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Duncan Grant
(8,632 posts)Duncan Grant
(8,632 posts)Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)It is important to remember our history and those who came before us and paved our way.
Duncan Grant
(8,632 posts)This small, forgettable thread should include a mention of Randy Shilts and his book, Conduct Unbecoming.
One of the stories included tells how the Navy tried to scapegoat the turret explosion on the USS Iowa (4/19/89) on a homosexual affair gone wrong. This was the Navys first explanation of the disaster killing 47 sailors. The Navy investigators even coerced a sailor into lying about inappropriate gay sexual advances (and more) to bolster their own homophobic deceptions. And - it was a media frenzy. It played into every right-wing republican gay hate narrative out there - from Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Focus on the Family type groups, and on and on. The news cycle was a lot longer in those days.
Anyway, it was Veterans Day. Matlovich definitely deserves a mention here from time to time (as do many others).