Creative Speculation
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Last edited Sun Apr 26, 2015, 11:45 PM - Edit history (46)
Chinese sources claim their satellites can spy into "underground facilities" and new, stealth aircraft being tested at the Groom Lake Facility (aka "Area 51."
Unlike Chinese satellite teams or their online puppets, some Anonymous hactivist might respect Jeffersons Ghost, because long ago other writers at Democratic Underground and I battled with NSA online agents, alongside the founders of Anonymous hactivism. The NSA online agents I fought with have been promoted; and they can fire NSA agents working on this project, if they allow Chinese satellites or cyber criminals to destroy my online reports. At least one FBI agent that works online also protects these documents and my computer from cyber-attacks by typical online criminals, which greatly reduces the possibility of hackers altering my computer settings and three increasingly plausible online reports. Still, some aspects, especially an invitation to DHS, DEA, ATF, US Secret Service, BND, GCHQ and DGSE agents to monitor unusual activity on my computer, increases the number of professional witnesses, who are filing corroborating reports. It is important for readers to realize that long ago many of my online reports directly attacked the National Security Agency. While I conducted those attacks in print, my computer was repeatedly attacked by NSA impersonators and Chinese geek satellites. The obvious intent of these attacks was a coordinated effort to cause me to keep attacking the NSA in print. Several years ago, a real NSA/ CSS team made me aware that no NSA agent would attack a personal computer for simply exercising rights, guaranteed by the US Constitution, to criticize the US Federal Government.
Russia will not support or protect cyber-criminals or eavesdroppers at police or investigating facilities. In fact, Russian satellite teams are willing to kill these criminals. As per statements of President Putin, all Russian satellite teams, which orbit over Western and Mid-Eastern nations. in massive numbers, want to present their attitude on working with satellite, intelligence, investigating and police teams of several nations on common goals:
"Among the common interests Russia and US share, according to Putin, are non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, fighting organized crime and terrorism, tackling poverty and other pressing issues."
Mossad agents must realize Russia was required to honor a previous agreement, after sanctions on that nation were lifted. "The Russian president also refused to confirm that Russia decided not to supply similar systems to Syria at Israels request. Earlier this week, Putin said a deal with a certain Middle Eastern country for S-300s was canceled due to Israels concern the system would endanger all flights over its territory."
I said what I said. That is enough, I believe. Experts know what I am talking about, he explained.
Russia has the deadliest satellite teams in the world. Do[it] satellite teams of other nations want to prove us wrong in international competition?
Announcing several new international communications competitions!
By defending online activity of NSA agents and Anonymous hactivists, while posting reports that caused FBI agents to monitor my computer, I radically reduced the possibility of cyber-attacks by NSA impersonators: However, various alterations to computer settings and online disruptions persisted, which left only one logical suspect; Chinese satellite teams. Long ago, I was forced by various external sources to make a choice, after discovering I could not fight Chinese satellite teams and the US Department of Defense simultaneously. I decided to stop fighting US Federal agents, who all took an oath to protect my right to criticize their online activity. After battling with the NSA online for well over a decade, I can assure readers that computer disruptions are not a reasonable strategy; and NSA agents are far more effective at designing internet strategies than Chinese satellite teams are. Still, after seeking and reviewing countless online news articles, I noticed while criticisms of the National Security Agency, The Central Intelligence Agency, BND and Russia remain conspicuous - criticisms of China and their president - vanish, or are changed. On 4/26/15 a massive amount of evidence suggested that Chinese satellite and intelligence teams were directly attacking a BND facility in Germany, while attempting to discredit the agency and their valid reports. On 4/25/15 an increasing evidence began to indicate Chinese satellite and intelligence teams were attacking U.S. and German computer systems of large corporations, media facilities, online agents, military personnel and volunteers in an ever-growing network of volunteers (WHISPEERS) operators. China apparently planned to blame BND agents of Germany for an electronic invasion of the USA. There is increasing evidence that Chinese satellite and intelligence teams are manipulating media all over the world. Here is an article criticizing German intelligence agents of BND for working with NSA agents to reduce international organized crime:
Comments in English that praise Chinese spy satellites are what makes this news article interesting. No one praised NSA and GCHQ agents when they were ordered to gather intelligence on citizens of the United States and Great Britain; but it's perfectly okay for Chinese satellites and online agents to radically alter or hide online news articles, while they spy on us in our bedrooms through the roof to verify pathetically outdated attempts to create code by manipulating unsuspecting citizens, military personnel and intelligence agents; but US Government "underground facilities" are FAR more secure than above-ground offices and homes are. While organizers of other Chinese satellite agencies realize destroying the economies of important trading partners is detrimental to China, at least one Chinese satellite agency appears to be managed by traitors willing to destroy any ally. Other Chinese satellite agencies are attempting to present an image in these reports that they intend to join an international effort to reduce organized crime and corruption on a worldwide basis. Even in one of the most heavily controlled internet in the world, cyber-crime is rampant in China. Illegal eavesdropping also remains a growing problem for Chinese investigators. On 1/13/14 there was an obvious indication that additional copy to this paragraph was inspired by Chinese satellite teams, which can see me typing through heavy cloud cover and a thick roof. These Chinese satellite teams realize intelligence and investigating agents of several nations are monitoring this report and others in a rapidly growing network of reformed illegal eavesdroppers. Do these agents think every Chinese satellite agency took part in creating reports, which make China look petty and foolish? One way China is attempting to reduce crime is by disclosing information that indicates satellites and specialized aircraft have amazing powers of observation. These real-time images of criminal activity in all above-ground facilities is simply an updated version of infra-red camera technology.
Electronic terrorist are still installing or using a variety of portable, illegal Directed Energy Weapons Systems, which were made in China. Chinese satellite teams or electronic invaders can actually take total control over many of these deadly weapons systems. Then, Chinese operators can use the weapons systems to kill friends of loved ones of the criminals who finance, install or use illegal gear, to intimidate them into installing more dangerous equipment. Very few people fully understand the potential dangers of electronic gear they intended to use to attack or intimidate other people. At this time, many of the people involved in importing or installing frequency attack gear have been targeted in an electronic cross-fire, which included Chinese satellites: Some of these criminals are still alive. In an increasing number of cases, Chinese satellite teams are using focused satellite attack frequencies on people, while blaming small-time operators of low-powered, unlicensed, communications gear for the vicious attacks. When eavesdroppers see criminals installing illegal gear, they must report the crimes to authorities immediately, or soon equipment like FBI agents arrested these terrorist for attempting to install will be in the homes of illegal eavesdroppers and their financiers:
To overburden and force Chinese satellites to attack other targets, when people realize they are being manipulated or attacked by satellites or illegal eavesdroppers in their homes, they can change their locations by going out to tell eavesdropper where to find these reports. Even slight changes in our daily, work routines, transportation routes and recreational habits force Chinese satellites to either abandon attacks on us or abort attacks on more important human or communications targets. Imagine a series of complex lenses that project idea-inducing or emotion producing frequencies being forced to acquire new human targets as Chinese satellite teams abandon multiple, planned targets. Satellites orbit overhead rapidly. By forcing them to alter primary targets, in an attempt to trick newly recruited illegal eavesdroppers, we can utterly destroy overall Chinese strategies: Here are two examples of lenses, which deflect one beam of RF energy into two focused frequencies:
All readers should realize attack satellite lenses are more complex than these simple illustrations and probably utilize finely honed mirrors in their attack projectors. From great distances, like Low Earth Orbits, slightly tilting or spinning the attack lens can radically alter the targets of attacks; however, solar-powered satellites move attack projectors slowly, which prevents them from maintaining attacks on previously assigned targets, after we begin to move around in workplaces or travel in unpredictable ways. If we move around, while creating new targets, by recruiting illegal eavesdroppers, we will reach our goal of converting these isolated criminals into Community Action Tactical Specialist (CATS) teams. To prevent Chinese satellites from attacking their computers or them, these eavesdroppers must recruit other eavesdroppers into a network of volunteers, who are willing to not only report crimes, but also keep journals for intelligence agency aircraft and online agents to review, even if they are afraid to call police and federal investigators initially. On 1/18/15 I observed an unusually large number of aircraft flying extremely low, over New Mexico, which were obviously not civilian aircraft. These journals will provide detailed information on smugglers, kidnappers, cyber-criminals and people involved in electronic terrorism of any kind. Eventually, all journals will include the dates and times eavesdroppers made anonymous reports to local police with untraceable, pre-paid cell-phones. After they read these four documents, instead of working with powerful criminals that terrorize operators of illegal gear, many of these victims are willing to use pre-paid cell phones to anonymously report crimes they witness through illegal eavesdropping to local police and federal investigators.
Instead of risking being arrested Anonymous hackers might want to have some fun in North Korea, if I can persuade various satellite teams into safely deploying them in and out of that oppressive section of internet. It's a bit riskier; but there is a report that Anonymous hactivist are destroying or hiding online news articles, which endorse China and their president. In a lengthy companion document I am working on a tribute to Barnaby Jack and Anonymous hactivist, which is titled "Announcing several new international communications competitions." January is the anniversary of highly questionable coroner findings about the death of Barnaby Jack. The coroner report was not released until his body was so badly decomposed, the questionable report was difficult to refute.
For many illegal eavesdroppers, here is a link to amnesty from prosecution by FBI agents that work online.
Here is more specific information on Chinese attack satellite strategies, limitations and capabilities:
Here is a link to a longer report, where a section is dedicated to Anonymous hactivist:
Here is another interesting link
For years Xi Jinping has realized specific financial information was being revealed by several sources on the most important people in China. Online activities, which were corroborated by reports of intelligence and investigating agents of several nations indicate he will do everything possible to escalate the worldwide revelation of financial information on important people in China. Of course, military base commanders, online intelligence and investigating agents realize all Chinese satellite teams are a problem. While this document might appear implausible, reports of investigating agents, who work in facilities, which are monitored by Chinese satellite teams, will indicate the computer where this document is edited was obviously being disrupted by a Chinese satellite team. No hacker, aircraft or satellite team, including teams of other Chinese satellite agencies, would risk a variety of retaliatory cyber-attacks, which certain intelligence teams are known to deploy through computers of volunteers participating in an ongoing international communications project.
To protect themselves and new recruits everyone should copy and paste ALL newly re-written reports on their computers as camouflage to blend in with online and street Widely Heard Inspirational Sound Producers Emitting Eardrum Reverberating Semi-audibly WHISPEERS agents, immediately.

(62,444 posts)
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Last edited Sun May 24, 2015, 08:12 PM - Edit history (25)
Whether readers believe it or not, like the USA, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, India, Russia and other nations are under various types of attacks by China for the same reason. China wants to cause these nations to adopt an expensive, adversarial attitude toward each other, which will facilitate Xi Jinping's goal of creating worldwide economic collapse. His satellite teams induce media producers or unlicensed communications gear operators to falsely accuse numerous intelligence agencies, aircraft teams, satellite agencies, or Anonymous hactivist of inappropriate activity, these groups took no part in conducting. In China, he is escalating the execution of people, who are not willing to treat him like a god. Of course, after he has these wealthy Chinese citizens arrested, he seizes all their assets, leaving their families in poverty. Like other online articles I present, copy in this report virtually eliminates Russia as a potential adversary. Several online articles mention "journalist," of any kind, can become targets of Chinese cyber attacks. Readers must realize the Great Firewall has cyber-fire on both side of the wall. The easiest way for a hacker working for the People's Republic of China to covertly cross into Western Nations and Russia is via satellite. Many Western nations, including the USA, forced Russia to unify more closely with China. After trade sanctions were imposed against Russia, President Putin had two choices: Either sell massive amounts of gasoline to China at ridiculously low prices or sink further into bankruptcy.
Russia will not support or protect cyber-criminals or eavesdroppers at police or investigating facilities. In fact, Russian satellite teams are willing to kill these criminals. As per statements of President Putin, all Russian satellite teams, which orbit over Western and Mid-Eastern nations. in massive numbers, want to present their attitude on working with satellite, intelligence, investigating and police teams of several nations on common goals:
"Among the common interests Russia and US share, according to Putin, are non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, fighting organized crime and terrorism, tackling poverty and other pressing issues."
Mossad agents must realize Russia was required to honor a previous agreement, after sanctions on that nation were lifted. "The Russian president also refused to confirm that Russia decided not to supply similar systems to Syria at Israels request. Earlier this week, Putin said a deal with a certain Middle Eastern country for S-300s was canceled due to Israels concern the system would endanger all flights over its territory."
I said what I said. That is enough, I believe. Experts know what I am talking about, he explained.
Russia has the deadliest satellite teams in the world. Do[it] satellite teams of other nations want to prove us wrong in international competition?
Announcing several new international communications competitions!
Like President Putin, in a 5/7/15 news report, Prime Minister Nitanyahu clearly showed he has reliable intelligence from online Mossad agents, as he again used THAT code.
As the president has emphasized, the United States places great importance on our close military, intelligence, and security cooperation with Israel, which reflects the deep and abiding partnership between both countries.
Netanyahu subsequently said he meant that he did not believe that the region was ready for a two-state solution, adding that he continued to favor it.
On 5/4/15, as Chinese satellite teams obviously manipulated several news reporters in Germany, inducing them to cause problems for Chancellor Merkel; I wonder which BND agent taught her to talk code like "THAT." After World War Two Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) was formed with funding from the Central Intelligence Agency at about the same time the National Security Agency came into existence. Most BND agents continue to work seamlessly with these friendly intelligence agencies and others to gather reliable intelligence for Chancellor Merkel to allow her to reduce cyber-crime in Germany. Her recent comments should make important people in intelligence of several nations realize she is partially aware of the problems caused by Xi Jinping and his satellites; but like other world leaders she will not make direct accusations against Chinese satellite teams, which are managed by "clowns" that scare fewer people every day.
Merkel's interviewers wanted to know exactly what data had been targeted in Germany. Reports had been making the rounds, they reminded her, of "economic espionage." Merkel sat quietly. "So, on that," she said, "the German interior minister was clearly told that there is no industrial espionage against German companies."
This news article calls Russia:
Russia is an irreplaceable strategic partner on the international stage, according to an editorial today in the Global Times, a Beijing-based daily affiliated with the Communist Party. China must take a proactive attitude in helping Russia walk out of the current crisis.
Still, Chinas help for Russia will be limited, the editorial said. While China can offer capital, technical and market support, it cant address Russias economic structure and excessive reliance on energy exports, the editorial said.
China signed a three-decade, $400 billion deal to buy Russian gas earlier this year. Oil imports from Russia hit an all-time high in November, according to Chinas General Administration of Customs.
How much did a gallon of gasoline cost in your city during November, 2015? It was under $1.84 per gallon in some places in New Mexico in November. Crude oil is obviously at an all-time low. Russia is in a bind and must sell oil somewhere. While few people realize it Russia produces a great amount of crude oil.
If China will double-cross Russia and make numerous cyber-attacks on the USA, their largest trading partner, the Xi Jinping government will double-cross anyone.
WASHINGTON In the Obama administrations most direct confrontation with China over its theft of corporate secrets, the Justice Department on Monday unsealed an indictment of five members of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and charged them with hacking into the networks of Westinghouse Electric, the United States Steel Corporation and other companies.
In what the Chinese suggested would be only the first step in its response to the Obama administrations action, it cut off dealing with a joint United States-China working group on cyberattacks that the administration has until now said was evidence that the two countries were trying to resolve their differences.
NSA: Car failed to stop before police opened fire
The NSA released a statement Monday afternoon saying the driver of the sport utility vehicle, Hall, disobeyed instructions from an NSA police officer and failed to stop shortly before 9 a.m. Authorities deployed barriers at the gate as the SUV accelerated toward an NSA police vehicle blocking the road.
Leonard said she saw Hall about 12 hours before the incident at the NSA.
"It's overwhelming to me. It's an eye-opener, first of all, because that could have been anybody being in a situation like that, not to say that just anybody would steal a car, but we could be in a bad situation and not in a good head-space," Leonard said. "I'm sure that they didn't leave their house knowing that they wouldn't come home that day or that that would be the end."
Immediately, after I entered this news report on the attack at NSA headquarters, my radio began playing "Dude looks like a lady." Information in the news article clarifies a song selected on 103.3 "Ed FM" in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where all songs are randomly selected by a computer. A subsequent song mentioned "China." This station regularly responds, as I change copy in my online reports to indicate superior observation abilities of modern satellites. Only Chinese satellite teams would directly monitor or attempt to impair these online reports. Russian satellite teams realize Virus Inventors Protecting Electronic Reconnaissance Systems VIPERS is a realistic threat; so let's not use VIPERS disable my satellite disk jockeys playing "star-light" right now. Satellite teams of several nation, including black-ops US agencies select music at this station. No one wants this station to be able relay musical code to coordinate cyber-attacks by Chinese satellites against online agents and corporate interests in several nations.
Here is a revision of an Opening Post, where Chinese satellite teams altered copy in the report during editing and attempted to make it look like NSA agents altered the report, which is a violation of US Federal laws:
On 4/26/15 there was a repeated indication that online agents monitoring the computer of an operative, who files this report were being manipulated by Chinese satellite teams simultaneously, as they disregarded logical advice typed to them. It is as if these agents are attempting to show each other overt Chinese satellite attacks are continuously occur on my computer, although any one of these agents could easily offset Chinese satellite attacks; however, a new Interpol or FBI online agent might be monitoring the computer. As these agents work seamlessly with other online agents, they must realize new additions on 5/7/15 were intended to corroborate BND reports. I can assure all online agents, who are monitoring my computer that satellite teams of several nations already know exactly who and where they are operating. Deadly Russian satellite teams gave several obvious signs that Russia remains committed to reducing organized crime - including cyber-crime - on a worldwide basis. My experience with satellite teams of several nations is extensive. Years ago, before Chinese satellite teams began disrupting my radio reception, they brought in radio stations from hundreds of miles away. These online agents can buy Tarot decks and satellite teams will prove to these agents spy satellites have extraordinary observation ability, while they overburden Chinese satellite teams. In most cases, friendly satellite teams lack the time to put on these shows. Certain types of aircraft might also enjoy showing off their observation skills with these Tarot decks.
On 4/25/15 Chinese satellite teams obviously disrupted a remote broadcast from a local radio station and then attacked a disc-jokey with a focused frequency, before totally jamming the music on my standard FM receiver, several times, for no apparent reason. By 4/27/15 the same radio station had their entire computer system shut down, according to numerous comments by disc-jockeys, in an effort to make it appear I am a truly important target. China does not want people to post anti-Chinese commentary online, which is a primary reason that terrorist government is attempting this intimidation tactic. In the past, after their satellite or intelligence teams conduct these types of attacks, the Chinese government shuts down telecommunications or internet in sections of China, before blaming NSA or GCHQ agents for retaliatory attacks. This strategy gives Chinese satellite and intelligence teams an excuse to expand cyber-attacks in the USA and Great Britain. I have encountered this passive/ aggressive school-girl activity by Chinese satellite operators several times over the past few years. They act like children, who are not getting enough attention. On my telephone, they are causing numerous insurance companies to call me, because someone named "Jessica" put my cell-phone number online to request information on buying insurance. In high-school, after I dumped certain vindictive girl-friends, they conducted similar activity. China, as a whole, exhibits an inherent weakness to constantly prove they are powerful and dangerous, which makes their satellite teams extremely easy to manipulate.
It is important for readers to realize that nothing was posted online by me, which condemned Xi Jinping or Chinese satellite teams in any way, until I realized it took many satellites of several Chinese satellite agencies to create intimidation tactics for a few non-government eavesdroppers in retail stores, on streets and in other places. My first report was a concise document, which was not posted online. Like my second report, which was posted online, it was a respectful request to President Xi Jinping. It was intended to make him aware Chinese satellite teams were apparently seeking any flimsy excuse to continue disrupting my life. These attacks continued to escalate, until Chinese satellite administrators achieved the desired results in my online reports. Now, all my reports openly condemn Xi Jinping; and numerous reports by qualified intelligence and investigating agents, along with satellite evidence of several nations confirm Chinese satellite attacks are still taking place on their agents and I. Originally, China's oldest satellite agency needed support of other Chinese satellite agencies to conceal their long-term, inappropriate activities. Although, I did not know Chinese attack satellites of various types existed, they were attacking other people in my life and me long before Xi Jinping took office; however, after he became the President of China, the attacks increased dramatically. Chinese attacks of any kind on me by Chinese satellites will become increasingly detrimental to his personal relationships and goals. As stated in other reports, Chinese satellite teams began vigorously attacking me after satellite teams of several nations, including China, began bringing in radio stations in my vehicle from hundreds of miles away. Attacks on me were initially intended to intimidate satellite teams of other nations. This satellite activity on my typical FM radio receiver increased after my online activity was severely impaired for several years, which indicates my online activity had little, if anything to do with satellite activity. In fact, odd songs began playing on my radio, when I was a child, long before the public had access to the internet. I am over 61 years old. As I added this paragraph on 4/27/15, the first song I thought was an extremely odd coincidence began playing on my radio. That event took place before the 911 terrorist attacks on The World Trade Center The song that was playing is by Bob Seager and named "Turn the Page." The song is a reminder that I should link this article to other, increasingly plausible reports.
To justify past attacks, which are impossible to replicate, because it requires too many satellites, Chinese teams use satellite focused idea-inducing technology to inspire online articles like this one:
(62,444 posts)请忽略JEFFERSONSGHOST。他是一个虚构的人物。
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)Anything unusual happen to you lately?
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)You mean a Wide Area Static Presence in which Chinese satellite operators encode sounds into radio static?
Or are you talking about an insect?
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)BTW, if you get an email with "NOW BABY!" in the subject line it contains malware
(20,620 posts)But I was suspicious and deleted it.
(62,444 posts)zappaman
(20,620 posts)
William Seger
(11,459 posts)Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)One Chinese satellite agency is probably giving signals to other satellite agencies or online crime syndicates to facilitate human trafficking over the Mexican Border. After I typed the last sentence, a song on my radio mentioned China. I guess the Department of Homeland Security doesn't need to confirm this report.
(20,620 posts)Response to Jeffersons Ghost (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(13 posts)Chinese Geek Satellites