Women's Rights & Issues
Related: About this forum'Girls say they hate their vaginas'
http://www.bbc.com/news/av/health-40461636/girls-say-they-hate-their-vaginasFrom the article:
Girls as young as nine are seeking surgery on their vagina because they are distressed by its appearance, the Victoria Derbyshire show has been told.

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,559 posts)Loki Liesmith
(4,602 posts)Function sometimes trumps form.
(26,332 posts)...as interested in looking at penises as men were in looking at breasts. I demurred a bit, and said "Probably not," feeling he was a tad on the young side for your well made point about function versus form.
(50,579 posts)marylandblue
(12,344 posts)Whenever the opportunity arises, I am not interested creating problems that would ruin the mood.
(43,049 posts)3catwoman3
(26,332 posts)...INTERNAL structure. You can not see it unless you are using a speculum.
The idea of labioplasty for cosmetic reasons is horrifying.
(24,259 posts)Either way that young girls feel this way is horrifying to me. There's not a darn thing wrong with any part of them but someone (society, peers, etc) is making them feel like there is.
(24,259 posts)Children that parts of their, or other's bodies, are 'ugly'? How about teaching them that different isn't ugly? How about acceptance and even wonder instead of condemnation?
These young girls feeling like they need to be 'fixed' when they're not broken reflects poorly on society in general IMO.
(26,332 posts)...terminology, unless several people are in possession of a single, mutual vagina, it should read "their vaginas."
(11,862 posts)Then they started down the female body to breasts, and then fannies, now vaginas??? Is there any part of the female body that is not available to be surgically interrupted?
(27,431 posts)Are this girls pulling out mirrors and looking down there?
And what in the world are the parents and the doctors communicating to them that seems to normalize this?