Related: About this forumSometimes, I hate people.
So, I am the faculty advisor for our college's Pride (LGBT+) group. We've been meeting through Zoom, and we were having a great time. People were opening up about their experiences and thoughts....
And then a Zoom bomber. Although I was able to get them out quickly, it still was upsetting. They used a name that a former Pride person used, so I didn't see them as a threat until they looped the N-word. I reported them to Zoom, and I hope things get better.
They didn't even use the right slur...

(29,941 posts)DBoon
(23,579 posts)PJMcK
(23,362 posts)People can be insensitive, thoughtless, stupid and unkind.
They can also be bigoted assholes.
Put it behind, you, Piasladic. Enjoy your weekend!
(1,166 posts)I'm going to get some takeaway so that I can finally have something that someone else cooked. So there!
(23,946 posts)ability to communicate after death, affect the physical world, escape the body for remote viewing, has a spiritual component which accounts for its ability to transcend the physical. That is soul. Soul can counterbalance the brain's focus on self, ego. The sort of person you encountered has a tiny soul, so ego indulges in one of its favorite ploys, putting others down so ego feels more important. Reason tells us that digging holes for others doesn't actually reduce their size, but ego ignores reason. Trump has next to no soul influence. People who want to intimidate with guns are ego driven. Anti maskers who try to control maskers, ego driven. Spouting QAnon absurdities gives some an audience, so they're special. You won't find liberals, who want justice and equality for others, among the tiny souls. But depriving others of easy voting access controls them. Ego is just about the worst thing to be dominated by.
(14,719 posts)I didnt know Zoom Bombing was a thing... that is really low.
Hope the kids weren't too upset. My daughter was heavily involved with her school's ALLY club, and even did a leadership weekend at a university with kids from all over the was such a healthy and loving space for her...