lifters in public restrooms or monitoring a street to reduce traffic accidents. Crime is expensive; and China wants to clog the court systems with small-time illegal eavesdroppers. Organizers that manipulate and terrorize solitary eavesdroppers are primary targets of federal investigations, especially if they organize electronic crime syndicates to eavesdrop on federal agents and military personnel to impede investigations or discover government secrets. As the computer network expands, online federal agents and police officers will monitor home computers of newly recruited eavesdroppers to detect cyber-criminals that work with foreign powers to disrupt computer activity or steal online funds from illegal eavesdroppers who are afraid to file reports with federal agents or local police. Newly recruited eavesdroppers must avoid most types of automatic updates and other downloads on computers, except updates from trusted online antivirus providers, or Chinese satellite teams and electronic crime syndicate organizers will trick them into downloading viruses or trojans onto their computers. Often, Chinese satellites and other cyber-criminals will temporarily glitch up a computer to cause a new recruit to alter settings, which can disrupt their online activity for lengthy periods of time. Like I did long ago, these new recruits will probably blame NSA agents for these disruptions.
In this project, US online agents keep primary ESPA report computers fully functional, to overburden Chinese satellites. The United States Department of Defense is inviting online agents of Interpol, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, The Drug Enforcement Agency, The US Secret Service, The US Treasury Department, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, US Federal Marshals, Government Communications Head-Quarters and state or local police agents to maintain cyber-security and prevent Chinese satellite and online teams from disrupting music and browsing to claim an absurd propaganda victory in this rapidly expanding network of computers. Every one of these agents must prevent enemies from altering this report and a companion document.Why is music different on some computers illegal eavesdroppers monitor? The eavesdroppers in our homes are listening to the same online radio stations; but some of the people they eavesdrop on, especially ESPA coordinators, investigating and intelligence agents are getting songs and commercials that actually give them good advice on the same online radio stations illegal eavesdroppers monitor.
Like setting up ESPA centers, this recruitment project overburdens Chinese satellite teams that seek to keep eavesdroppers at conflict with each other, in a type of electronic civil war. This kind of electronic conflict induces operators of unlicensed communications equipment to give people messages to sabotage internet and telephone equipment in the hopes of trapping government agents and electronic invaders. Anyone caught relaying messages to induce sabotage of reliable communications gear will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, unless Chinese satellites kill the criminals to avoid public trials, which will reveal illegal frequency attack, eavesdropping and messaging gear they intend to fully control. Also, not only agents of the United Kingdom and USA but also important electronically advanced Chinese teams are identified in these physical electronic traps. Chinese agents are known to cause the murders of saboteurs of internet communications equipment in the USA. Because most NSA agents are currently assigned to overseas activities and no longer eavesdrop on US citizens, Government Communications Head-Quarters (GCHQ) agents are assisting US online investigating agents and active-duty military personnel involved in this project. The National Security Agency always faced legal restrictions when their assignments included monitoring the computers of US federal agents or military personnel. DoD satellite teams face the same restrictions as diverse types of NSA agents do, when it comes to eavesdropping on active-duty US Military, FBI, DHS, DEA, ATF, Interpol and other US investigating agents. Like some NSA agents do, GCHQ agents of Great Britain coordinate satellites with advanced code. Operators of in-home ESPA centers are accidentally providing code to Chinese satellite teams; and GCHQ agents are code specialist. Due to increasingly poor decisions by a Chinese satellite/ code agency, soon a companion document will describe their codes, which manipulate unsuspecting members of the public in several nations, including Russia. Chinese satellite teams cause the same problems in Russia that they cause in other nations; and Russian satellite teams are dedicated to this international effort to reduce organized crime. Like any investigator, online agents will follow ANY reasonable hunch. Like some illegal eavesdroppers, many investigating and intelligence agents have set up variations of ESPA centers, where Chinese satellites and electronic invaders would rule the roost, if foreign satellite teams did not routinely intervene with focused satellite signals and other messages, along with deadlier support. Creating more autonomous, multi-agency strike forces to find people who victimize illegal eavesdroppers will overburden Chinese satellites. Also, these multi-agency teams detect, disable, arrest or kill electronic invaders, especially groups deployed by Chinese satellites.
Online agents and recruited eavesdroppers that set up ESPA centers should copy and paste updates of this message onto their reports, while realizing a reliable DoD satellite team recommended this activity; however, aircraft and online intelligence agent reports should appear in a separate document. Our relationship with the Russian government is precarious, to say the least; but currently DoD satellite teams will assist Russian investigators, as Russian satellite teams assist investigations in the USA. Chinese satellite teams have already damaged relationships between the USA, Russia, France and Germany. There are numerous, deadly satellites orbiting over the USA and other nations. Many of these satellite teams face no restrictions when assisting ESPA organizers, recruited eavesdroppers, intelligence or investigating agents and their superior officers: These teams regularly observe a strategy China will no longer be able to present as viable, because of the participation of an increasing number of illegal eavesdroppers and online agents; but, a consistent strategy to cause conflicts between numerous nations, their satellite teams and intelligence agencies has become increasingly obvious to many professional observers, as this document was updated:
Put simply, China attempts to use satellite focused signals to give people bad ideas, while inducing a variety of unreasonable emotions and desires, to divide and conquer previously allied people or nations, while doing everything possible to conceal their plans to totally manipulate international media, including (WHISPEERS.) A tightly focused satellite or aircraft signal overrides typical WHISPEERS gear, even if an operator wears head-phones. Chinese satellite teams use this technology and others to make deals with crooked business-people, politicians or doctors and then double-crosses them, after they make large investments in installing illegal gear or sabotaging reliable communications. Destroying the lives of these electronic crime syndicate organizers allows Chinese satellite teams to replace them with people who are more easily tricked or intimidated into investing in deadlier illegal technology, which will lead to their arrest or death. Chinese satellites have been repeatedly documented attempting to destroy anyone who influences large groups of illegal eavesdroppers. Chinese geek satellites are known to rob online bank accounts of power-brokers who cannot afford to report crimes that will lead to investigations by FBI, IRS or Interpol agents. Chinese geek satellites focus very little attention on stealing online funds from anyone other than ultra-wealthy electronic crime syndicate organizers and me. There is constant, evidence that satellite teams of every nation use focused satellite signals to inspire copy in this report: Some Chinese satellite teams focus various frequencies on unimportant equipment and one ESPA coordinator for lengthy periods of time to try proving everything imaginable, except that their administrators can manage satellites in a responsible way.
Satellite teams of other nations refuse to risk revealing their orbits by conducting similar activity. Other satellite teams use a rapidly focused signal or song to assist ESPA and aircraft reporters, even when satellite tracking aircraft are operating in an area. Unlike Chinese teams, satellite teams of other nations use their technology to inspire advertisers to buy commercials on radio stations, which Chinese satellite teams attack, as copies of this document create a massive number of online listeners for those stations. After online agents, who operates from above-ground facilities in foreign nations, post translations of this ESPA report on home computers, they can expect assistance from friendly satellite or aircraft teams: Otherwise Chinese satellite teams will attain their objectives. Satellite operators of every nation, except China, have detected and recruited eavesdroppers in their homes. Chinese satellite teams are escalating efforts to control, intimidate or trick illegal eavesdroppers and their coordinators into submission. Several years ago, China deployed electronic invaders into the USA via satellite. There is massive evidence that China plans to use satellites to control the world: but this plan is expensive and China will obtain funding from other nations, companies or individuals by committing electronic crimes against them. Long ago, Chinese satellite teams began to attack the author of this report to increase and expedite the revelation of concise financial information on important people in China, which allows the Chinese government an excuse to covertly seize their assets and then blame other governments for the thefts.
Oddly, some Chinese satellite administrators appear to want people to believe that activities of military, satellite and intelligence teams hinge on this report, which is ridiculous. Most readers have heard of "artificial intelligence." For lack of a better term, we will call this absurd Chinese strategy "artificial importance." In this illusion, Chinese satellite administrators attempt to cause people to believe they control every intelligence director, world leader and coordinator of illegal eavesdroppers, except me. Essentially, some Chinese satellite administrators plan to justify foolish decisions they made to attack me for over a decade, by making the same absurd choices, instead of simply moving on to truly important targets. In fact, Chinese satellites cannot afford to focus as many resources on anyone other than me and still complete more important missions. Some Chinese continue to focus ineffective attacks on me as a scare-tactic to reduce proliferation of ESPA volunteers. There is irrefutable evidence that high-ranking members of Chinese satellite intelligence will do everything in their power to create scare-tactics in this report. Each time Chinese satellite teams manipulated people around me to cause me to change my location, satellite, intelligence agency and aircraft teams made sure I was relocated into a much nicer dwelling. As compared to other super-powers, China regularly demonstrates an insecurity, which causes some of their satellite organizers to order activity around me that makes them appear, petty, perverse, disorganized and foolish. All Chinese satellite and online teams have noticed that these pathetic attacks cause me to retaliate by telling the truth about their strategies in a report, which began as an effort to assist satellite operators of every nation, including China. Years ago, a similar report offered strategies to assist satellite teams and other groups in recruiting illegal eavesdroppers in an effort to save lives and money. China's largest satellite agency rewarded me for this effort by doing everything possible to ruin my life. At that time, the excuse for the perverse attacks on me was construed as an attempt to intimidate satellite operators of other nations. Like most of my readers, highly-trained satellite operators are not easily intimidated.
At this time, illegal eavesdroppers are victimized by Chinese satellite operators and local power-brokers, who lead them to believe they are being hunted by FBI agents; so they reveal US Federal agents to other illegal eavesdroppers, which gets agents killed or impedes undercover investigations. Illegal eavesdroppers of all kinds have similar or worse problems, because they have illegal biological implants in their bodies that reveal their affiliations and plans to dangerous people who seek to manipulate them. Operators of all kinds of illegal gear have been documented assisting ESPA coordinators and some government agents. Politicians or doctors who have invested in or attempted to control illegal biological implants, eavesdropping or frequency attack gear are the primary targets of FBI investigations. What these power-brokers, who seek to manipulate illegal eavesdroppers with Directed Energy Weapons Systems (DEWS) installed in their homes, fail to realize is that specialized multi-agency investigating teams obtained FISA Warrants to monitor all kinds of eavesdropping, including business and home security systems. These teams monitor all kinds of legal and illegal communications gear to find power-brokers who terrorize or con illegal eavesdroppers. Ironically, small-time operators of illegal gear often reveal a US Federal agent that was about to arrest the very person who oppresses or terrorizes them. Most US Federal agents want assistance from illegal eavesdroppers. As more investigations focus on arresting people who place illegal biological implants in our bodies, FBI agents can expect more assistance from eavesdroppers. Intelligence agency and US Military aircraft teams must begin to communicate on open aircraft radio channels to relay information on the orbits of Chinese satellites and personal information on electronically astute crime-syndicate organizers.
Like everyone else, online agents have illegal biological implants in their bodies, which give away affiliations when they wash their hands in public restrooms or crumple crispy plastic, where illegal eavesdroppers are known to watch people. Chinese satellites and power-brokers manipulate criminals with medical degrees, who place illegal biological implants in our bodies during routine injections. Several groups, including Chinese satellite teams, disrupt medical equipment that might detect the implants. Often, recruited eavesdroppers use (WHISPEERS) gear to make these criminals widely known. Satellite and aircraft teams are already transferring information of non-compliant eavesdroppers and their organizers straight to the computers of FBI and Interpol offices. To attempt to overburden intelligence, aircraft and satellite teams of other nations, Chinese satellite administrators constantly causes the author of this report to change addresses, which exposes previously unidentified illegal eavesdroppers and their organizers to FBI agents.
Anonymous hactivist sometimes select music on computers when songs are allowed to play randomly at Pandora and I-Heart online radio to entertain recruited eavesdroppers, while disrupting a Chinese satellite code project. To say the least, radio music is unusual at established ESPA centers. Perhaps satellite teams of foreign nations choose songs at stations named in ESPA reports to disrupt a Chinese musical code project; but electronically astute criminals also take control of radio and television stations with illegal equipment. ESPA coordinators routinely ask recruited eavesdroppers in their homes to use talking gear, like running water to report variations in programming, when songs describe activities at these centers. Chinese satellite teams attempt to provoke all kinds of childish code competitions between intelligence agencies or satellite teams of other nations, with little or no success. Now that this report is reasonable, many newly recruited, eavesdropping readers will gain access to it; and, as usual, Chinese satellite teams will become overburdened with so many new targets, they will not be able to effectively manipulate media, or conduct attacks against anyone. As I edited this report Chinese satellite teams hacked a radio station to select a song on 99.9 FM The Fox from the Golden Triangle in Mississippi. Like the previously mentioned Clearchannel Radio station, nationally syndicated hosts at this Cumulus Broadcasting facility appear to realize that Chinese satellite teams are attempting to destroy their radio shows and affiliate stations. The song Chinese satellites selected was a silly attempt by top Chinese satellite administrator to somehow connect me with the NSA or CIA, which is absurd.
(20,618 posts)Whoa.
(62,444 posts)Apparently, the rogue Chinese satellite operators continuously try to put false information in his posts in order to discredit him.
Or something like that.
Or I might have heard that from the "talking water" which, I admit, was a fun thing to do.
(20,618 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)...the next time they come around, you should save his instructions for tuning your radio to certain frequencies on a given date, and I believe this will alert friendly satellite teams to make it stop.
It doesn't seem to work reliably for him, though, so there must be something he's not telling us.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)No one can argue that your posts aren't interesting
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Try switching preset FM radio music or talk show channels, based on your feelings at a given time; but please drive carefully and change channels while parked or at red lights. Some satellite teams are truly willing to take the time to put on a very interesting ESP-type show for certain people.
Did you read about India launching a rather large number of satellites geared toward amataeur radio operators, recently?
India launches ham radio satellites
Not long after 9/11/01 the standard FM radio signals in my vehicle and home became extremely unusual. For years, I dismissed the phenomenon as accidental coincidence.
Every year at 9/11, China puts on an obvious FM radio show on my receiver, or computer, for satellite teams or online agents of other nations to monitor.
China launched their first reported satellite in 1970. It played a song called The East is Red, on standard FM radios, as it orbited over the USA. As for Chinese radio shows, I enjoy hearing them, as much as they seem to enjoy broadcasting the signals, except on 9/11, a few years ago in Mississippi. They blocked the local Rock station at 99.9 FM and brought in a religious radio station in Huntsville, Alabama, hundreds of miles away. I only enjoy extremely old gospel music, instead of the religious crap the Huntsville radio station was broadcasting.
(62,444 posts)Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Rewrites are better than cluttering up a Democratic Underground forum with superfluous, implausible copy.
In fact, the Opening Post still needs a massive amount of editing. It has factual errors and has become far too long.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Your choice to copy and paste the initial report appear inspired!
(62,444 posts)Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Last edited Fri Mar 6, 2015, 05:05 PM - Edit history (25)
An attack satellite focused a relatively harmless frequency at a disc-jokey to inspire the song Don't do me like that as I began modifying a previous report on ways Chinese attack satellites disrupt Google.
Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency volunteers are protected by Multiple Energies Deflecting Undetectable Strategic Attacks (MEDUSA) Class Satellites; and China has not launched this type technology yet. However, China has launched a massive number of basic attack satellites, which can coordinate on a worldwide basis to manipulate numerous decision-makers. With multiple frequency projectors, which transmit, or relay, attack signals through several extremely complex, pivoting lenses, which rapidly spin, MEDUSA class attack satellites are able to vigorously attack several targets - or a single target - with devastating results. Even the most basic attack satellite has a lens within a lens. The outer frequency focusing mechanism consists of magnifying lenses, which resemble an insects' eye. The inner lens is more complex: It utilizes a series of prism-like seams and transparent overlays to deflect or refract energy. As a frequency projector is aimed along certain types of seams on an internal lens, the outer lens slowly pivots, or spins, on most attack satellites. When a frequency projector behind the lenses move along a seam, it allows a satellite to focus a constant attack at extremely mobile targets. Slight movements of an attack projector from a great distance has profound implications on ground targets; but if a solar-powered satellite is forced to rapidly readjust its attack, it uses too much energy and becomes ineffective. Still, by focusing at clear, angular joints in an attack lens, a satellite can refract energy at two or more targets simultaneously. Limitations of a standard attack satellite arise if the weapons system is used to focus its most potent frequency at a single target. While a basic attack satellite can deflect a nearly sub-audible frequency to induce ideas at a few people, or animals, it can only focus a pulsing frequency at another target, with reduced effects. It often requires the use of multiple basic attack satellites for these weapons platforms to have a truly devastating effect on human targets in an area. To amplify certain powerful, pulsing attack frequencies, an inner magnifying lens must be perfectly aligned with an outer lens with similar capabilities. While a basic attack satellite has only one set of lenses in front of a single frequency projector, a (MEDUSA class satellite utilizes up to four focusing mechanisms, in various configurations, with several frequency projectors inside each multiple lens array. To insure that an attack satellite is having the desired effect, every type of attack satellite is equipped with extremely sensitive sound detection gear.
Radio Frequency (RF) energy includes standard radio broadcasts, light and sound, with the primary difference between these energies being the frequency, which a broadcasting device uses to transmit the energy. Like light, semi-audible sound and other frequencies can be focused with laser-like precision at a target. In battlefield applications, focusing a signal at a specific radio or computer is mandatory: Otherwise enemies in the theater of operations intercept the signal and compensate for strategic directives delivered by a satellite to a military or intelligence coordinator. Human hearing falls into a range from about 20 HTZ to 20 MHZ and visible radiation (light) ranges between 400 THz to 700 THz. Like a satellites' ability to focus a signal at a single radio or computer in a combat scenario, these signals can be focused at human targets with predictable results. By focusing frequencies slightly below, or above, human hearing an attack satellite or extremely sophisticated intelligence agency aircraft can induce ideas or directives to human targets. Emotions can also be induced by these covert weapons platforms. Most people are familiar with AM (Amplitude Modulated) and FM (Frequency Modulated) radio broadcasts. By slightly varying amplitudes and frequencies, an attack satellite and specialized aircraft can induce a variety of feelings and emotions. Often these weapons platforms use audible sound to reinforce their messages, when they are projecting directives to unsophisticated human targets, like assassins. When governments launch an attack satellite it is reasonable for them to claim they launched a communications satellite.
Some specialized aircraft operators might argue; "Whatever an attack satellite can do I can do better, because I am closer to a target!"
Some readers of this new report are already working with Community Action Tactical Specialists. Other volunteers might like an acronym for people who do the same thing better: These operators can call themselves RAPTORS, which stands for Reporters Aquiring Protection by Organizing Reconnaissance Specialist. Since a morning show radio host, I enjoy listening to made a bad joke about "raptors," I created the acronym.
Did anyone notice the new Google illustration, which features a satellite?
(20,618 posts)Hope all is well with you, JG!
(62,444 posts)"Like everyone else, online agents have illegal biological implants in their bodies, which give away affiliations when they wash their hands in public restrooms or crumple crispy plastic, where illegal eavesdroppers are known to watch people."
I'll avoid the crispy plastic in the public restroom.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)I renamed it. Check Google and see if the name changed there. Originally it was named (DARPA) something or another. I like the title Earth-link Satellite Protection Agency better.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Last edited Thu Sep 1, 2016, 02:41 PM - Edit history (2)
I am also not working for any criminal who pays illegal eavesdroppers and lack authority to offer amnesty from prosecution; however, there are plenty of illegal eavesdroppers, who are paid by individuals or corporations with a political agenda. Many of these groups terrorize or attempt to intimidate the public, especially on election days. Logically, investigators will focus on these highly organized crime syndicates, instead of illegal eavesdroppers, who furnish detailed information on crimes they witness. I suspect the problem with illegal eavesdroppers is massive, international and growing. All that I am able to do is provide valid information, in an attempt to reveal and reduce the problem.
Any US Federal agent or police officer, who is being led to believe that they are receiving reliable intelligence from satellites of the United States Federal government - on US soil - is being tricked by foreign satellite operators; however, I will continue to attempt to persuade spy satellite teams of foreign nations, especially Russia and China, to reveal and destroy counterfeiters. Russia has even worse problems than other nations with counterfeit products and money. There is an indication that they are willing to work with some federal agents to reduce this problem, if satellite operators in the USA, England and France will reciprocate by revealing counterfeiters in Russia.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Last edited Sat Sep 3, 2016, 05:40 PM - Edit history (2)
Kidd Kraddick died under mysterious conditions. He was famous for personally paying for children, who were diagnosed with deadly desease, to go to Disneyland and a morning show that featured an interracial cast of stars, including an Afro American and Hispanic, along with several famale stars. At the end of every show, he would say, KEEP LOOKING UP, BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE ITS ALL COMING DOWN!
David Peter Cradick[2] (August 22, 1959 July 27, 2013) was an American radio host and television personality, known as Kidd Kraddick. His nationally syndicated morning radio show, The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show, is based in Irving, Texas, and aired throughout the U.S., syndicated by Kraddick's company, YEA Networks. He was also seen on the nationally syndicated Dish Nation television show weeknights around the United States.
Kraddick died on July 27, 2013, while attending an annual fundraiser for his charity, Kidd's Kids, at Timberlane Country Club in Gretna, Louisiana. Jefferson Parish Deputy Coroner Granville Morse (is Morse in Jefferson County code?) said heart disease was evident and that drug use and foul play were not suspected, according to his findings after a routine autopsy. Morse said Kraddick had an enlarged heart, which is a sign of high blood pressure. He also had three diseased vessels and one of his arteries had an 80 percent blockage. In early August 2013, Kraddick's cause of death was officially determined to be the result of arteriosclerotic and hypertensive cardiovascular disease, read a report released by the Jefferson Parish Coroner's Office. He was only 53 years old, when he died and obtained routine physicals every year. How did doctors - using cutting edge, medical computer technology - miss these symptoms?
Coincidentally, as I returned after the largest antiwar protest - sponsored by Code Pink - against the illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan by the Bush/ Cheney crime syndicate, my radio began picking up extremely distant signals on 101.7 FM, while I drove through numerous states, from Washington DC. When I returned to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, imagine my surprise when I discovered the names of the only two female on-air personalities, at Kidd Kaddick In the Morning, on B 101.7 FM, were the same first names of my daughters; Kelly and Taylor.
Current on-air personalities of The Kidd Kraddick In the Morning Show
José "JC" Chavez (July 10, 2006 Present)
Kellie Rasberry (May 31, 1994 Present)
Jenna Owens (November 2008 Present)
Big Al Mack (December 18, 1995 Present)
"Psycho" Shanon Murphy (1999 Present)
Elena Davies (March 15, 2015 Present)
Michael "Part-Time Justin" Chavez (October 2015 Present)
Former on-air personalities
Kidd Kraddick (October 1, 1992 - July 26, 2013)
Taylor Glover (August 28, 2006 - December 2007)
Tom Gribble (1995 - 1999)
Scott Robb
Rich Shertenlieb (???? - 2006)
Maria Todd (October 2006 - November 17, 2006)
Bert Weiss (1996 - 1998)
Jocelyn White
Troy Hughes (2000 - 2007)