Related: About this forumO/T: When the HOA prohibits you from flying a rainbow flag, do something more fabulous !!
Hat tip, poster Uncle Marks Pimped Out Ride at Joe.My.God.
O/T: When the HOA prohibits you from flying a rainbow flag, do something more fabulous !!
4 days ago
Due to some neighbors flying BLM flags, Thin blue line flags, and other opinion flags, our HOA decided last month that were only allowed to fly the USA flag, and nothing else. They day after the decision, we receive an email that someone reported our Pride flag (that we had in our house since 2016), and that we needed to take it down. We complied and removed the flag. Looking through our new rules, we noticed that removable lights are permitted without restriction so... we bought 6 colored flood lights, and we washed our house in pride colors. A little less subtle than our simple flag. A lot more fun for anyone complaining about the flag itself and what it represents. If youre interested, heres the house now:

(6,988 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,158 posts)i wonder if that also applies to the flags of the former guy as well. i do love the light idea though. cant ban that .
(26,366 posts)The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)My community controls the cutting of trees.
I cannot build anything or cut the trees down within 100 feet of my stream. They have taken control of that land.
Dictates architecture for some homes and businesses.
Will not allow campers in front or side yards.
Want to put a new roof on get a permit.
Heater get a permit.
The zoning is so strict that putting up any building needs special exceptions. Which they charge "fees in lieu of". A completely arbitrary system that has no rules or fee schedule. The supervisors just make it up as they go and pick a number out of thin air.
Zoning in southeastern Pa is out of control.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... on your list is onerous.
Building codes are your friend. For obvious reasons.
Free ranging supervisors are a problem, but they answer to an electable official, so you do have recourse.
Want this parked across the street?
(587 posts)LIving in the city, I've had worse than that. It just comes with the territory. I don't have a picture of it, but there's frequently an even bigger RV than that with a giant skull mounted on the top of it parked on my block.
I figure that you have to take the good with the bad when you don't have a ton of regulations.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... to move into that neighborhood, which is more likely to be where I'm living with a large garden, but quite another if it moves in on you.
HOAs are all about preventing that from moving in on you.
The flag thing is fucking ridiculous. Those rules can be changed. Join the HOA and run for office.
(587 posts)I don't see myself ever moving into a neighborhood with one.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)I own 16 acres and I am not allowed to build homes for my children on the property!!! I have an 1100 foot driveway and zoning requires me to build a street to build more homes. Of course there are private driveways with multiple homes all over this community.
When it is time I will sell the property to the first developer who will build a street and a whole bunch of houses. The property is right next to a wooded public park and I know they want my property for open space. They won't get it.
This is America and the amount of control zoning pushes on us is sick. The thing about freedom is everybody gets to have it. The idea of house here, industry here and commercial over there is a good idea. However the idea has been perverted. I used to be involved in local zoning. I got out because of the blatant favoritism and stupid controlling laws that were being passed. It will get worse until Americans say enough and push back. It surprises me how many republicans are so deeply involved with zoning.
What you are saying is that it is ok for communities in freedom loving America to control Architecture. I strongly disagree with that. Some communities dictate what color you paint and how high your grass is. You can't plant wild flowers because they are weeds.
Should the farmer get a permit to harvest their crops? Pa. and every state pass laws at the state level to stop communities from passing restrictive laws controlling farmers. They are called right to farm laws. My trees are not community property and if the community wants to control them they should pay for the maintenance of the trees.
You can park whatever you want across the street. I live in the middle of 16 acres and I did that for a reason. What you think is ugly is another persons treasure. That is freedom.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)... a street for the FD to bring their truck down, fire hydrants? Wouldn't you'd like to be sure the house you move into is safe, that towns are doing planning in advance for fire and life safety, don't you like to know that the buildings around yours are safe and have a certificate of occupancy, that your neighbor is crowding renters into his basement, or installing a car crusher in the backyard, that he doesn't install it smack on the property line?
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)You point out some good things about zoning. That does not mean it is all good and it does not mean we should not protest the bad.
Community control of architecture is just plain wrong. That is a huge freedom issue.
Making me get a permit to cut MY trees is just plain wrong.
Telling me where I can park my camper is wrong.
Fees in Lieu Of is a flat out corrupt system. It is theft. It is a back door tax. My local hospital was forced to fix roads that are off site before they were given a building permit for an addition. That is corrupt.
The fire trucks can come down my driveway. I do not need a full paved road with sidewalks on both sides for two homes. That is what the zoning requires. So instead of two homes the community will get 10 or more and another road to maintain.
Building codes are not zoning.
I stated that the original idea of planning a community was a good idea. House here, industry over there etc. The thing is like always when governments get an inch they take a mile.
Zoning is just as bad as HOAs.
About 57 percent of Pennsylvania townships and boroughs have a municipal zoning ordinance. If it is so critical how do these other communities operate. They seem to be doing just fine.
(1,124 posts)I agree on zoning for safe construction I live in the NYC watershed what you can and cannot do is controlled for the watershed that is fine for obvious environmental reasons. What neighbors do with their yard after that is none of my business.
(17,634 posts)They just need to change the rules in a way that won't ban all lights. They can ban multi colored lights, though that would impact holiday decorations.
Or they could simply ban any lighting meant to convey a political message.
Unfortunately they will find a way.
(6,675 posts)I would work to find a way if I were them. We don't have an HOA but our kids do. They hate it.
(3,801 posts)Im sure you are correct about the clothes - but perhaps not the car. Some neighborhoods around here actually restrict what type of vehicle you can have, unless it is kept in a closed garage. And they have restrictions about signage / messages / decorations / etc on vehicles.
(11,897 posts)The restrictions are quite surprising, at times, though. Sometimes, the rulings are very understandable - a super-rich family had two proposed "improvements" denied while they were building their new home - a helipad and an electrified fence. Who wouldn't be in favour of not having those in your neighbourhood?
But some of the others are quite objectionable, at least to me. Want to paint your house? There is an approved, very limited colour palette from which to choose. Need a new roof? It MUST be cedar shakes, despite how poor the quality is now, compared to when they were cut from old growth trees. Expensive as hell, too.
Also, no clotheslines, no boats, no RVs. If you want to sell your home, the realtor's sign has to conform to the colour palette, as well.
This is an area of very chi-chi single-family homes, where the floor of the market is at least $2 million.
(5,358 posts)LittleGirl
(8,593 posts)murielm99
(31,744 posts)titanicdave
(430 posts).....Let them try to turn out the lights ......great response to the HOA!!!
(10,787 posts)and the election of Donald John Trump.
Just cause no ones done it yet, doesnt mean it isnt correct lol.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)Wild blueberry
(7,475 posts)And it's beautiful.
George II
(67,782 posts)
(13,776 posts)I was so proud of our president!!
Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)GoneOffShore
(17,735 posts)Our co-propriete (basically a condo) allows plants on the balconies. That's it.
No flags, no barbecue grills, no laundry, and the awnings all have to be the same colour.
(24,906 posts)also prohibits Trump flags, so there is that.
(8,251 posts)Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)So gay looking!
As in, happy, whimsical, fun. 😂😂🌈
(6,326 posts)... a court challenge on first amendment. Basically because the flags mention all have significant political relevance. I don't think you alienate your free speech rights through an hoa contract.
11 Bravo
(24,088 posts)
question everything
(49,740 posts)Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)But if it says house paint theres a loophole.
(7,400 posts)Hellish Orwellian Assholes.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
(4,755 posts)Thanks for following HOA guidelines.
House of Roberts
(5,892 posts)They could be backlit from inside to really be visible from the street.